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Everything posted by ashaflynn

  1. Hi Sas, Do you buy these things separately and add them to food? If so what ratio do you use? I would be very interested in trying this with one of my Cresteds as she seems to itch alot and all the other things I've tried haven't made too much difference. Cheers Bec
  2. Can I ask what research led you to believe that a dominant, entire male Bullmastiff X Pitt and a young male Amstaff X Pitt would be suitable companions for each other? I'm sorry but you will find that most expert opinions would be the exact opposite of what you have done. Razor is not what I would call dog oriented. Razor is a dominant male who is welcoming of other dogs as long as they are submissive to him. Razor will not tolerate any other dogs trying to assert dominance over him - which is a problem when in the natural order of things dogs will "test out" the reactions of other dogs to this assertion. If Razor has no tolerance of that and just reacts then he will not cope when Boss starts to develop and, as is his right and natural instincts, starts to test the limits. Razor needs a dog (preferably a bitch) that is submissive, soft natured and smaller than him so his dominance is not being challenged (and won't be down the track) in any way.
  3. You have a serious issue here and those dogs should not be left unsupervised together. Bull breed type dogs are fantastic but once you encounter dominance issues you've got a really tough situation on your hands. Boss is only a young dog at the moment but as he matures his dominance level is going to increase and he will start standing up to Razor more. The fact that Razor has already had a go at him over smelling different etc etc (and sorry ... puncture wounds is more serious than just a scuffle!) you are likely going to have major issues down the track when the dominance battle really kicks in ... and it will. One has to be dominant and bull breeds just don't back off as quickly or easily as other breed types. I have seen the result of two of these types of dogs living happily together for some time and then the dominance battle started. It was not pretty and one of the dogs was so severly attacked she was lucky she survived. By all means desex Razor asap but as someone else mentioned it's probably not going to have a major effect now. The only other advice has already been mentioned. Separate the dogs, call in a behaviouralist and monitor the situation like a hawk. If these measures do not help and the problem escalates (preferably before a major fight occurs) then I would be rehoming Boss. If you really want another dog as company for Razor then you need to do some research and get a breed with a softer/less dominant personality type that Razor can enjoy the company of. Good luck ... I don't envy your situation.
  4. Gosh .. only ten? Okay I'll have a go at narrowing it down. Chinese Crested (own hairless and puffs) Xolo - Standard Borzoi Puli Peke Basset British Bulldog PBGV Irish Wolfhound Standard Wire Haired Dachs Just realised that's a bit of a weird mix of breeds but every single one of them has always fascinated me!
  5. I, unfortunately, also have a sex maniac here! He won't eat, he whinges, he whines, occasionally howls and runs the garden constantly like a mad thing - just trying to get a whiff of her! We crate them in separate rooms of the house and toilet the bitch in an area the boys can't get to - doesn't seem to help much with the whinging, whineing and not eating but no unplanned pregnancies have eventuated! Have resorted to sending one particular boy off to a friends place for a couple of weeks as am still showing him and he loses way too much weight during the in season period - he loses the weight in a flash and it then takes ages to get it back on him again. It's a pain to deal with but worth it in the long run!
