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Everything posted by newfsie

  1. + 1 I would be ringing wherever he got the licence plate from and following it up with them - I'm sure they have heard "The dog ate my car" before Do you know a good car person that you can ring re. the scratches? And maybe buy a cover for the car? And buy some huge bones to entertain the dog......So he can use his teeth on those
  2. And some old ones Sunset and moonrise at Lake Mulwala
  3. I like this challenge.....here are some of mine Hubby and our little Q-horse Brady Annabelle at Buffalo River Katy's first swim Tessa on the run This one maybe yes or no.....It is more to do with the river-bank
  4. I am from Southern NSW..........I had to pick hubby up post Surgery from Cabrini Hospital Easter Sunday and because I hate doing the Freeway alone I had Annabelle my older newfie girl along. Mike wanted something from the Vic Market, so we parked and I thought she might as well stretch her legs too. We walked a very busy Vic Market.......I felt like Moses, parting of the crowds.............People must have thought I had an aggressive dog along. And she walks so beautifully along side me. I thought it was quite funny. People at the pet-shop gave her a treat and drink. And some kids asked could they pet her. Obviously not many doggy people at the Market Though afterwards, are dog allowed at the non-food section?
  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww to all those puppy pics
  6. My newfs tend to do this, but luckily only ever to people they adore..........Only one friend gets the privilege......Newfs also use this in the water to retrieve people. It is a very gentle hold and never seems to cause andy damage/bruising. I can see where you are coming from, with all the dog bite neurosis problem. But I am sure your dog will only do it to people she loves
  7. Katy my last newfy pup was just such an easy pup..toileting was just our usual regime and she has given us no problems. I love puppy hood with newfy pups. All of ours have been just big smoochie floof balls. I just wish they would not grow soooooooo fast and just stay floofy and cute for a little longer Just seeing if the bird is edible This is my toothy smile Katy as a puppy
  8. We are on a rural property....We have about a two acre garden, which is where the dogs are when we are home. Dog door means they are in and out as they please. We also have a Kennel room/run for our dogs. When we think we might be late, say nine hours or so. It is a ten by twelve room with a twelve by twenty run attached. It was covered for the working kelpie dogs, but now we have a lovely deciduous tree growing in the run and the fence is just seven foot high. Newfs are not known for their jumping. Ours love the area and often lie there when it is open and we are home. It is great to have, especially when we have pups. Our dogs do live mostly indoor when we are at work, because we have huge screened verandahs, where they love to live during the day. It is nice to have that secure area, but we mostly use it to look after our friends dogs when they go on holidays
  9. My only thought would be maybe bored kids?....Just because they can, if you know what i mean. And not really put any thought into it.
  10. Fingers and paws crossed for a good outcome
  11. OT Newfsie - it's completely a personal decision but the danger of parvo lies much more in the ground than it does in other dogs. Socialising a puppy with vaccinated adults may be giving you a false sense of security as the ground can harbour parvo for several years (ten I believe). Most obedience grounds are free-for-all grassy areas which are frequented by offlead neighbourhood or stray dogs at other times. I know when I got my first puppy I took him to the beach at 9 weeks thinking that parvo couldn't survive on the surface sand after the sun and the salt water etc. I later used to date a veterinary epidemiologist who let me know how wrong I was! Parvo is so extremely hardy that the beach is also a great place to pick it up unfortunately. No our ground are locked. six foot fence and only Club members are allowed on the grounds...........i have no false sense of security, i know the chances, but to me socialization is important. my pups are on Vit C, Vit E and salmon oil from the day they arrive with me and also some Bache flower preventatives and some other herbal stuff. As i have said, I have been lucky and not had any issues. When Katy was ten weeks there was a large amount of dogs that got kennel cough in our area. We were one of the few, my three, who did not get it. Again lucky or our alternative way of prevention. Mind you I would never go to an open park, where dogs roam. the vet is really the worst place to go with a pup.
