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Everything posted by altheau

  1. What a terrible thing to happen, I feel for the family AND the people who live in the surrounding area. I know that when I lived in Wagga someone was attacking horses and I spent ages worrying about my boy until it was resolved. I hope that they can find enough evidence to catch someone, but I am not sure do the perpetrators of these crimes often get caught?
  2. What a cutie! she looks like a little character to.
  3. I am sure they will! I know I would love to receive a professional photo of my puppy so I could always remember just how cute they where when they where littlies.
  4. She is gorgeous. It is great to see such lovely dogs getting along so well
  5. HAHA lots og cute doggies. Looks like everyone had great fun!
  6. They are all gorgeous, but I really love the two liver ones. Really nice photos as well, I love the blue background!
  7. I have a mid sized dog. I can second a great experience with Canberra Pet Care in Wickerslack Lane. Yuki stayed 3 nights and we paid for 2 activities a day for her. WIth the bushwalks they give you a photo of them out and about which was sweet as we did not expect it. Yuki looked very happy in both photos, and looked really happy when we arrived as well.
  8. When I was a kid my mum used to breed Burmese cats. we always had at least 1 dog as well and we never had any problems. Mum had a hell of a time with her last littler of kittens though. We had a lovely doberman boxer cross girl. Mum tried to wean the kittens, only to have Jess (our dog) bring on milk for them, and they had no qualms about suckling from her since their real mum had moved on ;p was pretty cute.
  9. I think theses are lovely, Den looks like a real sweety! =]
  10. Still thinking of your lovely girl, hoping she is feeling better
  11. Looks like you all had a great time. I love to see doggies invited along on camping trips because they tend to love it so much! I love the bunny ears =]
  12. awww he looks lovely, you have done a great job with him!
  13. I love Bassets, sounds like he had a great day =]
  14. I saw these on Ruth's blog, what a gorgeous boy! He has some pretty cute expressions =]
  15. ok here are some of mine from a recent trip to kosi
  16. WOW you guys have been creating alot of lovely photos in here !
  17. Glad to hear it all went well Lola is so damn cute!
  18. I agree lovely subjects you have there. I really like the photo of Wowsa, what a sweetie. I am still trying to get my head around lenses, there are just to many options! I think the best advice anyone can give when you start out is to try and use your camera all the time. I have had mine for almost a year now and I am still confused by the settings because i have not used it enough, but things are slowly changin now that I am using it more and more.
  19. awww I wish i had some more monies. I am not sure why but my funds always seem to evaporate before I can by anything exciting ;p
  20. Poor girl, hopefully it what ever it is passes through her system very soon. Sending some healing vibes PS, she is a l lovley looking doggy.
  21. Oh my that is so lovely. I wish I had puppy picas of me girl.
  22. Well there is irony for you, defiantly a mistake that made me go DOH! DOH Thanks, all fixed now =]
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