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Milk Rash In Puppies?


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Has anyone heard of "milk rash" in puppies? I have 1 week old Whippet puppies, only 2 in a litter and they have scabby, purulant lesions on them. They will be taken to the vet but another breeder told me it is milk rash, their hair falls out and it just has to run its course?! Ive never heard of it?

Sounds like a Staph or Strep infection to me, i cant see how mums milk can give them a rash? :confused:

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'Milk Rash' sounds a very old name ..and was possibly used waaay back, to describe this problem in puppies who were still nursing off the dam?

It's also a term they use for human babies when they get to about 6 weeks and get all "pimply". It's common and not of any consequence, although it didn't happen to any of my three.

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That's what I thought, similar to a puppy pyoderma (which is common but usually after 6wks). That's just a staph infection. Pretty unusual in 1 week old pups though?

The pustules etc sounds likepyoderma to me ..and hopefully the vet can supply the correct AB's to fix 'em up quickly :)

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After my saga with my bald puppy, I would just demand oral antibiotics from the vet, especially if they didn't know what is wrong. From the sound of it, if they're not caused by bacteria at the moment, there is a very real possibility of bacteria getting in and making it worse.

Very much hope the vet can tell you exactly what it is. As persephone said, sounds like an 'old name' / 'old wives tale' type of diagnosis with 'milk rash'.

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Yes they have seen 2 vets and had the opinion from one other, all preferred not to use antibiotics and recomended bathing in chlorhexidine and betadine and treating it locally rather than systemically.

If they are still no better after the weekend, then i will strongly recommend they get oral antibiotics.

ETA I dont have mum and the pups here with me. After losing most of our property to fire last year, Scarlett was my one remaining Whippet and she had to stay in QLD with a friend and fellow exhibitor while we rebuilt and repaired. Scarlett is the one with the pups, so ill find out how they are doing on Monday.

This skin thing is making me very edgy, ive never seen it before and since it has been over a year since ive had my Whippets, i am desperate for Scarlett and these babies to be OK. I want a Whippy on my sofa again! :D

Have the pups been to the vet yet? What was the outcome?


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The one and only Puppy My Dobe had got "puppy pimples" spots on her muzzle and tummy, came up like a pimple then ruptured, dried up, scab fell off, all good. She was fine otherwise. It ran it's course and she never had anything for it. There was some scarring with a few white hairs that stayed as she matured.

I always worry about, I think it's called Juvenile cellulitis??? geez can't remember what it is!!!! That is far more serious but Abby turned out fine :)

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