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Everything posted by Scrappi&Monty

  1. We feed Black Hawk (lamb and rice) for breakfast and for dinner they have raw. Either Big Dog raw patties, or home made raw of meat from supermarket and butchers. (At the moment it is beef heart, lamb offcuts, chicken hearts, chicken liver and chicken giblets) Every few nights they get a chicken drumstick, and occasionally they get veggies and fruit, yoghurt, eggs, or left over meat from our food.
  2. His tummy might be empty, might need a bigger or later dinner or a little snack before bed. Hopefully that fixes it for the little fella. We have had it happen a few times, strangely if we feed Scrappi raw chicken necks or turkey necks (even though he is fine with drumsticks or wings etc)
  3. That's so sad sandgrubber! That's why sometimes I'm reluctant to use it even though Scrappi needs it because they play wrestle and mouth each other's faces and scruffs (they're weird haha) and then at night time Scrappi wants to get on the lounge and have pats and sometimes the rest of the family forgets, even if I have reminded them a few times.
  4. That sounds good, I believe I had considered that before but then just decided to go with the usual (interceptor spectrum) as it was on sale. So is it one tablet for dogs between 5kg & 25kg? Scrappi is about 13 and Monty about 21 so that would be good! (Sorry OP for kind of stealing your thread) I also sort of have the same trouble with the drops, but they do seem to work well.
  5. Only problem with Sentinel is it doesn't kill adult fleas, if your dog has a flea allergy then Sentinel won't work. We had Scrappi on Sentinel for ages, but then every spring/summer he would be itchy, vet originally said grass allergies and prescribed Prednisol. (Which he didn't do well on) But a few years later we went back because he was itching badly and turns out he has flea allergies and that even though he had none on him, there was flea poop and bites so they just jump on and off. So this whole time we disqualified fleas because we thought he was covered So now we use interceptor and advantage (flea only?) and feed a better diet so his skin is better now. Plus he HATES the taste of Sentinel and interceptor. Helpful haha. Have to chop up in tiny bits and mix with sardines etc.
  6. Aww, some sad & happy stories there asal! Hopefully Egg's story has a happy ending, his poor owner would be feeling awful! How scary & devastating?!
  7. A news report from yesterday said he still is missing I am going to look on Gumtree now to see if I can see any black puggies that look like him, but if the criminals had any sense I doubt they would be putting him up for sale now... Probably keeping it on the down low so the police don't get them. I hope so much that they keep the little guy safe, and fingers crossed they don't just dump him somewhere
  8. I don't know unfortunately Me too, so scary! What low human beings to do such a thing.
  9. That's what I thought too, will keep an eye out on Gumtree for black pugs. Bit hard to tell them apart in a small photo though Hopefully he is microchipped and has "missing" added to his to his details.
  10. I think I might just chuck the flaxseed/linseed oil and not bother, stick with the coconut oil which they LOVE and seems to work amazingly. I think it is meant to be stored under 25°C or similar and I put it with the dog food in the garage, with this 45°+ weather it'd probably be ruined. (Gets up to 47°c again today! )
  11. Dogs shouldn't have apple seeds either...
  12. Went to check today and he was taken home that afternoon. The little fella was microchipped, but an escape artist. When we walked into the stray/lost dog office there was a couple there who had lost their dog, they said: Lady: "oh he gets out a lot, but he usually comes home" Rspca: "Does he have a collar and ID tag on?" lady: "no. Oh! And he isn't microchipped either" rspca: "oh... is he desexed?" Man: "nope" The RSPCA lady had a look of "okay, well then... umm" on her face haha. There was a sign next to them that said something about microchipping is compulsory and failure to microchip results in a hefty fine (I think it was $200) oops
  13. Oh ok. So not a case of a specific repeat offender but just the fact some people are horrible and heartless.
  14. Our friend put his photo on the local lost dogs FB. We don't have a pound as such near us, only an RSPCA. We were going to ring the ranger but couldn't find a ph number. I might go check this afternoon and see if they found the owners.
