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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. Maybe contact Rudducks as they are the Australian distributor, they may be able to arrange a special order through a store local to you. Thanks heaps Austerra :) Wow, I couldnt even determine that on google!!! I have been in contact with our WA show supplies shop, but will also get in touch with Rudducks!! Thanks again
  2. Lab_Rat


    Teebs, I am so so sorry for your loss of the magnificent Atlas Like a few other DOLers, I havent been on here much lately, and I didnt know your boy was sick.....He is my favourite DOL dog I am glad you now have him home with you. Please take care, be thinking of you over the next few months
  3. Our girls get a carrot each after their dinner.....Because Zola wont eat bones I wanted to give her something to chew on, tried a carrot - now shes hooked!!! She even knows the word carrot! And if we forget to give her a carrot she will remind us by pacing between the kitchen and whoever is sitting in front of the tv
  4. Has anyone found an Australian supplier for replacement covers for the above dog crates??? I have found one place in the US, but thought finding one in Aus would be cheaper postage Thanks :)
  5. They look very nice and soft!! I may have to get one for Zola - she has a Lupine collar, but is always scratching at her neck....think it pulls her hair!
  6. Hey guys - long time again, since Ive been in here.....seems I spend all my time on Facebook, and then run out of time to head i here!! Sorry about all the broken dogs .....not fair at all, hoping they are all on the mend asap!! All you sick humans get better soon too!! Guess its that fluey time of year though..... As usual not alot has been happening in my doggy life - took our girls to an agility session the other week, Zola the BRD absolutely loved it - especially the tunnels & chute , she was proud of herself, I was proud of her. Couldnt have asked for any more from her....And little Wandy had a ball too! By her third time through the weaving poles she was doing the bouncy, jumpy front leg thing!!! Hope to have another go next month. And yesterday we went to a Sheepdog Clinic - Loved it :) :) We only watched, but learned so much about sheep behaviour, where dogs need to be and where we need to be!!!
  7. I'm not sure, but part of the additional charges could be relative to the courier fee to send to WA for lab testing??? And regards the "positive or negative" results .... you mean they aren't giving values such as "1:80" ? Glad the results were good, LR. Youre probably correct about courier charges Erny - why is noone doing these over east though???? Capital -vs- demand ? That's understandable, to an extent :). Can you explain further, your thoughts on this Erny?? Although Ive read up quite a bit on vaccinating and antibodies Im not nearly as knowledgeable as lots of others - including yourself I would like to know your views please :)
  8. Thanks Erny....I will try my wonderful local Herbalist (Have you heard of a place called the Tinderbox here in WA???) as Im sure she will either have it or get it in for me :) We went "shopping" there a few weeks ago and I got a dog wash, that contains Golden Seal, Calendula, Yarrow, Lavender, thyme, tea tree and manuka!Just have to dilute it in water for a rinse! She has also produced a wonderful little pamphlet on Herbal dog care.....with a whole bunch of different herbal products for different things! If you google Cheekyherbs you may be pleasantly surprised :D
  9. Thats great Lab Rat, you will be happy with those results. How long ago did you last vaccinate and who did the vet use? Was it Vetpath in WA? Cheers Hi Shepherds. Im very happy with the results!! Our girls were last vaccinated 2007 for Zola (RR) and 2008 for Wandy (Kelpie. This will be their third and second titres respectively. We go to Harradines in Bunbury WA. Previous titres have gone to VetPath in Perth, not so sure about the latest one tho, as it was so quick! Im wondering if they are doing the tests themselves. They are quite a huge practice, so it wouldnt surprise me! I'm not sure, but part of the additional charges could be relative to the courier fee to send to WA for lab testing??? And regards the "positive or negative" results .... you mean they aren't giving values such as "1:80" ? Glad the results were good, LR. Youre probably correct about courier charges Erny - why is noone doing these over east though???? My vet explained (and Ive read a few comments on here that refer to the same) that if there is immunity, they are immune! Its a bit like pregnancy - you cant be a bit pregnant, you either are or youre not!! So I figure rather than bamboozle clients with lots of numbers, they have decided to go with positive or negative, which is fine by me!! Another year I dont have to jab my dogs with unneeded chemicals =)
  10. Thanks guys :D If I had only looked a bit betterer, I wouldve found the recipe!! Now I just have to source some organic calendula, which shouldnt be hard! Hopefully my girl will then stop chewing her toenails, and her feet wont stink like cheesy CC's or Chickadees (if anyone remembers them!)