  6. Abbi AJ Akira Ali x 2 Alice Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie x 2 Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 4 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April April RIP x 2 Ari Arizona Arki Asante sana Asha Ashka Askari Ashleigh Astro Athena Aubrey Audrey Aura Aurora Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Basha Beanie Beans Becky Bella x 5 Billie Bianca Bit Blaize Blossom Bonny x 5 (Bonnie) Bonita Boss Brandi Brandy x 2 Bree x 2 Brianna Bridie Bronte Buffy Buttercup Cally Cara Casey Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chapparelle (pronounced Shapparelle, and shortened to Chappa (Shappa)) Chelsea Cherrie Chevy x 2 Chloe x 3 Charley Charlie Charlie-May Charlotte Chiko Chilli Choo Choo Chops Cider Cinders Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover x 2 Cleoparta Coco x3 CocoNut Colour (for a greyhound who's not grey!) Cookie Cossette Courtney Crystal Cristie Crupi Daisy x 2 Dallas Dancer Danika x2 Darla Delilah Delta Demi Dempsie Dexta Diazz Didge Dinky Dixie Diva Dizzy Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella x2 Elley Ellie x3 Elsa x 2 Emily Emilly Emma Emmy Enya Erin Esky Evie Faith Fanta Feather Feonix Finta Flame Fleur Flossy Flute Frenchie Froggy Gabbie Gabby Gael Galadriel(Gala) Gemma x 3 Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Genevieve George Ginny Gita Glitter Goldie Gooby Grace Griffin GT Gypsy x 6 Gyrle Harlow Havarna Hayley x2 Heather Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 6 Honeyx3 Honour Hope Imme Imogen - Imy Indi India x 2 Jade Jamie Lee Jane Jasmine x2 Jaxx Jay Jay Jazz Jazzman Jedda RIP Jelly Bean Jenna x 2 Jess x2 Jessi Jesie Jessica Jessie x 3 Jeune Jezebel x 2 Jindi Jinxy Jodie x 2 JoJo Juliet Juno Kara X 2 Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Katie x 2 Katy Kayla KC Keeta Keilani Keira Keirra Keisha Kelli Kelsey Kenzie Kibah Kiesha Kimba Kiri Kiri-Lu Kirra (agility name Kiz) Kishka (called Kish most of the time) Kitty Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla x 2 Lea (lele) Leader Leia Leila Lexi x 2 Lexie Libby Lily x 3 Lizzy Lobo Logan Lola x 2 Lottie Lucia Lucky (yes, a bit tacky, but I loved her) Lucy x5 Luuka Mable Maddie x2 Maddison Maeby Maggie x3 Magic Mallee Marie Claudette Marina Marlo Maya Meeka Meg x 2 Meisha Merrique Mia X 3 Miekah Migaloo Milky Milla Millie x4 Mindy x 2 Minky Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Minouche Mischka Missy Missie Mistletoe Misty Mitzi Molly x 8 Molly Coddle Moochie Mung Bean Mya Nala Nandi Narla Natasha Nena Ness Nora Nyima Olivia Ollie Pagan x 3 Panda x 2 Paris Paxy Pearl Pebbles Peggie Penelope Penny x 2 Pepper x 2 Phoebe x 2 Pink Pip Pippin Piper x 2 Pixie Polly x 2 Popcorn Porridge Porscha Prada Quince Rani Razzle Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Riki Ricky Rizzi Rogue Rommi Rose Rosey Rosie x 2 Roxy x 2 Ruby x 4 Rumour Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sahli Sally x4 Sarah Sarah Jane Sari Sascha x 2 Sasha x3 Sarsha Satu Savannah Scandal Scruffy Serena Sha Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sharon Sharna Sheba Shelby Shine Siann or Cyan Sinta Sienna X 2 Skye SkySnow Sola Sooty Sophie x2 Sophia Sparkles Springy Sputnik Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Stussy Sue Summa Suzie x 2 Sybill Tait Tamar Tameeka Tango Tara x 3 Tasha Tashi Taya Tayla Teegan Tess x 4 Tessa Texas Tia x 2 Tieke Tilba Tilli Tilly x3 Tinka Tinny (tin tin) Toot Tori Tully Tyra Tyneal Vada Vicki Viviane Voodoo Wandy White Whitey Winnie Winter Wilhelmina Wolf Xena Xanthe Zara Zillah Zippedeedoodah Ziva x 3 Zena Zoe x 3 Zola
  7. Appollo Archie Armand Bailey x 3 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Benji Benny Benson Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Boss Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundy Caleb Caramel Carl Cash Champ Charlie x 4 Chevy Chip Coco Cobber Connor Cooper x 2 Cowan x 2 Cuba Dakota Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Deputy Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Douglas Drifter Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky FlashBazil Frank Franky J Holden Gandor Gimmick Greedy Gus Hail Harley Harrison Harry Henry Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 2 Jake Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Joe Jonty Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Max x 3 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mr Darcy Mungo Murray Nammu Napoleon Nelson Nigel Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Odin Ollie Onslow Oscar Oz x 2 Payton Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Reeve Rex x 2 Riku Riley Ripley Roary Rocks Rolly Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Rusty x2 Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow x2 Silas Snitch Sonny Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Sport Spud Stanley Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Ulf Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson Weave Will Willy Woody Xander Zac Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  8. The lady is really keen and doesn't want to wait until Feb/March of next year - waiting until after the litter was my original suggestion but she's happy to go down the breeders terms track. If the litter does not happen then I will be desexing the dog after anyway - not going to be trying again as this will be be her third and final litter. Ellz, thanks for the suggestion ... I'll go and have a look at what I can find. Many thanks
