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Everything posted by miniluv

  1. I would be interested in 2 med & 1 small Please
  2. This is such sad news, I'm so sorry RIP Rocco
  3. lots of tissues needed for that story. So glad he has found help. I would love to see him now.
  4. I use a shedding rake for my minis then go over with a damp cloth and bristled brush.
  5. I have been feeding great Barko & Uncle Albers for a month and have been very happy with it. Dogs love it, no extra poops to clean up, shiney coats. i pay $33 for 22kg. :D
  6. miniluv


    This will be my next breed, they are just gorgeous. ;)
  7. I had a Rotty as my first dog he was never trained in anything other than obedience yet he was extremely protective he would stand between me and anybody who would approach. I never forget when a man approached me in a park my boy stood quietly infront until the man got too close he let out an almighty growl and stared at the man until he backed off. The man meant no harm thankfully he just got too close. I have mini bullys now and they would think anyone was in for a game, could never rely on them for protection
  8. That sounds great, I will have to get down that way myself. I got half pig heads today with eyes, brains and tongues and they wouldn't have anything to do with them
  9. Have you tried lamb brisket bones? They are the rib cage of the sheep, so not weight bearing and not hard. My dogs love them and have no problems eating them. On Friday nights I do my shopping so they both get a large chicken maryland each. I don't cut it up, just give it to them and it takes them ages to get through it. They have to work out the best way to eat it and the best place to start, so it gives their brains a bit of a workout too. Avindie, completely off topic, but I love your dogs. Are they minis or normal size? Yes I do feed brisket bones on the occasion but i do find they get left alot, the older girls do eat them no problems but the younger pups find it hard. I have bought the marylands too and thankyou they are mini's
  10. excellent thankyou for your replies ;) now would you buy lamb, beef, ox heart and mix it up a little? and for the bones i am currently feeding mainly chicken bones as in frames, necks and wings as I find the other bones they don't tend to eat the bone part. Fish I feed once a week I bought whole fish this week and i feed offal as in liver and kidney once a week. Eggs they get once or twice a week, natural yogurt and I am planing on making up a veg mix also. Anything else you would ad into the diet??
  11. I was wondering as heart is a muscle meat can you use that as your main red meat instead of beef mince or pieces? I am currrently using big dog weaner mince and bones but am looking into cheaper alternatives as its recently gone up in price.
  12. certainly can it was from here . I noticed they have put the price up since I purchased mine though maybe it was listed at the wrong price as I only paid $1239.
  13. I received my camera yesterday, fabulous service from the people I bought through. Can't praise them highly enough. Now to work out how to use it
  14. Thanks guys, I decided to go for the 450D with the IS twin lens kit, being a first time DSLR user I am sure it will take me long enough to work these ones out just waiting for it to arrive now
  15. Thankyou Pointeeblab thats what I wonder if I don't get it will I kick myself and want it later
  16. Thanks Altheau I must get down to the shops and try them out for size and comfort in the hand. I am certainly leaning towards this one.
  17. Thankyou Guys I have narrowed it down to 3 options I think The canon 450d with twin IS lens kit, the Canon 1000d or the Nikon D40 or D60 with twin VR lens kit. Has anyone used the Canon 1000D? grace With the Nikon do you feel you would like to have live view or am being a sook and just too used to the old point and shoot style Honestly I have no idea
  18. I have pretty much decided to get this one myself :D any tips please let me know
  19. Just found a previous thread which has helped me a alot :p
  20. my father in Law has kindly offered to buy me a new DSLR but I am overwhelmed with whats out there I can spend up around $1000 including lenses and I have come down to Nikon or Canon however choosing which one might suit me is the problem. It will only be for shots of my family, dog shows, nature etc. Please if someone can point me in the right direction that would be fab. Thankyou edited for spelling
  21. OMG! This is just too darn cute!! What a little sweetie you have - Astred Thankyou
  22. Here my gorgeous girly first shot at 4 weeks 7 weeks 10 months
  23. what a magnificent looking boy, please post more piccies
  24. I have used Interceptor with all mine for a long time now and no probs at all, Priceless pets is where I purchase also :nahnah:
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