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Steph M

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Everything posted by Steph M

  1. Oh how exciting for everyone! We moved house over the long weekend and we now have a wonderful big puppy friendly yard and a sunny deck and a door that leads into the laundry which can be closed off for access to that. Oh and the inside is lovely too ;) But we all have our little fingers crossed here, perhaps not Rufus, the persian. He will be (temporarily, I hope, but initially) less than impressed if the puppy fairy blesses us.
  2. SHE IS PERFECT. What a gorgeous sleepy little dumpling!
  3. I was reading a puppy trick training book the other day that suggested to teach your puppy how to 'put rubbish in a pedal bin' All I could think was if it goes in, it can come out. Sure they all work it out eventually but don't know if I'm teaching that little skill unless they promise to put it all back after.
  4. Fab! I've had a quick look at her threads and her blog. She looks like a little charmer!
  5. No way, he's far too cute for that. Don't believe it.
  6. Won't be long til they're bigger than she is! Haha.
  7. We have a million year old top loader, looking to upgrade soon. Might just go the cheap old Simpson. Seems the cheaper ones last for ever. Will be going front loader though, top loader one is my mortal enemy these days. (I work for Electrolux etc, not major appliances though, don't blame me!)
  8. How is Miah going, Jules? Causing you grief in all the most adorable ways?
  9. Do we have a list of kennels/boarding places/training schools and vets who support alternative methods/titre etc? Might be a good idea for a pinned thread? I'd love to see a thread of really good vets by area too, but can't hurt to have a database of places that take titre and the like.
  10. I so love this thread, making the long and not even definite wait even longer. Haha. Glutton for punishment.
  11. Dexter is excellent, alas too close to Hector the cat, could get confusing as the cat already thinks he's a dog. I can't be held responsible for furthering his identity crisis.
  12. Stan is such a cool dude, I quietly watch his adventures and they crack me up. The fridge escapades made my day. Gus is a good one! I should have bought the notepad home!
  13. Oh my word, isn't he adorable?!?!
  14. Percival (Percy), Horatio, Belvedere, Frank, there are a few Geoffreys at my park, Dashiell (Dash!), Dougal, Winston, Clarency, Norbert, Walter, Otto (!!! I love this one), Elroy, Hubert, Cecil, Harold Old man dogs are the best. I currently have an old man foster :) Winston, Elroy and Norbert go in the notebook too! I actually have a physical notebook on my desk at work, what can I say, it's a slow day :laugh:
  15. Barry, Graham, Wayne, Horace, Marlon, Norman, Edmond, Donald. Just did a quick look through the old people I work with HAHAHA. Horace is fab! I like that! I'll add that to my little notebook.
  16. Mum has two that do this, best part is that they alternate. Bonus points for them when she only has one bag on a walk...
  17. Does anyone have any suggestions for really cool 'old man' names? I just have a thing for the daggy names, all my animals are massive goofballs anyway....
  18. I've been nosing around the vaccination issue in (ridiculously early) preparation and the only issue seems to be if the need arises for boarding or kennelling, lots of places seem to be more accepting of titre and the like, but by the same token it seems to limit choices a lot still. Does anyone know if there is more places accepting titre tests now or do you still have a little trouble?
  19. Oooooooh if you have a bagless and do that, pleaaaaaaase wash your filters out after! Working for electrolux has given me a whole new set of nightmares and that just makes my skin crawl! :laugh:
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