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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Annoys me no end. Only last week, on my local community page, it was told how a man had been attacked by a bull breed type, not far from me. My cameras picked up two staffy types running up and down my street, no person in sight. And again the most recent dogs in the pound, like the last 4 - 6 weeks were bull breed types. Not only annoys me but scares me.
  2. try here https://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/breeders/papillon.asp ask some of the long term breeders if they could help you.
  3. I hope there is some restrictions/notification for those people who are allergic to dogs or cats. Otherwise, it happens OS, so why not here.
  4. Borzoi but requires grooming, long haired Chihuahua but requires grooming, Bull Terrier but would be too nervous about being stolen.
  5. Nothing wrong with either brand that you are feeding. I've fed both to my dogs and pups over the years.
  6. I very much agree with Perse. Warrior is coming up to 13, a good age for a Greyhound. He is very wobbly in the back end with little to no muscle tone. But he can still jump up on my bed. Which is a little bit my line in the sand. If he starts to become incontinent then he will be off to the bridge.
  7. do you have a problem with your pup?
  8. How about the owners take responsibility for their dogs actions. Like our poster in general.
  9. yes except when they offer to pay vet bills and apologise is offered more then once and then a dangerous dog goes under the radar. If I hadn't had encouraged an owner to report, because I had prior knowledge of a serious dog attack and a near miss, then the dangerous dog would still be getting away with things. Problem is the owner of the attacked dog doesn't know if this is the first time or the 10th the dangerous dog has done this. I always encourage people to report
  10. oh so true @Deeds these type of owners and dogs are the reason I carry a riding crop with me and I have used it.
  11. no accident when it happens twice, just a careless owner. Hope the fine is increased.
  12. Just own the incident and fix the fence. You want a dog, then grow up.
  13. Pup safe your garden and leave her there. Make a digging pit with a shell pool (Bunnings) and good quality sand. A huge marrow bone, shade, shelter and water.
  14. Non obedient shivering? You have to kidding don't you? The dog is terrified and you are saying he is non obedient. For GOD's sake give him a safe place to go to and think about getting him some meds for these times. This is not a behavioural problem. OMG!!
  15. I feed chicken necks and have done so for years. My Greyhound pups are started on them around 5 weeks old so a 4 month old Sheltie should be fine. You could always feed a whole carcass if you are nervous or a wing. I've never had a problem with "off" necks and I get them from a pet food store.
  16. what tdierikx said. I'd be arguing about the fees. Let them fine the previous owner for not doing the right thing
  17. great question! I've never thought about it. Rough and smooth coats. I hope someone can answer. Jack Russells I think also have a rough coat and a smooth and can also get a broken coat which is partly both.
  18. I've never used piddle pads and the last 20 years used a crate for toilet training. I don't know if shelties have a mouse bladder but it seems he has not learnt to hold on for any length of time. It's good he is going either outside or on the pads but time for a more traditional toilet training I think. Remove the pads, reduce the size of the pen and shut the door. Your pup is 3/4 there, just needs a little push to not wee at the drop of a hat. Good luck!
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