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Everything posted by Loraine

  1. So glad that the Emmy Medicine is working for Charlie. They look so gorgeous togther.
  2. As a member of the public, with a breed in mind I would be looking at all of the newspaper ads to see where I could source a dog I wanted. I would check that the seller I chose was a registered breeder. Being new to an area can make it hard to know where to find breeders.
  3. Pup is fine and very responsive. Thanks Ash, that is great news.
  4. What a sweetheart Ash is there any chance of her being deaf as she is white? Just curious., no offence meant.
  5. How the heck did I miss all this? Those poor dogs, and your poor Auntie. That has to be a heartbreaking thing to witness. I think I would be scared to walk my dogs again (maybe the dogs will now be too scared to go for walkies). I hope they catch the person who owns that nasty dog.
  6. I have just posted something that may help you. It is about using melatonin for anxious dogs. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=195931
  7. Well said Julie. I had not time for the politics/policies of the RSPCA, but when it comes to helping pets in distress they do come to the 'party' in the best way. I have always found that side of the RSPCA to be good and helpful.
  8. Good grief, just when you think your dog is safe in his own yard I am so sending healing thoughts and prayers out for Tyson. I hope he does not have to lose his leg and I hope the owners of the other dogs get the book thrown at them.
  9. One of my US friends sent me this link - very interesting: http://www.brighthub.com/health/alternativ...cles/21796.aspx
  10. Zedley tries to get under things, over things - he gets completely freaked out and I cannot distract him (not that I was in the mood for distrating any dog in the early hours of this morning. In the past I have tried the CD with thunder noises, and that did not help at all, he just wen even more feral whilst it was on. he is now 7 and has been with me since he was 2 and has always been like this. If I totally ignore him he just contines running in and out of the house, under and over furniture - getting more and more strange. Seems drugs are the only thing that helps. He can also sense a storm before it hits, and starts up then.
  11. I am so glad I am not alone. :rolleyes: I cannot let Zedley have the run of the house during a night storm, as he dashes in and out, scratches at closed doors, digs the carpet up. This is now why the vet has given me drugs for the lad. I hate using them, but boy he can go very weird without them.
  12. I am so danged tired. We had a thunder and lightening show in the middle of the night, so I had Zedley behaving like a fool. He tried to get out of the solid glass window - I am sure one day he will break it . He dashes around the bedroom, shivering, panting and generally disturbing my beauty sleep (OK I'm past beauty, but I do need my sleep) . At first I did not notice the weather as I can slepp through anything, and just thought he had a case of the 'runs' so let him out of the bedroom to go outside. Then I realised he was running in and out of his dog door, and that makes a bang. I had to get out of bed and drug the little pest. He spent the rest of the night (what was left of it) huddled into me, until the drug kicked in and he nodded off. When day light broke I got out of bed and decied I would get right back in. Didn't raise again until 8.45, and I am still half dead
  13. Mini Poodle Toy Poodle Wire Haired Fox Terrier Scottish Terrier Chi French Bulldog I'm getting on and don't want large dogs, I just want cuddlybums.
  14. Will do at 9pm Perth time (makes the wishes last longer)
  15. If you have internet access to your bank account you can transfer money (in your country currency) to MDBA Pacers BSB 062 600 Account number 10488688. If you don't have internet access you can go to your bank and request them to do an international transfer for you. One word of caution, MDBA Pacers will probably be charged $10.00 for receipt of money from overseas, so make sure you send enought to cover that expense.
  16. In his picture (previous page) he is an elderly golden cocker. Come on Magnus, come home.
  17. My neighbour has a dog who howls at abulances, but not at police or fire engines
  18. Great idea, what a good Mum you are. My old gal used to climb onto my Mum's pull along shopping bag when she was tired
  19. I have the least agressive dog in the world. When he plays with other dogs of any size he growls and they growl back. I really don't think that play growling is going to tun a dog into a vicious animal.
  20. When I had my security screens and doors installed I had a dog door cut at the same time, so that the door arrived with the requisite dog flap.
  21. WOW - good on you for having such elderly dogs and still caring about them. Have you thought of putting down those puppy training mats? I used them for my old Mini Poodle when he got too tired to go through his door at night. The cut the cost I also found that I could put thick plastic on the floor with an old bath mat over it and he would do his stuff there. Helped keep me sane too!
  22. Horty I am so sorry that it seems the time has come for old Kuges. I have done both - taken a dog to the vet and come home alone and had the vet come to the house. I do believe that whilst the remaining dog may not show any particular emotion about a 'dead' dog, they are more calm after the old dog has been removed for cremation. They seem to understand that the dog was dead. When I came home from the vet with no dog, the other dogs kept looking for her and took a goodly while to settle down to the fact she was not coming back. My heart is breaking for you Horty, as I do know how hard this is. If there is anything I can do, just let me know, I am only about 15/20 minutes from your place (do you still have my phone number?)
  23. I've just logged on and seen this. I am so glad that Fern has come through her ordeal. Now to hope she copes with the sling. These Danged dogs can give us all heart attacks.
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