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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. I saw poodle people using those pillow pets!
  2. I wouldn't be happy signing that either... I hope this is in the hands of your lawyers.
  3. Group 2 BIG Stafford (trents doggie!) RUIG smooth Foxie
  4. Wow, 9!! Sorry about eh 2 but glad the rest of litter is healthy and doing well after your last ones!!
  5. Aww new September bubbies!! Congrats all and sorry for the loss as well
  6. meh, my girl might have one..or she could be fat...
  7. Just because a kennel wins a lot in the show circut certainly doesn't mean they have the best dogs....especially in this day and age.... There are a few Lab breeders here on DOL Op :) I can also personally recommend Catraz in wooded Victoria.
  8. French Britts are more commonly found in the field. There are quite a few breeders of them. If you get in touch with Fiona Brown (Tobenlee) or Marilyn Dinalte (Riverreed) they would probably steer you in the right direction as thier partners hunt :)
  9. How is it the exhibitors fault the judges cancelled?? That's crap no refunds, it's not a cheap show!!
  10. Man, let me get through 2012-2013 first! :laugh:
  11. I'm guessing a w people won't be coming from interstate now..
  12. Wow, snofye you sure will have your hands full!! Hope all goes fantastic and smoothly and you have a couple of wee champs in there!!
  13. What a fantastic age for a Dane anyway so you've done somthing right...gave him a long and happy life! RIP big puppy dog, and OP take it easy :)
  14. ok what about pups that are imported into Australia becoming fetile and sring litters when mature...but adults whom have previously sired a litter, then after all the vaccinations done become sterile...I would have thought puppies would have been more likly to suffer from the effects of vaccinations than older/mature dogs?
  15. Maybe..had a mating this morning...lol about early to tell..lol!
  16. Great discussion, some thought provoking stuff here,
  17. Ok as a terrier trainee judge and terrier owner this has a correct protocol...only two should be done at once and walked up towards eachother slowly..( generally from a distance and be kept at least a few feet apart) and in no manner shouldn't it be aggressive! It's merely getting the dogs to sight each other and be on "their toes)" any signs of aggression the dogs shoud be turned away and not tried again. Breeds like a bullies, Am Staffs and Staffs should never be spared. Unfortunatly most terriers would have no clue what to do as too many are far to soft and bait orientated....no, a terrier should not be aggressive but should have a fiery terrier temperament. IMO a youngster shouldn't have been sparred either...your poor gal!
  18. Enter, as others have said, you can always pull him if your not happy :)
  19. Just to point out once again: this is a thread for a curious disscussion, not pointing fingers etc
  20. Cairns, but chatting to friends with other breeds it seems to be a common story..
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