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Everything posted by megan_

  1. 20 mg is a lot. The max non-hospital dose for an adult human is 50 mg per day.
  2. So people are encouraging the OP to feed a resource guarded and a puppy together ( hey I do it no problems!). ? Personally, I wouldn't do it. A friend of a friends staffyluv killed their cattle dog after 8 years of eating together supervised. When a resource guarder attacks the pup being in the room watching isn't going to help them. Make life relaxing - feed them separately (physically wither in crates or with closed doors) and out of sight. That way you're not standing guard tensely as they eat. If they gobble food give them treat toys - it will make feeding more fun anyway.
  3. Just to clear something up, being well acquainted with CAT, you really don't just put the dog in front of another dog and ignore the carry on. It might happen by accident, but it shouldn't happen by design. Going well over threshold doesn't give you much to work with and carries a risk of the strategy back-firing in the same way that flooding can back-fire. Yeah that sounds a lot like flooding. - and you'd be hoping your dog doesn't redirect.
  4. Yes - I personally wouldn't useca soft crate at a trial and my dogs are crate trained .
  5. Can this please be moved to the anise section ?
  6. Bowen is very very gentle (or should be ). Mine rest on the car ride home (about 1/2 an hour ) then it is business as usual. That said , they normally go at midday on a Saturday so when we get home they're pretty quiet anyway.
  7. Standards and minis are very , very different dogs . My extended family members have both but the minis are definitely more biddable. The standards are lovely dogs but far more strong willed and are physically much more strong. Don't gt me wrong, they are lovely dogs and the ones I know are fantastic with kids, but they require a strong, consistent and knowleable owner. One very well bred and socialised dog nips men who stand to close to my gran..re: minis, mine are not car safe at all, but there are breeders who breed lower drive dogs.
  8. You also need to have a plan as to what happens if alive but unable to care for the dogs and can't communicate your wishes. Mine are sorted (one goes to my sister , fearful girl goes to heaven). My sister has agreed to take him and discussed it with her husband before she said yes (do I know she takes it seriously ).
  9. How tragic. As AMS said, don't be too hard on yourself. Responsibility for this lies with the owners, especially since the dogs have gotten out before. I might not be popular for saying this, but the only way I see this being reduced is for fines for roamining dogs to be very high. Education will never get through to some people and they think their dog - who is loving at home - is a teddy bear. At the moment it is cheaper to pay a few fines than to secure a fence or lock a gate. Responsible dog owners should face fewer restrictions and those that let their dogs roam or walk their dogs off leash in on leash areas should face the full weight of the law . Children shod be able to play in their neighbourhood without this. I hope the child is okay. I can't see snything in the news ye t. ( online ) but it might take some time for them to report .
  10. FYI daisy peel has an online canine fitness course that closes for enrolments on Sunday.
  11. I'm not going to sleep tonight.... I had a 2 week battle with one in my bedroom. I slept on the couch for a week as a result.
  12. Every lagotto I have met had been skittish and/or reactive - and they've got good owners. I would think a breed that had a big gene pool would be better , as there is less temptation to breed with non-ideal dogs. Something robust that can deal with a loud child. I think the right mini schnauzer could do? Also maybe talk to baby dragon as she knows about assistance dogs. If the dog is just for company and doesn't directly assist with a medical condition I don't believe it will qualify. Worth sorting out now to avoid a disappointed little boy.
  13. I hate the marketing too but I've signed up because I want to do the handling.
  14. You can't use harnesses with a back seat buddy though? I've had leather seats before and just used a $20 cover from an auto shop. Worked perfectly and my dogs could be safely strapped in . Some sand did you down the holes where the belts plugged in , but that is a small price to pay for their security IMO .
  15. I love her too - I live how much joy she gets from training and how she breaks the "rules". She does run very fast though and seems to run with her dogs? Daisy Peel made some not so subtle remarks about SG 's new system and how many people have been doing the same thing for years, just using different names. She has a handling course too, based on Linda mickleberg I believe . I'd SG offered a handling only course I would jump on it.
  16. Yeah but I've done some of those courses and I don't want to pay for them again!
  17. Quick question: does anyone know the difference between what Dave munnings is doing (q me and turn me ) and SG's stuff? He is coming again this year to Melbourne and I really liked his relaxed training style.
  18. I know what you mean Vickie - she over markets things. I find it especially annoying if you've paid for something and then get more ads for something else which you * need * to complete the picture. I find myself thinking "just get on with the lesson rather than telling us how great the lesson is". Jess - is the shapeup handling too? I have only briefly looked at OMD, but I like what I see. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone in Vic is doing it, so I won't be able to get support here. I'm training my first dog do I need the help. If I was in Sydney I think I would adopt it. Our club officially does GD, but a fair few members are now moving to SG's system. There is also a private school doing it here so there is plenty of support available. This all means that it looks like the best option for me at the moment. I'm doing a foundation course starting next week and now have to decide between seeing her in April or doing the course. I get that she needs to make a living but an entry short course would have been really good.
  19. Handling 360 online is now open - for about $1000!!!
  20. See Aidan and in the meantime please don't let a child walk this dog. Also either don't have people over or put him in a locked room ( so the 4 year old doesn't accidentally let him out ) or a covered crate in the interim. Also, tethering tends to build up frustration . Is there anyway he can have a dog run instead? I'd see Aidan and if I wasn't comfortable that the dog could be rehabilitated. ( not just managed) then if he was mine he'd be going to heaven (if I had small kids etc)
  21. Interesting AD - Lynda Orrin hill told is not to train tight turn soon jumps but use a pool noodle stuck in the ground (so the turns are very tight )
  22. Is this at awesome paws? Fergs and I are enrolled too. He might put himself up for adoption as things were clicking nicely now I've gone and changed the rules. it has been confirmed that SG will be coming in April. I'll see how I go and then decide whether or not to make the trek up to QLD.
  23. His courses are pretty good value too. It's just the flights that are cost prohibitive! One training group that I know of has said that they're looking to bring him to Melbourne. DD - I would love to train with Sylvia - I love her attitude to training.
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