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Everything posted by Mjosa

  1. Thank you for this beautiful thread. On June the 10th, just two weeks before his 13 birthday, we had to have my heart dog Bear, Mjosa Guy De Gaultier, gently put to sleep, he was my heart dog my very best friend, he did so much for our breed in the show ring around the world and I was ever so proud of him. This Christmas is going to be hard as Bear just loved Christmas and all the treats and especially all the visitors who always made a big fuss of this beautiful boy who just loved life, he will be to the fore in my mind this year at this particular time. He is so so missed by everyone including his two kids that I have here, just a great gaping hole in my heart and I do not think I will ever get over it, as every time I think of him I just mist up. Rest easy Mum's beautiful boy I love you to heaven and back.
  2. I have a friend who had something similar to this. The dog, nine months old, had all the bloods come back clear as with a complete thyroid test, still bamboozled as to why this happened she was taken to Sydney Uni and had ultra sounds and an MRI and still the vets could not work it out, so they sent the results of every test the dog had to a nuero surgeon in the USA, the dog was on preventative seizure drugs, a couple of days later the results came back from the USA and the diagnosise was a severe inner ear infection,caused by a moist atmosphere and not preventing water getting into the ear when bathing, she was put on very strong anti biotics and continued on the seizure medication for a month to cover, now you would not know that there was anything wrong with her, once the ear infection was cleared up all well and good.
  3. I board dogs that I have bred as Frenchies would never cope with a kennel situation, I have just put my charge up to $20 per day, this covers food, washing of blankets, changed every day, so that helps to cover the extra water and electricity, they get walked weather permitting every day and are treated like one of the family, as they live inside, this has worked for years. My question is though, why has she got a dog????????????? Sounds like she never has time for the poor sweet girl, such ashame.
  4. Some puppies do have a reaction to worming, I would be straight off to the vet, fingers crossed that he will be fine. I do not know what worming tablets you used, I only ever use Milbamax, it is the safest I have found.
  5. Frenchies are great for retirement, as I said in a previous post I am retired and would not be without them as they are so easily pleased, I could not imagine my life without at least a couple of them, they have been apart of my life for almost 30 years.
  6. I have hit retirement and the two breeds I have are absolutely ideal for people who want easy going low maintanence dogs. For the past 30 years I have bred, shown and owned the French Bulldog, wonderful little characters, just happy to be with you, if you want to go for a walk that is OK by them if not still OK, the other breed I have, just one, is the Italian Greyhound, they are like the Greyhound couch potatoes but as you all know a lot smaller.
  7. I have French Bulldogs and my girls cycle every 7 1/2 to 8 months, even after having a litter they come in around their usual cycle time, so I would imagine that your girl, looking at her cycles is very close to coming in again. Congratulations, belatedly, on that wonderful litter she gave you early this year.
  8. I make my own dog treats, a friend of mine in the USA gave me the recipe, all human consumption ingredients, makes the house smell wonderful Very easy to make. 1 1/2 cups of a mixture of two flours ( Potato, Rice or cornflour) 1 egg 1 cup of cooked mashed pumpkin 1/4 cup Oatmeal 1/4 cup Olive oil 3 heaped tablespoons of honey 1 tspn Vanilla 1 " Bi carb 1 " Baking Powder 1 " cinamon Form into small balls, place on baking tray and cook for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees. My dogs line up at the oven waiting for them to come out of the oven.
  9. This is the incorrect pigmentation that reputable breeders aim for, the correct colour pigment on the nose is black, as with my breed the French Bulldog. If you were able to come across one with the colour you are looking for it would not be able to be shown or bred with and would go on a limited registered pedigree with a desexing contract. The standard states that the nose and lips must be black for both the breeds mentioned above.
  10. Tugged at my heartstrings, I love the breed, I have an Italian Greyhound who suits our home and she just loves the Frenchies here as well, just so gentle and cuddly.
  11. Well Tobie not all breeds come in at six months, my breed for instance, French Bulldog, you are lucky if they come in by 12 months of age and even later for the first time, I also think that the Basenji is the same and because it is one of the more "primitive" breeds only cylce once a year, I stand to be corrected, so from just these two examples I am guessing you have not done your research on this on all breeds so I think your critisism is out of order. The OP is dong the very best by asking here and she has received a lot of very good advice and BB you are an angel to offer her the help around scary ring one, of course that is no exception LOL try the other six LOL
  12. Thanks Leanne, but he left a wonderful legacy around the world. Precious Gemma, all the more reason why her birthday was so special considering her health and dealing with the dreaded C. Special cuddles for the gorgeous old lady.
