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Everything posted by Loraine

  1. GR he always gets antsy when there is lightening and thunder, and rescue rememdy and another miix of the herbals stuff does him no good at all. The vet has given me some Promax to give him, but I try not to do it too often as it really knocks him out. The storm was another matter, I just felt I had to calm him down.
  2. My power came back on about 10 o'clock last night. Everything in the freezers and fridge will have to be chucked Zedley went crazy mad, he is terrified of thunder and lightening and at the worst of the storm he tried to headbut his way out of the front security screen door, ran in and out of his own dog door at the back until I locked it. I ended up having to drug the poor sod. I had dinner at my son's place last night as their electricty had come back up and they had aircon . DIL's parents came over too. One neighbour was flooded as the drains overflowed, thankfully no other damage to this street.
  3. J I am so sorry that Occy has gone to the . you know that you did the best you could to kepp him comfortable. (((HGUS)))
  4. I think only public shunning of these places would be the only way. Like Jamie Oliver and his expose on chickens and pigs - pushed many people into sourcing and buying free range pork and chickens. I wouldn't mind puppy farms so much if the animals were not kept in cages for the whole of their lives (a longer life than a battery hen), and had free running on grass etc.
  5. Mine has become rather like me (he was 2 when he came to me). Wants to go to bed at the same time as me, is laid back and can't be fussed having a row - better things to do with our time :D
  6. As i shall hpoefully be in my late 70's (before my current boy goes) I would look to a breeder for a retiring, older dog. Failing that route, I'd go with a rescue group.
  7. I agree, I once brought home a feral kitty (about 4 weeks old) and my bitch mothered it and started making milk for it :D . The bitch had not yet had a litter.
  8. Heaps of info about BARF. Houndbags - I got me one some time ago. Lots and lots of great info
  9. Too much prednisolone will cause the following Having had a dog with Cushing's disease I am very conscious of giving my current dog Pred for more than a couple of weeks.
  10. I use Advocate as it contains something that kills off mites. It was thought my itchy boy had mites (but he didn't).
  11. Hells bells, not what you imagine could happen to a puppy. Poor wee pup.
  12. I don't think it matters much. I have, in the past, rescued a 5 yr old from a pount and had to give him a name. In no time at all he was coming to me when I called either him or the cat I think they get used to the tone of your voice. I renamed my current dog and he was two years old. I just did not like the name he came with
  13. I have an itchy boy and I bathe him in Aloveen, sometimes every other day when he is having a bad time, and no problen with drying of his skin. With Nala have you had her thyroid checked? My boy had his checked and started on thyroid meds and his skin cleared up. He recently had another otchy skin attack and his thyroid was rechecked and his meds adjusted and he is now fine.
  14. Poor Tango, not a great time for him. I think I would hold off on another visit to St Helen's. He will have become quite dehydrated being sick and having the runs. It does sound as if he has levelled off at the moment, so I would just concentrate on getting whatever good grub into him as you can. Just a thought from left field - have you considered trying him on Sustagen? I know it is great for peeps as I carried my son on it LOL, I had 9 month sickness and it was the only thing I could hold down. I delivered a healthy baby. It may help Tango put on a bit of weight.
  15. I do note feel you have any responsibility here to pay anything, but an amount you can afford would be a nice gesture. make sure that you drop a note with the money (assuming you do pay something) stating that the money is a good faith payment, and in no way admits any wrong doing on your part or your dogs. Used to study law , but you need to make sure you are protected in the case these folks talk more to the rellies and start laying blame.
  16. Thanks Lo Pan, it seems as if she really hates that breed.
  17. Judge Judy has just advised that the Pitbul has a jaw that 'locks' once it has a grip on its target. Is this true? I have a feeling that I have previously read on this site that pitbulls do not and cannot 'lock' their jaws. Just really curious.
  18. Way cute, warming the bed for the puppy. So sweet.
  19. Wire Haired Fox Terrier - only hair loss is when you groom him and it catches in the comb. Never seen a hair in the house otherwise. I think the Airedale is much the same but a bigger dog
  20. This is my heart boy Coco - gone to the bridge after his kidney's failed. He was 15.5, had Cushing's Disease for 3 years.
  21. People can be such inconsiderate idiots. Poor Puck, do hope he gets better soon.
  22. I don't have Foxtel, but when I dropped my car off for a service today the mechanic who drove me home was saying that he saw it and could not believe that people could treat dogs so badly. Great opening for me to yabber on about where those puppy farm dogs end up He has a staffy who is in the vet today to have a leg removed due to cancer He was telling me that the first vet they saw (the dog was favorouing the leg) told them to take it swimming as that was the best thing for pulled muscles. He took dog to another vet who put him straight and is now operating on the dog.
  23. Christine that is just too awful. You need to see a doc ASAP cat bites and scratches carry many nasty germs (more than dogs do). Get Kate to the vet too. RIP cat, pity your owners did not take better care of you
  24. I am so sorry that Charlie now has ot live with this problem. It is quite amazing how dogs will adjust to things. I applaud you and your BF for you ongoing and determined care of Charlie.
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