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Home Avail For Quiet Staffy, Sth Coast Nsw

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I had a lady ask me today if I knew of anyone in rescue with a nice staffy in need of a home. They are a nice couple in I'd guess their 60s??, they have another small dog already(maltese). They have a bit of land I believe as she was talking about how the neighbourhood kids jump the fences and nick fruit from their orchard LOL. So basically they are hunting for a small dog friendly staffy who is relatively calm and happy to go for walks with them, be inside during the day but will probably sleep outside at night. They have 4ft gates so needs to not be a fence jumper.

Anyone have anything that might suit?

Edited by kelpiecuddles
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Any reason why the dog would sleep outside at night? Does the Malt sleep outside?

Staffies generally prefer to be with their families from what I know of them. They'd feel the cold with their short coats too.

I know of one very gentle Staffy living with a Pom - my friend is fostering - but it is an old dog and in the far north of NSW. She sleeps on my friend's bed ..

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Not sure Dogmad, I suspect they could be convinced to let the dog sleep inside though. I think the malt was also a rescue and was used to sleeping on the bed, etc and they don't like this and the little malt is quite persistent about itand it has caused them some hassles(it has seperation anxiety issues and will tear the place apart if they leave it alone inside). I suspect they are just pushing for the complete opposite so they don't feel they have to have the dog on the bed but could be convinced to have it sleep in the laundry or garage or similiar if that's what the dog was used to.

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I think that due to their fencing situation they want to deal with a rescue, they had been looking at the pound here but had a very bad experience with a dog from there and they aren't keen to go through the pound again. They want to ensure the dog has been properly assessed in a home environment and stands a reasonable chance of fitting their home situation. That said if a rescue gets him out and still feels he would suit them i'm sure they would be happy to look at him then.

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Yeah, I gave her a bit of a look when she said staffy plus 4ft gates, i did say it would be difficult with those fences, especially since staffys are renowned for being escape artists! Thought I'd put it out there anyway though in case someone hd a little furry someone that might suit, from talking to her it sounds like everything else is perfect, just that issue really.

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Would the Maltese be inside with its anxiety issues and the staffy outside? Maybe they should look at crating both inside or sectioning off an area for them inside? (assuming they get a second dog).

Might they be just adding to their current issues if they add another dog?

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No, I think they are hoping that when they go out they will be companions for each other, currently they have to contain him in the bathroom when they go out or he rips the curtains down running from window to window, they never leave him alone for more than an hour. The maltese used to have a rottweiler friend but they lost him a while back so it's alone now.

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