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Everything posted by newfsie

  1. And he is amazing on both horses and dogs. he has helped us with some old horse injuries years ago, that everyone said were not fixable. And the animals like him
  2. When I first started re-training my newf rescue she was people and dog aggressive and not potty trained. So i used the umbilical system on her to keep 100% watch on her. She was extremely anxious and stressed when i first started leaving her to go to work. But by doing lots of obedience training and agility training and off leash training when she became reliable, we completely went past this. I can now leave her for up to nine hours plus in the house......... And even out of site sit stays now, when initially even three feet away was too much. I think training gives a dog confidence and structure. So far I have been lucky enough not to have had any pups that anxiety. Mind you it is usually not a newfy thing
  3. I thought unregistered pure breeds and cross breeds had to be desexed. or is that only in NSW........
  4. With our dogs the fetch has to be a job..........Our newfs will not endless fetch, but if you throw a bumper they will fetch and return or take it to someone else when directed. they will also take stuff out to someone (life jacket) and retrieve large objects (canoe with rope attached) . But if you throw a ball or stick, you get the look of I will get it once, but only once. And if you throw it twice, they just more or less give you tho get it yourself look. I would love to know what that is called too. i never seem to know if it is prey or play. To me it seems work mode
  5. My worst nightmare............So far I have been lucky. I have dealt with some bloat emergencies in a friend Irish wolfhound. And I made sure i know how to tube, years of practice with poddy calf feeding has come in handy. I have done a lot of reading too and been to several work-shops and even one conference in the USA. A lot of vets, especially the older generation will tell you that it has become more prevalent, since commercial dog food has taken over. this is not saying no commercial food will mean no bloat, but there is a definite reduction. This was heavily discussed at the Conference. We can only do our best and remain vigilant. So sad to see so many losses, I am so sorry for those who lost a dog to this dreadful bloat.............
  6. I noticed you are in North East Victoria...Go and see Ian Bidstrup in Wangaratta. If you are really concerned he is a vet and Chiro and also just amazing with joints/back etc. He is very busy, so book early
  7. Oh! Wow. I think science just died a little. yep sad but true I think it is because more people with pedigree dogs are actually willing to spend on their dogs and this is only in percentages. Not saying all people with cross breeds do not care. I have a cross breed myself (rescue). I must admit that with Medibank private, I pay the same for her as my newfs. And they have all my details I will pm you my email address
  8. I don't know anything about it being different in breed, but i do know that with all our dogs, the dogs chose their preferred person. I do most of the feeding and we both do very active training with our dogs. But our newfy girl rescue chose me from day one. Whilst the previous rescue boy chose hubby. Our most recent pup is very clever she has chosen us both. And our golden cross has always been Mike's dog. We have had lots of different breeds and even though I do most of the "let the puppy out" and "feed the puppy", some have chosen Mike as the love of their lives and some me. The newfs from pup seem to share, but attach to one person when a rescue. Maybe someone else has more info........
  9. So where does this thing go when they go? :laugh: :D You have to put it in the bag and get another one
  10. And I wonder what will happen to the dog..............I hope he survives the 6 month probation period
  11. I have never used it............I am also a long time Forum user, newf net.........Though pretty new to this one
  12. Katy or tessa would bring their bowl if they were forgotten. :D
  13. I am fairly new here, but am a long time dog owner and I do rescue. And my dogs only leave by dying in my arms. I have been on other Forums for years, such as newf net. But I must admit I was shocked at how people treated one lady with a newf and a autistic son. She had to re-home the newf and many people were very unkind and not helpful. I got in contact with newf rescue and the dog involved now has a great happy home and the lady has been helped with a dog more suitable (trained) who can cope with the screaming boy and help him. She chose a breed (newf), that most people would have expected to suit, but he could not cope with the screams, she had dog behaviourist out and tried her best. Newf rescue also got the dog checked out and he was not suitable in that environment. he is safe and happy now. But reading a lot of the posts, i had never thought about some of the problems that occur, by people posting under different names and not being honest. And that it has happened quite a lot. it made me see what happened in a slightly different light. I however am still the person, who tries to help and sort if I can or have the knowledge. It is probably the Nurse in me. I also have a thick skin personally and that probably comes from working in nursing for over thirty years Personally I find this Forum quite OK and there is heaps to learn and lots of info, which I enjoy So I will be sticking around
