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Everything posted by cannibalgoldfish

  1. Just a thought... Shibas are a small spitz breed too but need less brushing....
  2. I often get asked if I am going to breed my two. (er no, they are both boys.. cant you see the extra bits there!) But I was just recently walking when a lady with a maltese X asked me about my dogs. Just general questions "what are they, "ect. Then she asked if I would be interested in letting her use Wylie on her dog because "I would love to introduce that gorgeous red colour into my lines" I pretty much ran out of there at that point. She has no idea what breed my dogs are, never heard of them yet wants to breed them to her X breed.... Lines!!
  3. I just spent an afternoon reclaiming my back yard from every noxious weed known to man (possibly I am exaggerating ) and this wandering dew sucker was the easiest to remove. It is easy to pick up and pull out. Sure it will just grow back from its little pieces but I liked it better than the ivy and the blackberries . This thread is timely because I want to know is spraying bad for the dogs and is there better sprays to use around them or what other precautions should I be taking?
  4. I am friends with this family. They are really great people and no, I wont be disowning them after this but it is still sad. The younger brother got a husky last year? They bought her from a registered breeder (They did tell me the prefix and I googled it but have forgotten) She is a beautiful girl. When he bought her he told me they were going to breed her. I tried to convince him to show her so they would have an idea if she was good enough to breed and his answer was along the lines of "the breeder said she was" Anyway, I was talking to his dad recently and he mentioned something about this dog having puppies recently. But when I asked if the had decided to breed her after all (was hoping they had changed their mind) he said the neighbours dog, a rotty cross had jumped the fence So I said "I guess they will be getting her desexed now" and the reply was "no! they wont get her desexed! Next time they will breed her to a husky and then they can sell the pups" Now these people are good people, but I cant educate them any more than I have tried. I do wonder about the breeder though. Did he/she care or not when they sold them this dog.? From what they said when they got her they were honest straight up about wanting to breed. This guys wife just had a baby and I mentioned the dog and he said they would just keep the dog outside from now on.....
  5. I wondered about that and asked the vet. He said I can take him out in a week? Wylie had a bit of tonsilitis, so maybe that was all it is? I can hope anyway.... I dont want Loki getting anything. He is a brat as it is let alone hamming it up because he is "dying"
  6. It is going to be a long week...... I cant walk them for a while. This will result in, as wikipedia puts it so well Every evening when I dont take them out for a walk. Pity my neighbours
  7. Im baaack. Vet was taking precautions, we came in the back and got to wait in a room on our own (where I got to look at his pet frog collection ) Wylie does indeed have kennel cough. The brat was honking and coughing up to the door then naturally stopped. Typical. Loki has either a seasonal contact allergy or possibly a thyroid problem We are seeing if its the allergy before anything else. So I have a honker and a scratcher!
  8. They are sleeping too riesenhaft! I noticed a link to baby bulldog cam on the shiba site. I will never get anything done here again!
  9. persephone, I need to take the other one for a check up. He hasn't been himself lately and I'm worried about him. He seems off, and his coat has turned coarse and dry He isn't coughing so far, thankfully. I'm off in a bit so I will find out soon enough.
  10. Eeeep! I forgot about that. Hmmm. Might need to find a friend who doesnt have dogs to take me.
  11. Awww. sleepy time. Worn out from mauling each other all day
  12. Another year, another litter of puppies! I DARE you not to be sucked in by the cuteness overload! http://www.ustream.tv/sfshiba
  13. I just rang them and the poor girl apologised when I asked. She said she completely forgot about that and asked if I can tie them up out side and check the waiting room first. They will have a spare room to put them in until they are seen. I'm not too worried right now as he is totally fine, except for the cough. He will chuck a fit tonight when they dont get a walk though. My neighbours will love me. They have a particular loud shreiking bark when things dont go their way .
  14. One more question, and I will ask the vet if it turns out to be it but could he have had it for a few days before he started coughing? and could I have spread it on my clothes? I went round a friends house for dinner on Saturday and played with her two dogs. I hope I haven't passed it on . Poor guy sound like he is sawing wood out there. Still running around bright and happy so I'm not too worried. Will ring the vet and ask about the risk of spreading it by taking him in.
  15. I dont have a car, we are walking because it is just up the road from me. I dont know if I want to tie them up outside while I go in, but I may have too. The lady said it could be kennel cough but didn't say anything about not bringing them in. But they know its suspected so maybe they have a procedure in place? Yeah, I'm a worry wart but Wylie is 6 and never been sick in his life! no, actually, he was burnt once but even then was fine. Its the other one I worry about.
  16. The vet said on the phone its going around at the moment. They always drink out of a communal water bowl on our walk, would that be where he caught it? Can it be spread that way? Loki seems fine (cough wise) So what should I do with him? Will he have it already? I guess I will find out this afternoon....
  17. Wylie started coughing yesterday. A whooping dry cough that started on our walk. I thought maybe he was pulling too hard but it didnt go away over night. He seems fine and chirpy but still coughing. Will cough up white foam now and then. I cant see anything in his mouth or throat so we are off to the vet this afternoon to check for kennel cough . My question is, does it come on so suddenly? Also, i heard its contagious so I feel kind of bad taking him into a vet waiting room. I hate the thought of him speading things to a room of sick pets. Any good ideas? They must get sick dogs in there all the time. I wont let him approach other dogs in there so is that a good enough precaution? Its a new vet as I have been unhappy with the normal one I go to for quite some time. I feel like a traitor! I'm taking Loki for a check up too after the last few days of him wimpering and trying to escape. He just seems "off" He just isn't 100 percent lately and I need to find out why.
  18. I have been doing that Erny. Getting him to sit and drop. It distracts him from the fence. I dont make a fuss of him dont worry. With these two the slightest give and they will take all you got. Not a dog to spoil, the shiba. ( they turn into gremilns if you spoil them)He isn't as anxious now. He is back outside and on his rug. I hope whatever it is has passed
  19. dancinbcs, He is fixed. The other dog however isn't and he is sleeping happily. He seems to be settling a bit now and has stopped wimpering. Its been stinking hot today and it has now just started to rain. Could it be something as simple as the change of weather?
  20. I tried that. But with more swearwords... He is normally very lazy and calm. This is very out of character for him
  21. Ok, I have let him stay inside but he wont settle.
  22. Loki has spent the last few nights trying to get out! He is scratching and wimpering at the hole in the fence he got out of last time. There is nothing on the other side that he is after and Wylie doesnt care less. He is really anxious about it . Now tonight he ran inside when I opened the back door. He hates being indoors and tries to get back outside if he is in. He is running around and seems anxious but I cant work out why! He wont leave the hole alone and his scratching at it is driving me nuts. What could be upsetting him and how can I get him to calm down?
  23. I would say Shiba except for the letting them run around an oval bit. Apart from that they are small and active, happy to live indoors or out and really only need brushing when they blow coat. But off lead....... I wouldnt.
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