  9. Hello all, I have been approached by a lovely lady who would like to provide a pet home for one of my dogs. As I wasn't planning on pet homing the dog in the near future as am planning a last litter early next year it came as a bit of a shock (hadn't really made my mind up one way or the other wether pet homing was even going to be an option to be honest) but this lady is one in a million who would provide the best home anyone could hope for, for one of their babies!. We are currently going through the process of getting to know one another and fine tuning all details but everything is looking very positive so far. The lady is more than happy with a breeders terms arrangement and whilst I know contracts aren't 100% foolproof I was wondering whether any fellow breeders could PM me an example of some of their contracts. I will also be getting the agreement stat dec'd on both sides as well - which this lovely lady is also more than happy to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I'm sorry ... where in my post did I say the dog would be better off dead??? Of course I'm going to save any dog from getting killed on a road if at all possible! My thought about taking it to the pound was to purely demonstrate to the owners that if they stop the dog roaming they wouldn't have to pay money to get it out of the pound. I understand that there is always a chance they wouldn't pay to get the dog back but if that's the case then surely they aren't great owners to have a dog. Also, how is it a better life getting hit by a car than possibly being put to sleep? Without taking this overly personally I find your comments offensive and over the top. Please do not insinuate that I feel the dog would be better off dead when that was never mentioned or thought in anyway whatsoever. If you'd like to try and make my post into something it is not can I suggest you start your own thread?
  11. Sorry .. probably should have gone into a little more detail ... when I spoke to the woman she said they had been leaving the dog on a chain and then when they let her off it the dog runs away. When the guy came to pick her up he said she's been doing this regularly since last year. When i mentioned she is in season he didn't seem surprised and actually said "oh yeah .. probably". I'm sorry ... but if they have been aware of this issue since last year, have been chaining the dog up and are aware the dog is in season and tramping about the neighbourhood wouldn't you do something about it??? I don't think it's over the top to expect a little more from dog owners and frankly the dog is lucky to not be dead right now!
  12. On the way to work today I very nearly hit a pointer, who was running along a very busy road. Luckily I managed to avoid her and pulled up on the side of the road - I was holding my breath that the car behind me didn't hit her and luckily they managed to avoid her aswell I got out of the car very tentatively .. worried that if I tried to approach the dog she might run out into the road if frightened but when I spoke and called out to her she came running a hundred miles an hour and practically threw herself at me in excitement! She was wearing a collar with a name tag and phone number on it, I called the number but there was no answer so I left a message. So, there I stood on the side of the road at 7.30am with a very happy pointer girl called Kelly, wondering what to do with her. I opened the car door and Kelly thought "wacko ... we're going for a ride" and launched herself in. She sat in the front, she sat in the back and she tried to sit on my lap but after a serious discussion we finally decided that sitting on passenger seat, like a good girl was the better option. I figured at that time in the morning the vets or pound wouldn't be open so I bravely decided to take her to work with me! :D This was a brave move as it's a new job and have only been there for four weeks but figured ... who could resist such a sweet, happy girl and the accompanying sob story ... she nearly got run over ... she's lost .... couldn't leave her there ... blah .. blah ... blah! Arrived at work and introduced her around the office ... she immediately made friends with everyone, had a good drink of water, a couple of biscuits and then lay down next to my workstation. I phoned the number again and the owners answered. They hadn't checked the message I left earlier and didn't even know the dog was missing! The lady said "oh, she ran off a couple of days ago too but came back last night. She must of got out again this morning aswell". Anyway, they organised for her husband to come and collect her and while I was waiting for him I noticed Kelly was in season. When he arrived he didn't seem overly concerned about the dog and was not even very thankful that I'd picked her up .. just kept complaining that she kept running away! I pointed out that she was in season and he said "oh yeah ... probably .. maybe we should get her fixed". I told him he'd better get her to the vet as she's more than likely been mated already but he didn't seem too worried about the whole thing! I'm really mad .... in hindsight I should have taken her to the pound so they'd have had to pay to get her out etc etc and maybe that would wake them up to take more care with her and do the right thing in future. Of course there's no guarantee that would have made any difference and frankly I just couldn't bring myself to take her there! Oh well ... at least she didn't get run over and had a nice morning out, making new friends in my office!
