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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. I received my (very generous) sample a couple of days ago and am currently feeding half Nutro and half Black Hawk with absolutely no problems at all, no gas, no loose poo and the dogs love it. I will slowly increase the Black Hawk over the next few days. At this stage I am very pleased with the product
  2. If you use the 3mm blade with the lay of the hair the results will be similar to clipping with a 5F. Combs only work efficiently on very close blades such as a 30 or 40, if you use them on any of the other blades they have a tendency to catch on the hair.
  3. Yeh they do 2 blades 1mm and 3mm isn't that way too short though? i was talking about those plastic combs. something like this The two blades you have are roughly the equivalent of a 15F and a 7F (I use Osters). Do you want to clip the SWF in your avatar? Do you want to do a full body clip? If so I would recommend a 5F blade.
  4. Not my sort of thing at all, I'm not a squeamish person, but I find dog fighting sickening.
  5. I'm not quite sure that I understand your post, but yes you can use the clippers just as they are, the two blades cut to different lengths, you do not need to use plastic heads (I presume you mean combs?). However if you want to use combs most of them fit all standard clippers.
  6. Can someone put up a link to "He only wants to say hi!' It's an excellent article and probably gets the point across much better than we can.
  7. I cannot stand dogs who run up to mine and start sniffing, it's actually very bad dog manners and if she picks on the wrong dog she may be attacked. There is a correct way for one dog to approach another, but obviously your dog is ignorant of the protocol.
  8. 8weeks old yesterday, I took him earlier. No reputable breeder would let their pups go one day short of 8 weeks old!!! Please accept my apologies, I missed this, I'm really glad that he's 8 weeks and not seven
  9. Well I'm one of those elitist breeders with a closed mind who wouldn't sell one of my puppies to anyone living in an apartment, my puppies, my choice, I just don't think a puppy of my breed is suitable for apartment living. Neither would I sell to anyone without a fully fenced yard, once again my puppies, my choice. If either of those decisions sends a prospective puppy buyer dashing off into the consoling arms of a BYB or a puppy farmer then so be it, I don't approve of either, but it's their choice and no concern of mine.
  10. Exactly how old is this puppy? In another topic I remember you saying that your new puppy would be 8 weeks old at Christmas which would mean that at the moment he's just turned 7 weeks. Now you are saying that he's already 8 weeks??? A GSD is a large breed and when they're very young they're all over the place and lack coordination and I'm not surprised that you can push him over. This puppy is a BABY and if he's only just turned 7 weeks he should still be with his dam and littermates not playing for hours with another dog. As for toilet training if he's only 7 weeks he will have very little control over his bowel and bladder so when they they feel the urge to go it just happens. You need to put him outside immediately after sleeping, after eating and after playing and about every hour in between. Stay outside with him until he urinates and then give him lots of praise, don't just put him outside and leave him there. When you can't supervise the pup indoors confine him to a crate or pen, but don't leave him in there for so long that he's forced to soil his crate, no longer than an hour to start with. I certainly wouldn't be leaving these two pups together unsupervised, although they're both small at the moment it won't be long until the GSD towers over the maltese and the maltese could be seriously injured if the GSD decides to play a bit rough, it probably won't be intentional but when you have such a huge difference in size and weight it could easily happen.
  11. Me too . Me too, excellent post Jeff Jones
  12. Kashing your puppy may simply be very tired, if he's only just 8 weeks of age and has played with your other dog for 4/5 hours he will be totally exhausted, actually that is far too much for a puppy that young. When pups are very tired they just flop, you can pick them up and they'll just lie down again as if their legs are made of jelly. He will also be suffering a degree of stress caused by leaving his dam and siblings and being transported to a completely different environment with strange people and a strange dog, this will also contribute to his tiredness. The loose poo could be caused by a combination of stress, exhaustion and perhaps something you've fed him. Have you changed his diet at all? Even a biscuit or a treat he hasn't had before can upset a pup's stomach. However if there is something wrong with your puppy he will deteriorate very quickly and from what you've said I think it would be sensible to have him checked by a vet as soon as possible.