  14. Thanks, Love the pearly whites!! Our old dog also had great teeth, maybe the difference being that he was an only dog and had a bone practically all the time and he was forever chewing on it, mostly marrow bones. But with this lot I only give bones when I'm at home and I don't leave them with bones to chew on, once they finish the left overs get thrown out and they don't seem interested in them anyway. We have three dog now and they get a bone almost daily..........They get marrow, pelvis, vertebrae, ribs and mostly brisket for when katy was small or anything else we can get our hands on. Our butcher gives us a large box per week for $5.00. He knows the dogs and is generous to them I pick them up, if anything is left (not often) daily in Summer, but they can hang around a bit in Winter. Our dogs are very good with food/bones. You can put them in a line and no-one touches the others bone. It could be just a newfie thing or because we have always been very strict about food aggression
  15. Mine just have bones of any size and type. Our little kelpie who just passed away at 15 had beautiful teeth These are Tessa's teeth yesterday.....She is four and a bit, vets have always commented on our dogs teeth. Congrats on the good behaviour, well done
  16. Planhaven What Katy Did........Katy has done lots, she is a busy girl......this is katy at the river She is growing like a weed, loving life, friendly, adored by all her human and canine friends and soooooo well behaved, I keep pinching myself ( must be dreaming) Sorry smoky pics, they are reduction burning locally, of a very tired girl From this.......... To this........... Looking down the scary riverbank It is what we call a sloppy sit in obedience My trendy hair cut..........So tired I am so ready to go home.....you are keeping me up I will just sit here and enjoy the view till we go home
  17. Sorry to hear about Titan, but what a gorgeous treasure as a keepsake.....Very special, love it. Thank you for passing it along
  18. Yes and I was one of those foster homes for an old Kepie....they have a waiting list for bequest dogs, because they are vet fee free and a lot of people who adore dogs, but cannot afford them can get a dog this way. The Foster owner has the dog, but all vet fees are paid....From the bequest left for them......the foster owners are checked and we were re-checked whilst we had this old boy. You can also give a preference to future foster owners. Which is what I have done. My dogs are in the bequest program, but they are to give the first option to a couple of newfie people. That means they would get the dogs, but not pay any vet fees for the dogs lifetime and if their situation had changed the dogs would go to our own newf rescue, with the same options. this is all tied down quite legally through our will. One of our friends did pass way and that is how we got her Kelpie. You have many options in this program and you need to check this all out with your solicitor, which is what we did. Therre are not many friends or relatives who can afford to take on 3 large dogs, plus our horses. And friendships change and everything can change, so we chose a body that would be around and we just tied it all up legally, which cost us a $800.00 solicitor fee, but it is for our pets future Yes it works in a similar way to ours but none of our foster carers pay expenses regardless of where the animals come from or why. I am also in Southern NSW..Is there any way of getting to know more about yours. I only did what was available to me at the time. And I know this sounds stupid, but what would happen if something happened to you? Or is there a group back-up? When it comes to my pets, I worry forever, some say it is a neurosisi
  19. I could not have said it better myself.i feel for you, but choices have to made for safety of all. I feel incredibly sad for you. Good luck
  20. Yes and I was one of those foster homes for an old Kepie....they have a waiting list for bequest dogs, because they are vet fee free and a lot of people who adore dogs, but cannot afford them can get a dog this way. The Foster owner has the dog, but all vet fees are paid....From the bequest left for them......the foster owners are checked and we were re-checked whilst we had this old boy. You can also give a preference to future foster owners. Which is what I have done. My dogs are in the bequest program, but they are to give the first option to a couple of newfie people. That means they would get the dogs, but not pay any vet fees for the dogs lifetime and if their situation had changed the dogs would go to our own newf rescue, with the same options. this is all tied down quite legally through our will. One of our friends did pass way and that is how we got her Kelpie. You have many options in this program and you need to check this all out with your solicitor, which is what we did. Therre are not many friends or relatives who can afford to take on 3 large dogs, plus our horses. And friendships change and everything can change, so we chose a body that would be around and we just tied it all up legally, which cost us a $800.00 solicitor fee, but it is for our pets future
  21. :laugh: No Newfies..........And allthe otheres are so cute
  22. Katy, seven month old newfy pup, loves to have ours in her mouth.....She does not chew it, she just carries it and it completely disappears in her mouth
  23. Bless you for being so kind.........
  24. We are obviously lucky here...........No pain meds and the dogs hardly seemed to realise it was done. Our stitch line was a little bigger, but very tidy
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