  13. Hi, The snuggle disc is called Snuggle Safe (I think ... been ages since I bought one). I have them here that I use for my hairless cresties and they absolutely love them. Basically you just pop one in the microwave for about 5 minutes and they heat up and stay warm all night. It's a hard plastic disc, filled with some kind of gel that heats and stays warm. A lot of vets use them for recouperating creatures after surgery etc and as they are not run with electricity there are no wires etc to worry about. The disc itself has a material cover and you just make sure to place the heated disc under bedding so the dog is not in direct contact with it ... it does get very hot initially. I put one in my dogs bed at about 9.30pm and when I get them up at about 8AM the next day the discs are still warm and the dogs absolutely toasty! You can google SnuggleSafe but I got mine on Ebay. They're not overly cheap but well worth the investment to keep our loved ones warm, cosy and safe. I highly recommend them! Also recommend the covered in bed theory ... the warmth generated by the disc is kept inside the bed and so it stays warmer even longer.
  14. 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) I own, show and breed these fantastic little dogs. 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? As with many breeds there is some dispute over the origins of the Chinese Crested Dog. However, it is almost certain that despite its name, the Chinese Crested Dog did not originate in China. Until very recently the two most popular theories had the Chinese Crested originating in either Africa or South America. On both continents there are similar primitive type dogs. In South and Central America in particular there are a couple of hairless breeds that share very similar morphology to the Chinese Crested, and it is not inconceivable that the Crested and these other hairless breeds share a similar ancestry. Recent genetic research has isolated the mutation responsible for the hairless characteristics in all three identified hairless breeds (the Crested, the Peruvian Inca Dog, and the Xoloitzcuintli from Mexico) and the mutation is identical. This leads researchers to conclude that these breeds share a common origin. As there are artefacts in Mexico that date back 4,000 years that depict hairless dogs looking remarkably like modern Xolos it would be hard to argue that Mexico is not the wellspring for the hairless family of dogs including the Crested. Apparently, and here is where the Chinese connection comes in, they were not uncommon on board Chinese merchant trading vessels, but were first identified in their modern form in Europe and attributed to Chinese origin in the late 18th Century - although by then specimens of the breed could be found world-wide. The ratter theory seems highly possible, as many breeders will attest that most Cresteds have a high prey drive and will chase small animals. The first Chinese Crested dogs brought to Great Britain were exhibited as part of a zoological show. There was no breeding program put into place to continue the breed, so the Chinese Crested disappeared from England for a time. The first Chinese Crested to be registered in Great Britain was in 1881. The Kennel Club there focused its attention (through the standard) on two distinct types of Chinese Crested dogs. The "Deer" and the "Cobby". Not until 1984 did the Kennel Club agree to make provision for the third type, which is found in most litters, that of the fully coated Chinese Crested, the "Powder Puff". The Chinese Crested's American past can be traced back over a century. In 1880 a New Yorker, Ida Garrett, became interested in the breed and was involved in breeding, exhibition and writing about the Chinese Crested for over sixty years. Mrs. Garrett also shared her enthusiasm for the breed with Debra Woods, whom she met in the 1920s. For nearly forty years these two women worked together to promote the Chinese Crested dog breed in the U.S. Another person that was very involved in the promotion of the Chinese Crested worldwide was the American singer, dancer and entertainer Gypsy Rose Lee. Her sister had rescued a Chinese Crested dog from a Connecticut animal shelter and had given it to Ms Lee. Ms Lee was so taken with the breed she became a breeder and protector of the Chinese Crested. It is to be noted that most active Crested kennels in the world can trace the ancestry of their dogs to the Crest Haven (Debra Woods) and Ms Lee. 3. How common is it in Australia?Chinese Cresteds are not your everyday household pet although they are becoming more popular. A number of apprearances in the media and movies over the last ten years or so has seen them become more recognised - however unfortunately the "Ugliest Dog In The World" tag seems to have stuck a little since media attention given to the ancient Crested X in America went worldwide. Very bad, misleading advertising for the breed. 