  12. How sad...RIP sweet Buddy, what a beautiful boy, another Angel for Rainbow Bridge
  13. Yes I bought a Dyson, because i wanted to get rid of bags..........But when we have newf shedding time it is back to the old purple monster Wertheim
  14. Our chicken necks are also large....I am sure wings would be great too. We feed any kind of raw bone to our dogs. mind you to a newf a turkey neck is small,
  15. lunging to attack or just to check out your dog? and does a lunging /pulling dog on a lead make them aggressive?? cos its no often that my sibe isnt pulling on her lead but its not cos shes aggressive.......... and because shes doing that does it make me incompetent and a bad owner?? No I have noticed that at dog training, some lunge to want to meet and greet............i won't let it happen, because when i have two newfs with me I cannot afford for them to lunge. i would be flat on my face. So we never let our dogs "straight-line" us and pull. I can also tell you when a newf is in full fight mode it is not slow.....There are many fit newfs around like mine, who do agility. And it was almost impossible to pull our rescau newf off, when she was in full fight mode. Hubby still has the scars. I think any large dog in full attack mode is scary, whether it be newf, St. bernard, Rottie, GSD, or pitbull type. It all starts with the owner. it just seems some of the not so good owners go for a certain type of dog. I just hope the pup will do well after all these different attacks it seems to be getting. And I am also of the School who thinks socialization is important in the early weeks, We took our nine week old newfy pup to obedience to meet and greet some of the well socialized dogs in our advanced classes. And newfy puppies are far to heavy to carry for long. We have done this with all our pups for the last thirty years. i must admit that the dogs at the Kennel Club are most likely all vaccinated. I just find that period so important. But again the dogs are all under control and known to us, well behaved trained dogs..........
  16. I cannot help you with the dry food, but my pup and older girls gets chicken necks most days in their RAW diet
  17. Wow.......What a lovely thought, I wish you well. Go for it there are plenty out there. just take the time it takes
  18. Honestly? No. All we can do is contain them and control them. Sounds like you need properly constructed, roofed runs for when you aren't home. I agree.....We had escaping Kelpie work dogs, they just wanted to work and they would escape to find Mike on our property. So we made a six foot high run with a mesh roof. It is totally escape proof. The fence has a concrete strip under it to stop digging Two work dogs tried very hard. it has a kennel room attached to keep everyone dry in Winter and cool in summer. It was home made by hubby......... I truly think it is the only way. Most dogs just cannot get the traffic concept, unless they are as well trained as a guide dog. So glad to hear your dog was ok. A run might be cheaper than vet bills.
  19. Sure they can be strong, but any dog who goes into 'peak' aggression automatically has a lowered pain threshold because of the adrenaline coursing through their body - that is not breed specific, that is the same with any dog displaying aggression. Do you really think that bull breeds or mixes have more strength than a big GSD, Dobe or rotty? I know for a fact that when a newf is in full on fighting mode they are incredibly strong and it has taken me and my hubby to pull our newf rescue off our other dog when we first got her. And hubby is very strong and experienced with dogs. She was owned by a "bad" owner and completely ruined. She is now a very social dog, but only after six months of solid training. Any large breed out of control is almost impossible to stop.............I am so glad you were able to pull your pup away from all of this. It is sad that it might most likely happen again with that dog. Maybe with not such a good ending :D
  20. Ditto, I guess Id call my dogs inside/outside, they sleep inside, they spend all day while Im at work outside, but while Im home they have free run of the house and the yard...the majority of the time they are inside with me lol I think if given the choice that is what most breeds would prefer to be inside with their folk when they are home. Just to be with their owners anywhere. Mine are with me constantly when i am home. In or out at choice, but in when i am in. I think it is a sad life for dogs who have to live away from their owners most of the time, especially if tied up out the back. I think A rescue would be lovely..Goldens and Labs make such wonderful pets. Especially if you give the older quieter dogs a new home. I have seen so many sad older rescues, just wishing to be taken home.........
  21. That is why it is so good to go to Ian he is very holistic vet/chiro and will take everything into account, including Pano.........A lot of newfs get pano too, but feeding RAW we have mannaged to side step that with ours, as they are much slower to develop.
  22. And I wash mine in hot water, surely the "said" stuffing would turn to gelatin then..........
  23. I also love his books.have read and got a few of them.........A good read and full of info
  24. We went to a puppy training classes, where we did basic obedience, such as sit, drop, heel. All positive re enforced with treats. We even did a tunnel, which was so much fun. At the end of class the puppies got to meet and greet. It was all very controlled and i was impressed. I started my newf pup at ten weeks. She also went to a class at the vets on another day, I thought two was better than one, but it was a disappointment, no real control and i actually sat my pup next to me and kept the aggressive dogs away. i pulled out at week two. I do not like the "free for all" system. So I took my pup with us to obedience with our other dogs. And we met a lot of the dogs we knew were well trained and social. I like socialization , but I like it controlled and not necessarily with play. i just like controlled meet and greet under controlled environments
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