  13. I've been a member for decades, and surprise, surprise, I do believe that miraculously most people are waiting until they are told the bitch is old enough to mate. And I honestly believe that breeders stop mating their bitches when they are told they are too old. Many of us do believe that breeders are not having back to back litters. Perhaps you know different breeders from me? I know of several members who have been expelled for any or all of the above items. They weren't personal friends, but I knew of them. I know quite a few members, and if any of these are doing any of the above things, they obviously have another 50 dogs kennelled in secret out the back of Oodnagalarvy. Well I certainly didn't. I personally believe that instead of covertly accusing ANKC members of blatant disregard for the regulations, as well as forging pedigrees, if you have evidence of any of the above, you should either name the people involved, OR, report them to their state CC. Your remarks above are very derogatory to ALL registered breeders. You may know dishonest breeders. I certainly don't. If I did, I would have reported them long ago, for the good of the hobby. Maybe as a CC member, you should consider doing the same rather than making generalised and unprovable assertations? In support of my remarks, "older" breeders and others would not be walking away from their CCs, or ceasing to breed, if they were lying about pedigrees, and/or using bitches in a way that flaunted the ANKC coe. They would have no need. As far as the deleted rule #6 (discussed earlier in this thread), variety = breed. This rule forbids cross breeding - crossbreeds cannot be registered, nor can their progeny Jed ;) ;) This is the best post I've read in this topic and I couldn't agree with you more You've said everything that I've been thinking, but unlike me you took the trouble to post your thoughts. I've been showing and breeding for decades too and I know nothing about fake papers. As for blatantly dishonest breeders you may get the odd dodgy one here or there as you do in all walks of life, but nothing to the extent that is being implied. Three cheers Jed, I salute you
  14. I couldn't agree more Sandra, I was also around in the 70's and 80's. My foundation bitch was from a father/daughter mating, she was mated to an import and produced a BIS/BISS winner and I then put her daughter to her nephew and produced two BIS/BISS winners. One of her sons had his first mating at ten months of age. As for taking pregnant bitches to shows, I've done it occasionally and I know many other breeders who've done it, as long as the bitch isn't heavily in whelp and is happy to show I don't have a problem with it.
  15. To bring in a dog from a non-aqis country the dog would have be a resident in an aqis approved country for six months prior to export to Australia. However you would have to find an aqis approved country that would accept a dog from the non-approved country eg. if you were living in Nigeria (non-aqis country) you would have to find an aqis approved country that would allow importations of dogs from Nigeria.
  16. The extra rubbish that has been added and the attack on Mita were out of line. So is the implication that all vegetarians vote green
  17. My dogs get a small handful of chopped cooked lamb's liver twice weekly. For a small dog I would think that two or three pieces would suffice.
  18. oakway, I think he's going for longer than 6 months
  19. I don't feed weight bearing bones either, I feed beef brisket bones to my dogs.
  20. Nekhbet, I absolutely agree with your post.
  21. Miranda

    Puppy Poo

    He may have become infected with coccidia. Dogs develop immunity to coccidia as they mature and many adults carry the parasite but show no symptoms, however puppies are far more vulnerable and may develop diarrhea with mucus and sometimes blood in the stools. Your vet can test for it and it's easily treated.
  22. No the dog started barking and running around the jogger and then the jogger started yelling at the OP. In this shire a dog behaving in that manner would attract a dangerous dog declaration if the council became involved.
  23. I use Plush Puppy Seabreeze Oil after routine bathing, 1 tablespoon to 1/2 bucket of warm water and don't rinse it out. However that's not going to prevent hair breakage if the dog is scratching, you will have to discover the cause and treat it. Scratching is an absolute no-no if you want a good coat.
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