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Barf/raw Diet


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hey all i've been doing a bit of research on the barf/raw diet and i'm thinking of switching my dogs diet. i would like to know any info on the benfits people have found, any bad points, etc. basically just everyones firsthand experinces on the diet. i would also be interested in what people feed their dogs and where they get it from. thanks in advance for any info

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Just wanted to say I have just put my lab on to a BARF diet this last week and already we are seeing some changes, Obi coat is a lot softer he doesn't feel wirery like some lab's coats can get. He doesn't stink as much. We feed him a bone in the morning ie chicken carcasses or roo bone, then at night we are giving him one BARF patty and a turkey neck, he is loving his food. Part of the reason we went on the diet is to try and help with his skin (he has gotten a lot of Hot Spots) and to see if the reduction in carbs will settle his behaviour a little, don't get me wrong he is generally a good boy. We were feeding him Hills Science Diet (recommended by the vet) and I have calculated it out it is only going to cost us about $8 more.

I get my bones from the Central Markets and Turkey necks I get from a rural pet food place. The patties are available from any BARF distributor.

Goodluck with it if you decide to go with it.

Sorry forgot to add the website for BARF SA is www.barfsa.com.au there is a list of distributors on there.

Edited by enarc
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yes those percentages Shoemonster gave me were great, but were for that complete mix from Pet Chow, which i have yet to get to!!

but i would need to change those percentages i think??

if i were using just a meat and vegie mix?

also i am seriously hopeless at maths!!

i am going to have to get someone to actually show me how to work those percentages out :)

and i mean like really basic stuff like what buttons to press on the calculator to get the amounts!

i tried to do it ages ago and the numbers i got were not right LOL

actually i just had another look at the figures in that link and i really would only need to add a bit of offal, maybe sardines once or twice a week and some yoghurt, with the meat and veggie mix ... i think LOL

i like the idea of getting it delivered though :o

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If you go to the markets to get the bones, I get a bag of chicken carcasses for $1.50 min weight of 1.8 kg, on average 4 in each bag and I get my roo bones from Gourmet Kangaroo, you can get 5kg for $9.00, which should average to about 8 bones. Let us know how you go.

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I second the reccomendation on getting your hands on to Dr Billinghurst or Lonsdale's books on the subject. They are a wealth of info and will be able to give you some facts on the diet itself.

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I am going to have to get someone to actually show me how to work those percentages out :eek:

and i mean like really basic stuff like what buttons to press on the calculator to get the amounts!

i tried to do it ages ago and the numbers i got were not right LOL

Total food for the day should be based around 2% of the body weight and I go by these ratios

Raw Meaty Bones 35%

Meat 45%

Offal 5%

Veggie 10%

Treats 5%

Type your dogs weight into the calculator. To get 2% of his/her weight mulpitply (X) by .02

For example : 20kg dog... 20 x .02 = .4 which would be 400 grams of food. (.4 of a kilogram)

Then if you want to find 35% of that 400 grams, you would type 400 x .35 = 140 (grams of meaty bones)

45% : x .45

5% : x .05

10% x .10

Does that make sense? Hope it helps.

Edited by belijae
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THANK YOU !!! belijae!!!

i am transferring that info now :confused:

it makes perfect sense the way you have set it out!!!

thank you ;)

Hazz i have read the Ian Billinghurst book give a dog a bone,

but it was a borrowed edition.

i think from memory his percentages were more like 70% RMB??

i have not seen Lonsdale's books.

i think i may have to invest in one, because i had it borrowed on limited time and it is definately a book i would want to refer back and forth to!

what is the main difference between the Billinghurst and Lonsdale books /




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After the US contamination scare, I think I want to explore the barf option as well, kibble is really not worth the risk, so I want to wean Diva off slowly by going half barf first, see how she goes, then eventually into barf.

You guys mentioned Dr Billinghurst's books, may I know which book is good as a start since he wrote so many books.


Edit: gosh I can't spell and write properly, one of those days.

Edited by flycow
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I have been able to switch Obi (my lab) through the rapid method, I feed him dry food one day and then next day changed him to BARF. So far no problems, he has take well to it. I got the BARF Diet book, go through all the reasons for changing, things that will improve, etc. There is also a recipe to make the patties at the back of the book.

He smell so good now, doesn't have a smelly dog smell, no bad breathe, his coat is a lot softer and shinner and this is after one week.

Good luck I hope Diva takes well to it if you decide go with the diet.

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i'm so excited!! just found the best butcher that is at a shopping centre near us but not the usual one we go to... until know!! they are so awesome and have all sorts of delicious things for ted to munch on. would you believe they had a couple of WHOLE pigs heads :( just sitting there looking around :laugh: didn't think i was quite ready for that (and plus it was probably bigger then Ted :p )

was now just wondering about what to feed for eg. meat part of BARF. there was a pet mince at the butcher that i got, is this all for the meat part?

also raw meaty bones are anything like chicken/turkey/lamb necks and marrow bones? any other bones my boy is missing out on? what are your dogs favourites or does anything go?

the offal part is all the bits like livers, kidney, heart etc correct?

and finally veg. i'm guessing anything goes here? also (this may be stupid question) do the veggies get cooked? i know its a RAW food diet, but cooked is better right?

also where do fish fit in? as meat?

sorry for all the dumb questions but i really want to do this right and make sure i'm not leaving something important out!!

ted is already super excited. i was weighing all the mince and bones out ito seperate bags earlier and TEd was just sitting there watching very intently, nose going million twitches a minute ;)

he sure can't wait to get is new diet. thanks for all the help everyone :laugh:

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