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Everything posted by snow_wolf

  1. Every racing greyhound i've ever come across has been fine. I just never believed they should be singled out like that. Every breed has a few dogs that are likely to bite someone.
  2. They should never have had to be muzzled in the first place. Nothing wrong with greyhounds at all.
  3. Is this a separate case to the other thread?
  4. Thats exactly why i usually go in with the boot
  5. What an idiot. There are way too many irresponsible dog owners in this world... :D
  6. That's why I found it odd. :D Unless they were already too high to notice? Druggo's... How high do you think their IQ could possibly be?
  7. Wow. Sounds pretty cool. Dont know about having them inside such a small enclosure the whole time though
  8. It doesnt look like it was a very heavy crash at all. Would like to see if there was a pan pan, or may day called. It looks to me as though they were attempting an emergency landing, and came up short. Either way, glad their all ok.
  9. I absolutely HATE, and i mean HATE! our basenji... And honestly, i dislike any other particular dog that is as small as a cat or yaps
  10. The problem is that if the OP doesnt give an indication of the content in the subject heading people complain that there wasnt a warning. It's a no win, really. Or people could just grow up??? Its not the end of the world, because you read a word that is a little unsettling such as "death"... Unfortunately this is the world we live in. These things happen, as unfortunate, shocking, and disgusting as they can be, they do happen. There's no point having a cry because you read about it on some web forum, and its shaken you up a little bit. How about thinking what those animals, and people go through when these things happen. Im sure that they would all beg to have just read about it on the internet one day instead.
  11. Oh FFS - it probably all happened in seconds. I'll 2nd that... Good job by the dog
  12. That is terrible... Is it possible that the monkeys are highly territorial, and maybe it killed the baby intentionally?
  13. I cant stand people who do this to pass their spare time... It reminds me of when i was a kid. About 10 years old. And some other kids in the street were chasing a cat with sticks, and hitting it. When i saw it, i told them to stop being cruel to it. One of them replied "Its just a stupid animal, it doesnt have feelings"... That blew me right over the edge, so i went inside, got changed into my batman costume, and went outside and beat him up with quite a large stick. (Or it might have been a cricket bat, cant really remember)... I never saw them pick on another animal ever again.
  14. This is the "In the news thread"... Quite frankly, every time average joe gives "buddy" a scooby snack, It isn't going to hit headlines. Unfortunately, because the posts here are to subject related, the majority of article that will be posted here will be acts of cruelty, or other "shocking" news... Of course, occassionally, there will be great feats, which will bring joy to your day to read. Such as the thread about the oldest living dog. But this is the way the world works, and good news doesnt sell, anywhere near as well as bad news will, thus wont be reported. That being said, there is nothing forcing you to be exposed to the "grim" topics. And it is your choice, and yours alone, whether you open those pages... If you're looking to engage in a conversation that is more light-hearted, visit the general discussion page. And once your post count reaches 150, you will have acess to the off topic section. Usually some good stuff to talk about in there if u want to stray (no pun intended) away from dog-talk.
  15. Reminds me of dog on the track at one of the bathurst races a while ago...
  16. Wow. I never expected the oldest dog on record to be that high!!!
  17. Disgusting vile creature. I saw the video, and have seen the photos on FB. She is actually smiling as she holds a dog up that has been almost severed in two and completely gutted. How can 1 do that, and smile about it? If this is what she finds amusing and entertaining now, than a few years down the track, who knows what she will be into. Its only going to escalate, this is how serial killers start... Im glad she's been found. I dont want to say what i think should happen to her, but it is of the worst nature i could possibly imagine.
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