  15. Oh that's lovely that the other person took him to scan for a chip. So sad that even though it's compulsory some people don't do it, I know some people can't afford it, but they offer free microchip days, and the "breeder" should've done it before selling. And realistically it might not be a good idea to have a dog if you can't pay for its rego & chip Especially if he's an escape artist! That's a bit slack on the ranger's behalf of not fining or enforcing the law... or at least telling them to get it done or put a tag on!
  16. Where abouts was this?!?!? A 14wk old black pug puppy was stolen at knifepoint last night near Sydney Olympic Park!! I wouldn't be surprised if they did it to resell him for thousands of $$$.
  17. Last night after dinner a man, 29, was walking his 14wk old black pug puppy named Egg, near Australia Avenue and Sydney Olympic Park. He was robbed at knifepoint by 3 men in their 30s who stole his belongings and the puppy. It's all over the news and Instagram, but I don't have much more info than that. If you see anything or know anything, contact crime stoppers 1800 333 000 It might be a good idea to keep an eye out on Gumtree or something to see if they were reselling him for the money (could get thousands of $$$).
  18. Hi everyone, thought I would ask what others would do in this situation. Yesterday a few friends and I were waiting outside of school, when a staffy ran out of the school driveway (a teacher told some boys to "get him out") and ran across the busy road and over to where we were. We called him over to try and keep him off the road as he was pretty excited and trying to sniff everything and dart around. He was very friendly and sat on command but didn't have a collar and looked exhausted and a bit worse for wear. The boys gave him their water and I gave him a little piece of crust to keep him from running off again. We didn't really know what to do as we didn't have a car and he wasn't wearing a collar, nor was there anything we could use as a makeshift leash. So we had to get our friends' mum to pick us up and put him in the boot with the A/C blasting, he was quite dehydrated & hot and sounded like a pug he was panting and wheezing so much. One of the ladies at the Office said she'd seen him running about with another dog near her house this morning about 2.5km away, so unsure what happened to the other dog, she doesn't think they are well looked after though. This staffy had also turned up at the school about a year ago they think (could've been any other brown staffy) We couldn't take him to the local vets because I have worked there and I know they don't have the capacity to take in strays, they would scan for a chip and probably get us to hang on to him until owner could pick him up or they would take him to the RSPCA anyway. We definitely couldn't take him home until owner could pick him up as we all have 2 dogs, and of course we don't know how he would react. So we had to take him to the RSPCA and he was impounded Hope all goes well!! I am keeping an eye out in case he pops up for adoption, but hopefully the owners are responsible and it was an accident and can take him back. We gave all our contact details and I think they said they will call if they find out anything worth telling us. He was a tan/red and black boofa of a staffy, looked like a Staffordshire Bull Terrier rather than an Amstaff, was shorter legged but he was pretty hefty (I'd say at least 20kg, was harder to pick up than my taller staffy mix) had big hips & shoulders, and quite an exaggerated staffy head...! But I searched it to check, and pure staffies are supposed to be 11-17kg and he was much heavier but not too big or fat at the same time. I'm thinking he was probably from a BYB... Was probably quite young, had shiny pearly whites! He was intact too so wouldn't be surprised if he was looking for a 'girlfriend'. Sorry that was so long! oops. Do you think we did the right thing?
  19. This morning on the way to the bus stop I saw a poodle puppy (so tiny!), a gorgeously obedient lovely border collie who seems to have an awesome owner, and a lovely sable sheltie. (Oh I can't wait until I can get a sheltie one day)
  20. You can get specific ant proof bowls or placemat type things. Otherwise as above mentioned you can make a ring of something like water or oil around the bowl so ants can't cross the "moat"
  21. I found some flax seed oil capsules that my Mum bought and doesn't use, and I thought oh that's good I'll try giving some to the dogs. I just stuck a pin in the capsule and emptied it out, they loved the taste of it. But it turns out it says it expired the middle of 2016, but it doesn't smell rancid or anything (I have used flaxseed oil for oil painting and it smells gross when rancid) I thought I'd ask if it becomes bad for them when expired or just it wouldn't be beneficial anymore? Also what benefits does (fresh) flax seed oil give?
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