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Everything posted by CHA

  1. Ah, we have a petstock fairly close by now - will check them out! Can the heavy bit go in the dishwasher when needed? I'd definately say so, the heavy bit seems to be made of a heavy plasticky type material with non slip rubber on the bottom. The inserts are the bit that get dirty, so they'd go in no worries. I love the bakeware idea :laugh:
  2. We have these http://www.petstock.com.au/c/dog-bowls-feeders Dogit 2 in 1 Durable Dog bowls. I LOVE them because the heavy bit can stay on the ground while you pull out the light metal insert and fill that up. Much easier carrying three around that way!!
  3. I'm tears of happiness to know we'll be reunited with our puppies again. I'm looking forward to that - I've got so many things to catch up with my guys who are waiting for me.
  4. I'm currently reading Do Over Dogs by Pat Miller. I really recommend this book, not only for owners of second hand dogs :laugh: but for ALL dog owners.
  5. How distressing for you, sorry you couldn't catch him..... My poor daughter when she was about 10 was walking home from school when they found a loose dog, the kids tried to catch it, but it ran on the road and got run over right in front of them. She rang me in histerics. Very distressing all round to witness something like that. Lets hope this boy ran home and got some help.
  6. I tend to overthink things and really want to make sure I do the right thing, because I know there is no way I could ever give my dog away once I committed to it. It sounds like you may be similar minded. I have always added another dog to my pack when it "felt" right. We were a 1 dog family for a few years, now we have 3. As long as you go with your head as well as your heart, you will end up doing what is right for you.
  7. Hi Puppy_Sniffer, sometimes at the most devestating times in our lives, a kind word or touch from a stranger can mean so much. I think you did the right thing, but also be aware not to go too overboard with it. I remember when my dad was given the worst news that he only had 6 months left to live - a kind nurse outside of the consulting room reached out to him and held his hand and it was very appropriate at that time.
  8. I'm so sorry Nic.B, what a heartache for you . As the others have said though, Annie is going to be with your Dad. She is going to help him on his way. Keep strong and remember all the good times when you can.
  9. Yes, by the sound of it, it is fair for you to keep the dog for these reasons: They are chipped in your name and you will be keeping the dogs together and you have more time to spend with the dogs than him. I think it would be sad to split the dogs up, keep things as constant as you can for them. How aweful for the one dog who gets to go with the other half and spend long days on his own whilst missing his mum and doggy friend. There are no winners in these situations, you have to do what is best for the dog or child. I'd definately keep my dogs in the event of a break up. My partner loves them, but is not really a "dog" person like I am. The only reason he has dogs is because of me. Good luck through this dreadful time, stay strong and try and make the best decision for your dogs.
  10. You sound like a very good dog "mum". Keep up the good work, we all worry about our "fur-kids". Don't worry about contacting the vet all the time, better to be safe than sorry.
  11. I'm sorry that you're going through such an emotional time at the moment Nic.B. Life is such a roller-coaster. Look after yourself and try and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep strong and I'm sending best wishes for Annie.
  12. Thank you for posting this link. I haven't heard of this place before and think it would be nice to have her come to your home, where the dog is relaxed. My old boy really hates going to the vets, even though they are lovely there. I would hate to think his last moments were there where he was scared. I really don't want to think about it at this stage, but know the time is getting closer
  13. I'm so sorry for you loss I feel absolutely sick to my stomach, that was an accident that NEVER should have happened. Please accept our condolences I had my two at the groomers yesterday and I really really feel for you right now.... xxx
  14. It sounds like you are doing the right thing with the bathing and brushing, but yes you should absolutely get her clipped off for summer. It's too much in this heat for the dogs to have to carry around a long coat as well. Not mentioning the prickles and grass seeds they pick up. I've always taken my poodles to the groomers from an early age and they get used to it quite quickly. I take them approximately every 8 weeks, any longer than that and they get too hard to keep in good condition. I'm not sure how often a shitzu needs clipping, but the poodles definately would be every 8 weeks. A good experienced groomer will be able to handle your dog with ease. Please make sure you go to someone who has been recommended to you and that you can trust. My dogs drag me into the groomers now, though I think it's only because they think they may meet their friend in there who also attends the same place!
  15. CHA


    Wow shredding one of your greyhounds! Poor koalas - their claws are huge which I would think is their only defence, but a pretty good one. My son who pulled the dog off the koala said he was actually more concerned for the dog than the koala. I'm so worried that all's not going to end well if I'm not here, either way, for the dog or the koala.
  16. CHA


    I'll put a water bowl down for it, though I doubt it will come down until it's dark now. BTW the dogs are all locked inside now....
  17. CHA


    Yes the koala is on our property, we live in the suburbs. They come and go a lot and we see them a lot more in the hot weather. I wonder why it didn't rush up a tree when the dogs started barking at it. They seem to have no fear.
  18. CHA


    Well it's currently 44 degrees here so very hot. Poor koala.
  19. I just heard my dogs carrying on and went outside to find they had bailed up a koala. One of them came away when called, but the terrier kept at it. We finally grabbed her when she went in a headlock with the koala. She only seems to have a couple of scratches on her nose, but I am concerned about what may have happened if we were not home to intervene. The koala seems fine, got up off the ground and jumped up the tree. How do I teach her NOT to attack wildlife? What would the koala do if she kept at it. I fear that because we were there trying to remove her, it may have seemed to her that we were cheering her on and encouraged her to attack more. I know I have to work on her recall more, but what about when we're not home? Any advice gratefully received.
  20. So sorry for your loss.
  21. I have had 4 black, 1 silver and 1 white/brindle. My favourite is black by far, and my least favourite is white. Funny how when I take a white dog for a walk round our park in winter it always needs it's paws washed when we get back, but my black dogs don't My next dog I hope will be red or brown!
  22. I've got a pound puppy and love her to pieces - though I would recommend going to a well respected rescue so you know exactly what you are getting. Only you can decide if you would like to go to a breeder or rescue. Either way you'll still need to put in lots of work to make it a well behaved, good family animal. :)
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