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Steph M

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Everything posted by Steph M

  1. I have still seen a few comments bandied around in the negative, but I'd be inclined to agree with you there. Just remembered some people asking how to go about this not too long ago and thought it might be worth posting.
  2. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/bayside/lort-smith-animal-hospital-need-pets-to-create-smiles/story-fngnvli9-1226645419570 I know people might not be too keen on the LSH but still a really worthwhile initiative. I love the idea and will be looking into something similar when our puppy-to-be is older. Just thought there might be someone interested :)
  3. Totally OT. Apologies. Also ignore my chubby leg. Good idea to let him recover in peace, sounds like you might enjoy the break too, less a 'baptism by fire'
  4. HOLY HECK THAT IS CUTE! AAAAAAH! We have a crummy felt one for our Persian cat. He is never amused...
  5. I'd be inclined to agree with you there, Smash. If he wasn't cold or miserable looking I'd leave it, though cute as little jackets are....
  6. Don't fret Melina, I don't think you've given him a bellyache from spoiling him ;) These things happen, they're just babies and babies get sick, I am sure it's nothing. Sometimes happens with a bit of stress, anything can set little bellies off!
  7. Oooooooooooooooooooh Louis is sooo cute! And Tank! My word, he's lovely too! Jealoussss!
  8. You might have to get in there with him, you'll both fit, right?
  9. Keep us all posted, Melina! Fingers crossed!
  10. I have to say, I went to the poultry place in Oakleigh on my way home from work last night and the two women there were fantastic and the pet mince is great, Lady behind the counter told me the turkey necks sell very, very fast but gave me their card to call the night before and make an order and she'd pop it aside. Everything was lovely and fresh and I am very impressed! Even got us some chook...
  11. That is the most confronting part for me. I know it is legal but it saddens me that people are ok with treating pets as livestock. I would have thought that selling dogs in pet shops was decreasing. More and more 'pet shops' are opening that don't sell animals. Aren't people becoming more aware? Surely there wouldn't be much of a market for this type of 'farming' business. No I don't think they are and where is the information being put out? Its not. Beside some random occasional stories on The Project you never see any targeted programs aimed at informing the general public. Without that there will never be a push for change. Organisations such as RSPCA should be funding an advertising campaign making people aware of the existence of these places. You would think it would be in their interests to try and reduce the number of dogs coming to their shelters. Just having some statement on their website is not enough. Many people don't care where the pups in pet shops come from but many do and many more would if they knew. How can this "farming" practice be justified when over 250,000 healthy dogs are put down every year? Its absolutely obscene and shameful. The only program is the Oscars Law shebang, which is just a lot of shouting and rabble, not awareness raising IMO. Intent is fabulous, follow through is nada.
  12. Oh you guys!!!! All the babies are goooooooorgeous!!! I've hit the next phase, envy!
  13. Hey, if a crowdfunding was set up, I'd be all over it!
  14. We hit 3 weeks to go over the weekend. Eeeeexcruciating. I just want puppy snuggles now. It's like the stages of grief, the stages of puppy wait anguish. I am at impatience.
  15. I planned to perhaps feed puppy and leave for work, while the other half sleeps in and leave puppy to his own devices for an hour and try keep to it from the get-go. However he is soft as anything and it wouldn't surprise me if puppy made it to bed after I leave...
  16. Question to add, what should you be looking for, what would be the ideal protein level (ie; above 20, above 30? is there a 'too high'?) and what would be the ideal things that should prick your ears up as a positive. I know it's been done to death and it does come down to who does well on what, but you gotta start somewhere eh? I've done heaps of reading up, just checking I am on the right page. ;)
  17. I just wanted to add I think your poochie has a bigger wardrobe than me, going by her collars ;)
  18. I'll be visiting fully vaccinated dogs with my pup :) Yeah, I am thinking the same. The more well mannered dogs we can meet and befriend the better. Anyone up for playdates? ;)
  19. http://www.loveitup.com.au/discount/detail/1988-retractable-dog-leash-torch-light-led?set_city=6&utm_source=jackmedia Hahaha, BARGAIN! Anyone, anyone at all?
  20. Crazy! If she were really trying to dodge you, wouldn't she just have not said anything? Surely if she were a rip off artist there'd be less openness and communication?
  21. I'd hold off on the panic until you have a chat, if the breeder isn't concerned should be fine. Hey, by the sounds if it's just a passing thing it's nothing to fret over, could just be a fancy name for a belly ache.
  22. Lucky no one got hurt, I quite like offleash parks, and have never had any major disaster at the one near us. Everyone is friendly, dogs are well mannered and everyone has a good time. Definately worth work on the recall, but other than that I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. If he's fine chalk it up to lesson learned and perhaps gives you somewhere to start on your training. Puppy manners are one thing, but can't say I agree with the other party. If they knew his dog was so ball obsessed they'd go after another dog, he shouldn't have been off lead. Still, I wasn't there and I am certainly no pro, I just know I'd be nicked off if I were you, but like I said, no use blaming one or the other really.
  23. Maybe some training would help you bond a bit? Are you doing much yet?
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