  11. Toy....Pug Small....Pug Medium....Kelpie Large....Rhodesian Ridgeback Giant....Tibetan Mastiff
  12. OK, so the dogs had their bloods taken on Wednesday morning, vet rang me tonight to say they were both "positive"...Apparently they now only come back as positive or negative.....so thats good. They were around $60 each for parvo & distemper. I dont understand why people are being charged so damn much for these tests!!! And a six week turnaround!!! Unbelievable.
  13. You can ignore my post in the other thread Erny!!! Just found what I was looking for :)
  14. So how strong does the Calendula need to be Erny???? Sorry to hijack the thread :S but our RR girl has feet that smell like cornchips & such an itchy muzzle!! Dietry changes are in the pipeline, so I'd like to ease her itching too :)
  15. Got our two retested this week, no results as yet but I suspect they will come back same as last time. I paid $200 for 2 consults & 2 titre tests......are testing prices coming down, now more are being carried out? I think it worked out to kit over $100 for the titre tests! Also good to see titre test results are being accepted by a lot more dog clubs & kennels :)
  16. That's ok Mirawee, three week olds aren't that exciting.... But I did have to smell them ;) They were pretty cute - but that's about it at that age! There were 2 young girls in another crate who were gorgeous.. B&T and R&T.....were licking us to death through the mesh :)
  17. My first very own pet was a guinea pig who I named Marmaduke! Unfortunately Harry the cat thought he was just a multi coloured rat, so RIP Marmy..... We had numerous lambs - Dougal, Josie, Mitzie, Sophie, Cleo, CB (Cleos baby), Sarah! My own pet sheep have had less humany names. Guppy!! Thanks OH.... Spinifex... We have Shauna & Jackson atm. Dogs have been a mix of normal & weird! Bunny probably the most non normal. I also had s beautiful goose, Brian. I hand reared him and he was such a ratbag. Funnily enough most of our pets names get morphed from their normal original to somewhat bizarre words that they have no trouble identifying with!!! Our first RR was Miekah, but ended up as Gum! Current one Zola is Gog!!! WTH??? One of our llamas has gone from Falea to Flea LOL.....
  18. Is quite funny when out two play - the poor Kelpies entire head fits inside the ridgies mouth!!! Amazing how gentle they are though.... And so good to watch them play. Gets me smiling every time :)
  19. Yep I was talking about Maryanne! Het boy with blue eyes is beautiful!! Camo dogs are not fun!! Try tripping over a BRD, and trying to stay on your feet & not treading on bits of said dog as it tries to get out of your way....... LOL!!!! Camera opportunity!
  20. RS, we met the lady who does agility & ob with her 3 borders! She also knows washa from on here.... Small world!
  21. Weasels, if you check out the west Aust working dog website, they have dates of trials. Next one I hope to get to is in august I think. Up at Kellerberrin, which is reasonably close to Perth.
  22. RubyStar..... Bizarrely enough it was Sheepdog trials!!! I didn't realise there were gundog trials on the same weekend & place! That's why there were Kelpies.....LOL
  23. I'd stay home M, sounds far too complicated ;) How's the baby going?? I got to snuggle a whole nest of kelpie pups on Saturday.... 3 week olds at the trials we went to over at Arthur River. What a top day!!
  24. Rosie.... I reckon they are great little dogs!! Nelly was spoilt rotten of course, but she also had quite a repetoire of tricks which Grandad had taught her :) Very smart girl!
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