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Everything posted by goldielover

  1. she may well have not come in as yet ....my bitches play Lesbefriends for a few weeks before one actually comes in... dont panic......yet lol The cows do the same as the bitches and the bulls race over for a look see lol..... but after having a nice big sniff they put the head down and eat again.... LOL yeah, my girls play Lesbefriends for about 2 or 3 months before!!! Not such an accurate indicator
  2. She may not be quite ready. I'd get a prog test done too. I have a very difficult to mate bitch here. She has had a natural mating (would only let the stud dog mate her once) and natural whelping, but have tried to mate her since and she wouldn't have a bar of my boy (but unfortunately flirted with everything else LOL)
  3. haven't got anything further to add, but wishing you and Ax well for Monday!
  4. Sorry to hear about Summer Gidg. Usually, provided they're not in much pain, the best thing to do is complete rest for 2 weeks (hard with a 6 month old goldie i know!! LOL). I'm not sure which vet you use, but can highly recommend Beach Street in Frankston for general issues. For anything orthopaedic, i usually go to Monash Vet - if you need a 2nd opinion it's a good place to go. Feel free to PM me for vet names. Best of luck with it. I've had a golden with OCD before - she didn't need surgery thankfully.
  5. 5 pairs of shoes from Amazon and shoebuy.com!
  6. I use those too! So easy to replace when needed. I have a floor in my whelping box and it is raised, but the box is on tiles, so i have clean off-cut carpet, then one of those tablecloths underneath
  7. I think it depends on the dog Trisven - many do feel a bit green around the 3 week mark and have 'off' days and a few do vomit also
  8. Irish Lassy - i can usually start to hear them with a stethoscope around 7 weeks of age. I will try and upload a diagram which (roughly) shows you which areas to focus on! More than likely you won't be able to hear them all
  9. kirst, i've never bothered with a crate divider and i've raised quite a few goldies in crates. My first was a nightmare as she just didn't get NOT to poo in her crate LOL (then lie in it! eewww). All of the others have been fantastic - my last 3 pups didn't toilet in the crate at all. A few nights we had to go outside in the middle of the night, but we made it!
  10. Thanks for that. Might go and grab a large!
  11. I like Aloveen too, Nadine. Occasionally i'll buy Squirt or Plush Puppy. I generally only wash mine every 3 to 4 months (unless they've rolled in something unmentionable!! LOL)
  12. Beach St Vet in Frankston have a great bunch of vets. I have had several girls desexed by Emma (she does a lovely job, with internal sutures), i have seen both Jan and Euan - both excellent vets. They do the 3 yearly injection also.
  13. Hi RSR, Depending on where you are located, Michael Bell from Craigeburn Vet Clinic holds a session at the Devon Meadows pool (near Cranbourne) on ??? Tuesday afternoon. Last year it was $25 for a C5 injection. If you want to save money on heartworm/intestinal worm medication, check out www.pricelesspets.com.au
  14. Have just deposited a small amount - wish it could be more Carrie, please pass on my condolensces to this poor family - it's unbelievable what some people go through . Bad time of the year too. Give Misty a hug for me and thanks for helping out her family
  15. Ditto. Your puppy is in a crucial growth phase and needs good quality food. BARF is great, but if you don't have time to research it thoroughly, perhaps start with a decent dry food, and definitely a few bones
  16. Odin-Genie: My older girl has completely lost her black nose pigment . This happened quite early. The first few years she had winter nose, then it never did change back - this will happen with some unfortunately. Some say kelp helps but i fed it for years early on and she still lost it quickly.
  17. It's really common to have a few black hairs apparently. It's a throwback to the breeds mixed to create Goldens!
  18. Hi thomo84: Some of the goldie breeders here in Vic also have dog grooming businesses. What area are you in?
  19. Such a shame. This has been going on for many years on and off though. EP is a great food but i had to change a few years back now - very disappointing!
  20. I've heard of that too Clyde. One of my girls had a young Sharpei (?sp) playmate a few years back. We hadn't seen her in the park for a few weeks, then i was absolutely devastated to see an article in the paper where her owner had written in to warn people about those plastic council tags. She had left her girl outside while she was at work and arrived home to find that she had choked to death as the tag got stuck on something - just awful!!
  21. My lot also don't wear collars at home. I had a close call ages ago with a Koolie who went to have a nap in the bathroom, accidentally leaned on the door, closing it, then jumped at the door trying to get someone's attention. Thankfully my mum was home as he was hanging by his collar on the door handle - he was a very lucky boy!!
  22. Magstar, looking at Oscar's pic, i wouldn't be concerned at all - puppies go through some awkward growth spurts and he is only a little 'east west'. This often corrects itself as the puppy grows. I just buy the powder form of Vitamin C and give 1/2 a teaspoon twice a day mixed in with something yummy. I would still supplement if the ProPlan contains Vitamin C as it really would be in small amounts - more than likely not enough to have any positive effect. Ester C can be difficult to find - Wagner Laboratories do make it though - it is an easily digestible form of Vitamin C - gentle on the stomach and is absorbed really well. Also consider feeding foods that are rich in natural calcium (don't supplement with medication though) eg. 4 or 5 chicken necks a few days a week; cottage cheese (maybe once or twice a week). Don't forget to change the dry food over gradually to so that Oscar doesn't get loose stools - over a week or 2 should do it!
  23. Magstar - most of the brands mentioned would be fine for your boy - Artemis Med/Large breed; holistic select; pro plan, etc. I switch my pups to the adult formula at around 5 months, and advise my puppy buyers to do the same, so it may be sensible for you to buy the medium sized bag (7.5kg approx) if that's what you decide to do. You really want a slow growth. I've raised litters on all 3 of the above and have been happy with them. I would be adding vitamin C at this stage also
  24. For those in S.E Melbourne, i noticed that Robbo's Petbarn in Dandenong Sth is stocking the Canidae - various formulas and sizes including larger bags
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