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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. thank you. I'm so sorry for the loss of Guinness. i should have said the Guiness Mcg had many great years post dx.... H
  2. strange..but this week another friend posted about her dog who has similar... and the story corroborates what has b een said about Loki... Helen
  3. can he lap safely?????? try thickish broths ( blend them so there are no lumps but they should be thicker rather than watery ) My birth mother has swallowing problems( dysphagia) and all her food/liquids needed to be thickened to a sort of runny jelly or thickened cream consistency..does this make sense to you? foods should not have mixed consistency... ie no lumps in the soupy mix. water also needs to be thickened.. you can get the thickeners at the pharmacy, if i remember correctly hope this helps a little H
  4. excellent. I lost my dear Guinness Mcguiness to this... wishing your Winnie a long life filled with love, happiness and security and all the very best for the surgery and a most speedy recuperation. Helen
  5. Happy happy Birthday Stan... fromthe coominya maremma Crew and their servant.
  6. i am a bit soft on him have been since the moment i got him out of his birth sack in the middle of my back paddock...we bonded instantly :) H
  7. thanks.. will discuss the Gabapentin as well. DD is very sweet the matacam really really messes with his digestive tract causing terrible Dire Rear.. and dire it is..literally all over the place last time.. he was mortified. Thank the Dog Gods for Ikea and their wonderful washable covers... H
  8. this reduces me to tears but i love it nonetheless The old girl felt her worn and tired muscles relax and her pain dissolve. She drew in a long, soft breath and relaxed a little more as the familiar, loving scent of her people, filled her lungs. Memories of them rushed through her brain and warmed her heart. "A collage of happy images and tender days." She felt their soft touches against her fur. Their hands sent a tactile message of their gratitude and their love. She felt the warmth atop her head and neck and blinked and saw their faces streaked with tears. "Don't cry for me or feel sad." She heard them as she shut her eyes. They said her name and the "good girl" words, through their pain and sorrow. In her mind, her tail wagged to tell them that she heard. And understood. "Good bye, my Hearts." She is standing in a meadow, near a stream. The sky is fiercely blue. She hears the song of many birds and smells the growing grass. Her legs are strong. Her eyes are clear. She begins to walk toward a brightly colored bridge, far off on the horizon, but pauses for a moment and looks back. "Thank you. Until the day we walk together once again." She turns and wags her thick strong tail and runs. And runs. 2000 Walt Zientek
  9. well his lordship appearts to be moving a bit easier! in fact kept me awake all night last night ambling slowly out the add his ancient bark to that of the rest fo the pack..while the pack leader unsuccessfully tried to get her sleep... H
  10. And a puppy at heart and in your heart too.
  11. Think Dennys Dog is one lucky puppy then. My breeder, also a Vet, starts with a higher dose and then reduces. But that's easy for her. :) he is very very old ... and therefore at the riskier end for these meds h
  12. hay...thanks all.. was just checking out general opinion.. will be popping back into vet this afternoon to talk more h
  13. Dennys Dog has been prescribed tramadol ( for arthritis pain) the label says Tramadol Hydrochloride 50mg per tablet Dosage give 3 tablets twice daily ( that is 300mg per day) everything i read from Dr Google seems to indicate that this is a very high starting dose..DD weighs 40kg H
  14. Because the law will say they need to be responsible and each dog will have a paper trail. GRA already has a paper trail. Any retired Grey must be accounted for. If you want to bring in legislation that requires a paper trail for dogs, then this must apply to everyone. All breeders, owners, trainers and the general public. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and this includes the thousands of "pet" owners that dump and or dispose of their animals . yes. H
  15. my favourite charity.. http://www.9jumpin.com.au/show/today/videos/4141425548001/
  16. and her story is here "Saving Private Sarbi" author Sandra Lee. Sarbi was a lab newfie cross. There is a portrait of Sarbi and Sargent D painted by artists Lyndell Brown and Charles Green hanging the the Australian War memorial (painted 2010 Oil on linen 31cm X 31cm) RIP brave girl. H
  17. and that in the end is what is of the utmost importance.. bless her. The oldies certainly have the art of heart stealing down pat... H
  18. http://www.novareinna.com/bridge/northrainbow.html and a possible explanation of the southern lights as well H
  19. RIP Micha! run free beautiful boy. may your aching hearts find solace in the memories that were made as Micha walked lifes path with you... h
  20. sigh... may blessings rain down upon your shoulders Nekhbet.. H
  21. when my girl Lucinda was living with cancer.. the first sign of a dip in her wellbeing was always a big fle load. Her holistic vet said that she was always amazed by the number of people who would refuse to use anything other than some kind of alternative remedy for fleas ( when none in her opinion really work) Her view was to choose the least toxic -she recommended frontline - and combine that with using diatomaceous earth and loads of vacuuming. also using herbal sprays could assist with a repellent effect. She thought the adverse effects of a flea burden was not acceptable for the quality of life of a pet. H
  22. I believe there are already rules in place to cover the disposal of dogs not wanted and also breeding restrictions. and also rules in place prohibiting live baiting.... h
  23. and Tom Noble( the first trainer charged with cruelty) really sees nothing wrong with what he does.. h http://www.qt.com.au/news/police-have-warned-greyhound-trainer-tom-noble-wou/2569933/
  24. i have a friend who works somewhere where unwanted greys some still adolescent brought in to be killed... it is not one or two or even a dozen at a time.. far worse. The more I think about it the more I want this industry abolished. where gambling is involved there will always be pressure to get that edge by legal or illegal means. H
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