  13. Tobie, everyone has to start from somewhere, I started in the showing and exhibiting, BTW with Pem Corgis back in 1969, had a fantastic mentor and I am sure that the OP would have a great mentor in her Grandmother who has been breeding Pem Corgis for 30 years. I have now been with French Bulldogs for almost 30 years and I am always willing to mentor people new to this breed who are willing to listen and more importantly learn from what I can impart to them about a rather complex breed. I do not understand why when someone is asking for help why it eventually turns into a witch hunt with negativity.
  14. Happy birthday Gemma, what a milestone 12 years young. Leanne old Bear passed away four weeks ago two weeks short of his 13th. So love her dearly and enjoy every moment you have with her, as long as your little Frenchie madam will allow any way.
  15. Adelaide Plains Veterinary Clinic. Gawler South Australia.
  16. I think the run in he had was with the British Bulldog people. I had the dubious honour back in 2001 to be approached by him to get a group of French Bulldogs together to do the road test on them when he was on TV in Bourkes backyard, wish he stayed in his own back yard, anyway he came to Adelaide and we did the road test on the Frenchie and he was, on air very nice about them saying what wonderful pets they are, but after the filming, I did the talk on them for the show, he pulled me aside, saying what a lovely breed they were BUT had I ever thought of crossing them with something else to give them a bit more length in nose and also to help with free whelping, well this know all did not realise that we do have lines that self whelp, I was so disgusted I said I had better things to do and left, I was surprised he even aired the episode.
  17. At seven weeks of age it could be teething.
  18. This is a great thread, and I think all potential breeders and those that have been breeders of long standing should read through this. When I have new born puppies here, the whelping box is setup first with eggshell foam with the grooves upwards, and vet bed or dry bed over the top, so that when the babies are starting to move around the humps in the foam make them get up on their feet and vet/dry bed helps with the grip. Having Frenchies they can be chunky babies by the time it is time to walk around and I know that this has prevented swimmer puppies. The eggshell foam is the underlay for our beds and so I can get two pieces from single mattress size, or it can be obtained from a rubber/foam shop, we have Clarke Rubber here.
  19. Oh what a tradgedy, I know that your life will never be the same without Herbert, I have been owned by this wonderful breed for the past 28 years, they are so unique. I only know that it is tricky with Frenchies and aenesthetics and it is important to have a vet who knows what is to be given to them for safety sake, I am blessed with two vets husband and wife team that are so careful with my kids in cases like Herbert. Herbert you are now an angel and playing at the rainbow bridge with all my Frenchies that are waiting there for me and I am sure that they will take good care of Herbert until you see him again. Pat, Bear, Bridie, Finnigan, Guinness and Caoimhe.
  20. I do not know of a rule saying they cannot, but, I would contact the breeder/s of the Sire and Dam and see what they say about a puppy going overseas, they may have good reason for not wantng their stock over there.
  21. I have French Bulldogs and c sections are the norm for them and I always do elective sections. I have a very good vet with whom works with me when a bitch is due, the procedure is, a week before due date I begin taking temps morning and evening and keep a record of the readings, when the bitch is 59 days she goes for a pre section check up and from that day I report to my vet the readings, once the temp starts to drop, usually about this time and whe it gets steady at 37 degrees she goes over and has the c section and without fail all of my btiches are done on day 60 or 61 with strong well developed babies delivered. Hope this helps.
  22. Mastini which repro vet have you contacted for the insemination? This year I used frozen semen from the UK and got a litter, I used Noah's Crossing, yes it is a cut lunch and a water bag trip from my place to there, so, Chris suggested that I brought the bitch out for the prog testing and board her there, so as they could do the required testing.
  23. No definitely no. Why in the first place are they advertising him for stud in the newspaper anyway, for money. How would you know that these people are a member of a Canine Control, there would have to be a lot of checking up and an inspection of their property and definitely proof of membership of a CC. eg current membership card pedigree transferred into the current owners name, to me it is all too hard, go to a well known breeder who has compatable lines to your own dogs. I only deal with ethical registered breeders, that does not mean that the dog that I would be interested in has to be out at the shows every weekend, he would have bloodlines that are compatable with mine.
  24. Is the semen going to be collected and frozen by a vet? I have in the past had to have a dog collected and the semen frozen and transported to the UK and did not have a bitch as a teaser, the particular vet that I use for repro and collection and freezing usually has a bitch in season or he can find one amongst his clients.
  25. This is a bit confusing two threads same request, I posted in the other thread A STAR IS .
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