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Everything posted by Issy

  1. Fact is we just don't know when they will die. My first dog which was a GSD lived to the age of 16 and died of old age. She may still have years to go, so don't be upset by what others may say. I agree with most of the posters, I don't think it was said with ill intent at all.
  2. Aren't dogs colourblind? They can only detect very few colours.
  3. It seems most people agree that it is the owners fault whether they didn't socialise them properly or let them loose somehow? Wouldn't it be better to give jailtime to these people as well as hefty fines? Wouldn't this reduce the amount of people being irresponsible? In my humble opinion, I do not believe that getting rid of certain dogs is a solution, especially if some of these are great pets.
  4. Wow that is awesome! Never thought a dog could ever be that flexible.
  5. Aww poor Dane, you could've at least given him something in blue :laugh:
  6. I don't know if the BYB has changed from the past 20-30 years ago or so because when I was younger the only way my family knew how to buy a pet was from the paper. Back then there was no internet. My family got our first puppy Sheba (a GSD) from a BYB when I was a teen and from what I remember the owner only had few dogs (like 3 or so not counting the puppies for sale). Anyways, long story short she lived for 16 years and died of old age. Every few years we took her to get vaccinated and checked up ( I do recall she did have those little flies that would always try eat at her ears and we'd use cream on them in the summer), other than that she was never ill or developed health problems. During this time I also bought a shit-zu for a family friend back then, who also lived until 15 or so with no health issues. I know this is only two examples but until I actually bought my purebred pup (I wanted to show and was interested) I thought you only bought purebred if you wanted to show, otherwise you just buy one by other means. I really didn't know any better and I guess not having bad experiences before just didn't know otherwise. I know now those dogs probably weren't purebred at all but you just believe the breeders, since it is hard to disprove when they are just puppies. So my guess is people just don't know any better. Recently two family friends of mine bought new houses and one of them brought a chihuahua from a pet store (which told them the dogs came from purebred breeders apparently) and I sat down with him and had a chat for like 30 mins about where these dogs come from, puppy farms etc and he was rather shocked. The other family friends I haven't had a chance to talk to yet and I'm hoping they bought from a reputable breeder but I doubt it It is all about educating. I really don't know how else this can be resolved or other ways to inform people but the more people we can get to, the better.
  7. That sounds great, will definately give it a go, thanks!
  8. It is now about 8 weeks since Kingston has been on a roo/potato diet due to allergies. Now I know I am supposed to introduce new foods at this point I'm just not sure how I should do it. Our dermatologist is on leave until late August so I can't make contact with her to ask how to go from here. Should I just try one of beef/chicken with potato for 4-5 days and then give a break of 3 days before trying something new? (this is how I did it with my allergies but I'm not sure if it would apply to dogs as well). I don't know if jumping to a dry food would be good because we've had major problems with those previously. Any advice much appreciated.
  9. I think it may be possible as Kingston is allergic to sweet potato and I never thought he could be. It could also be a bite. Give it awhile and perhaps give him some more pumpkin and see if you get a reaction, that'd be the best way to test it.
  10. Seriously? In this day and age? Does anyone know where one can make a formal complaint about something like this?
  11. Maybe that includes all the shipping costs as well. Still seems very expensive indeed. That being said I would be devastated, poor guy
  12. Aww, they are looking great :) Love the camouflage shot hehe!
  13. I would be interested to know this as well. Mine is 3 yrs old at the moment and I'd like to get another in like a year or two.
  14. He would look a little less innocent if he wasn't sitting right near the toilet paper He is beautiful
  15. Aww, Maya is gorgeous!! Would love to have an Anatolian one day, I'm so jealous :laugh:
  16. I would love to go! Too bad my exam is on that day, why oh why couldn't it be another date
  17. I don't know much about rescue but isn't 60 dogs too many to be in one place? How would they get enough attention/care? Maybe if they have dozens of people working...
  18. At least she experienced some love and care before moving on. You are one special person K9angel. I have tears in my eyes
  19. Stainless steel for food and water (pet ones) that have the rubber underneath that prevents sliding off the floor.
  20. Thank you :) Yes, I might have to do that. I made an appointment with Linda Vogelnest(dermatologist) on the 4th of June and maybe she can recommend someone.
  21. He has constant diarrhoea while on the plain fish. I tried mixing a little sweet potato - stools got normal but had allergy problems. I called my local Petbarn and they don't have the Allerbend in stock. It will be a few days until I can get it which means I don't have anything to give him tonight and next few days. If I go by this statement though I should just stick with the Eukanuba for 6 weeks as he may be detoxing from weeks ago? So the 4 weeks been on fish - no itching/swelling in that time just diarrhoea. The vet dry food eating for 4 days and the itching/swelling is back but normal stools. persephone, I am thinking it may be starch related too. Only thing which seems to make sense so far.karly101, my vet seems to think otherwise. He doesn't want to send me to one until the itchiness is gone. I guess I could just rock up and demand one tommorrow, now sure how well that'll go down.Sorry Issy, we have been at the Vet Conference and not checking here often.No, he wont go through a detox period when on processed food (like Eukanuba), just like people, when we go on a detox diet it is a very clean, natural diet. For his liver to release the stored toxins he needs to eat intact protein molecules (think raw egg vs cooked egg). Some of the processed food try to get around this by highly micronizing the protein, but it is still protein in an unnatural state. If your finding it had to source our products PM me and I will send you some.Even if you don't try our skin diet, try to get him onto some Protexin powder. It is the main ingredient in our Skin & Coat Formula. Thank you! That totally makes sense. I will call Petbarn and order it in tommorrow, if it might take too long I will PM you to see if I can get it sooner.
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