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Why Is She Scooting Along On Her Bum? She's Wormed


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As the topic says, my four-month-old puppy sometimes scoots along on her bum, which my mum always used to say meant the dog had worms, but she gets wormed. We were using an all-wormer, now Sentinel Spectrum. She's not due again till the 9th of Sept. Should I be worried, or does she just have an itchy bum for no reason?

Edited by Eileen
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is she a toy breed? does she have long hair? it may just be an irritation or it could more than likely be her anal glands annoying her.

No she's a staffy. Anal glands? Ewwww, do you mean that expressing thing I've read about on here? But she's only a little puppy, or does that not matter?

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I wouldnt worry about it, most puppies do this. Especially after going to the toilet , to clean themselves off :happydance2:

I wouldnt expect the anal glands to be a problem in a 4 month old pup. Also doubt she has worms either. Perhpas she just likes to embarrass you :cheer:

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Anal glads are part of my service if they need to be done.

I will normally ask the owner if the dog is scooting at all, and all little dogs I normally do anyway.

I would've thought anal glads, but dont know about a pup ?? Better to get it checked.

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I wouldnt worry about it, most puppies do this. Especially after going to the toilet , to clean themselves off :)

I wouldnt expect the anal glands to be a problem in a 4 month old pup. Also doubt she has worms either. Perhpas she just likes to embarrass you :D

I used to own a siberian husky from the time she was 8 weeks old to the time she had to be put to sleep at 2.5 years (with an immune disorder) had anal gland problems, so anal glands can affect a 4 month pup.

If not anal glands and it is worms.. worm her with something like Drontal. Lock her up somewhere you can check the 'fresh' stools for 48 hours...rubber gloves and break apart the stools. If worms come out.. she has worms.. Messy and Icky.. but sometimes only way to check if they have a worm burden.

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Leila does it once in a blue moon. I just figure she has an itchy bum....we all get itches don't we? And if it's not a consistent thing I wouldn't come to the conclusion her anal glands need expressing or there is a problem there.

But, there's no harm asking your Vet to take a peak.

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I read that Cavy'S can do this and its a breed trait her glans have been checked and she is wormed somtime's she just want's a good butt scrach but I dont think I have evey seen a big dog do that that would be very funny

Edited by Falling_dawn
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My adult Stafford is a rescue, so we had no history for his health. He used to do this quite a bit. He was wormed and had his glands checked. We had no idea why he did it, but one day at a function we saw Dr Harry. We had Monty our dog with us, and asked him if he had any ideas. He said to use human haemorroid ointment called Proctosedyl from the chemist. We used it for about a week and the problem seems fixed. I would still check with the vet though, especially being so young. This ointment does contain hydrocortisone.

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