4. What is the average lifespan? Between 12 and 15 years. 5. What is the general temperament/personality?Cresteds are happy little guys that bond particularly well to one member of the family but will also accept others within the family. In general Cresteds are somewhat aloof and wary of strangers and need plenty of socialisation and exposure to different environments and scenarios - failure to do so can result in nervous and fearful behaviour in unfamiliar surrounds. If you are after a dog that bounds up and greets every new person with joy and excitement like a Labrador then I suggest you get a Labrador. Cresteds will meet and greet new people when they are ready to do so - and generally on their own terms. They are also an incredibly intelligent breed that given the opportunity will have you eating out of their paws and running your household with said paws! A Crestie needs training just like any other dog and needs to know who is the pack leader in the house - if it isn't you then watch out .. you'll have a devil on your hands! 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? A walk a day or free running and playing is generally enough. Two together will usually exercise each other. These are very much a person dog and will happily be a couch potato if you let them so keeping them relatively active is recommended. A Crestie should be fit, lean and nicely muscled. 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? Ultimately yes, but learning about the grooming and training requirements is essential. 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? No ... Cresteds need company whether it be human (preferable) or with other dogs for company. 9. How much grooming is required? Surprisingly more than people think. Taking care of a hairless requires regular (weekly) bathing, moisturising of skin, sunscreen in summer, coats in winter and vigilance with pimples/blackheads etc. Skin irritations can be common and can develop into major problems if not taken care of. The Powderpuff requires dedicated grooming to maintain the coat and keep matting at bay. If the long coat is not required a regular all over clip off is needed. 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? As with any dog supervision around children and/or older people is mandatory. If a Crested is not brought up around/or introduced to children they may not cope well with sudden movements/noises etc, however with training good manners and behaviour can be achieved. Due to their size major incidents with children are unlikely, however care needs to be taken that the dog does not get injured by rough play or accidents happening. It is not a breed I would recommend for people with very young children. 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? As mentioned previously PRA, Patella Luxation, Legg-Perthes disease and skin irritations. 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) All breeders should be able to show evidence of their health testing for PRA. For puppies to be clear of the disease both parents should have tested clear. One parent can be a carrier of the disease but as long as the other is clear PRA will not present and the offspring will not be affected. These pups need to be tested down the track to see if they are a carrier of the disease if future breeding is to be done. If parents and/or pups are deemed "clear by parentage" evidence of DNA testing should be sighted to ensure the parents are infact the dogs on the pedigree and as a result are clear of PRA
  15. Hi Anne, congratulations on Miller's win today and subsequent CH title. I'm the one who caught up with you outside the ladies today and got to meet you, Fern and Miller in the flesh after realising you were a DOL person! As I said at the time I don't post much at all on here but a gaining a title deserves a congrats and a post! It was lovely to meet you and your beautiful Greyhounds today ... not sure my bait bag has recovered yet though!
  16. I like the double points for big shows as it does reflect a good win if you've got lots of competition. It also means it's great for someone like me who can only show maybe twice a month (sometimes 3 if I really push it with the husband! :D ) .. means it's showing quality wins rather than quantity a lot of the time. Also happy with this system as for the first time ever I'm doing really well with my 7 month old boy (first home bred baby) who's currently leading Rising Star in our breed Biased I guess ... but definitely not complaining!
  17. .... so sorry for your loss!
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