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2009 Brags Thread


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You get the picture!! CK got his BAAD title today - finally. It wasn't the most inspiring of runs - he thought it was a bit hot poor petal, but he did get quicker as the run went on. Still, it is a lot better than a few months back!

He also came second in gamblers and ran clean(ish) in Jumpers without weavers, although after saying hello to the judge he ended up 7 seconds over time in that one..........

Xena did a good job and came second or third in JWOW, and managed a card in that as well. The other games didn't treat us quite as kindly so that was it for her today, but all in all a great weekend for the two of them!

Congratulations, looks very hot and dry there so you did really well. My boy Chazer loves to say hello to judges/pole/setters/time keepers or anyone else who happens to be in the ring too LOL, that is one thing I can't wait for him to grow out of even if he does it very cutely indeed

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Well I finally have a brag for this year too, not as big as some here but Chazer started agility trialling and has 2 tunnellers qualies and 1 agility quali

Yee har well done :champagne:

We don't have tunnellers in WA - whats invloved and do you find the dog becomes tunnell obsessed on a normal agility course? :champagne:

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Well I finally have a brag for this year too, not as big as some here but Chazer started agility trialling and has 2 tunnellers qualies and 1 agility quali

Yee har well done :champagne:

We don't have tunnellers in WA - whats invloved and do you find the dog becomes tunnell obsessed on a normal agility course? :cheer:

I think the tunnelers is part of NADAC not ANKC :thumbsup:

It's just a bunch of tunnels that make up a course :thumbsup:. Heaps of fun and great for getting speed in a need for speed dog, or for learning the ropes with a beginner dog :champagne:

I've not found them becoming tunnel obsessed, but then I've only done one NADAC trial :champagne:

ETA: My 'brag' is that Leo did an absolute blinder UD training session for me at club yesterday!!! Was SO happy with him!

Edited by leopuppy04
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Well I finally have a brag for this year too, not as big as some here but Chazer started agility trialling and has 2 tunnellers qualies and 1 agility quali

:champagne: Way to go Helen and the lovely Chazer boy. That's great to hear.

I so want to have a go at a tunneler's course. For a while there we didn't even have enough tunnels in Tasmania to do it - but I think we could now, if we gathered from north and south :champagne: .

It always looks fast and furious - and would be a great challenge for people like me who have trouble reemmbering courses even when they're made up of different obstacles! :champagne: From what I hear, it doesn't make dogs tunnel obsessed.

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Well done you guys!

We did westernport on Saturday and got our first novice pass and third. Not of course without Miss Koori trying to convince the judge that she was dying...funny how she perked up once she got busted for being a drama queen. Granted she has a limp still but it's improving slowly very slowly, pity the acting skills are improving twice as fast! :champagne: We weren't great but it was a huge improvement on last time so I'm happy.

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:grouphug: my collie always did the same act in the obedience ring, always looked like she was moments away from collapsing from exhaustion.

Happy to report no such play acting from the weimaraner this weekend though and he gained his TSD title. He is so loving being back out tracking again.

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Oh don't you hate that LP, I saw you were entered and kept an eye out for you. Pity you weren't there you'd have saved me from getting pinned down by the collie club obedience sec who keeps telling me Koori needs to win a class....Oh I can really see that happening. ;)

Koori was crawling around in the heel work, dragging her feet with her head down and ears flopping, all while giving the judge long sorrowful looks. In the end he stopped us, he was so concerned. I just looked at Koori and said Koo Bear what are you doing? And what do you know the ears reappeared! Poor old judge wasn't convinced but after he'd seen her do the rest of her heel work really nicely and do a foot perfect SFX and recall (well the finish wasn't quite perfect). He had to laugh at her too....this is why you hear judges saying Collies are too lazy for obedience. She's a complete ham, she adores obedience trials but she always does something strange. Embarrassing animal. :)

You should have seen the look I got in the SFX I swear to god she was laughing at me the cheeky beast.

This is the same dog who's been know to do some gardening in a drop stay. Just merrily plucking grass and throwing it in the air, not breaking mind you just entertaining herself. This is the same dog who thinks it's terrifically funny to poke judges in the back side during figures of 8, there's no end to the weirdness let me tell you.

And the CCV obedience sec wants us to win a class.....oh my :banghead:

Well done Dogdayz! Nice to know it's not just my Collies that do this sort of thing....

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This is the same dog who's been know to do some gardening in a drop stay. Just merrily plucking grass and throwing it in the air, not breaking mind you just entertaining herself.

You just described Ruby :wave: The judge was giggling to herself and shaking her head as she walked past Ruby in the down stay, just munching away on the grass. I was asked afterwards if I needed a lawnmower at home :rofl::rofl: And at training class, I've been told to bring some roll-on lawn as training treats she is that obsessed by it :rofl:

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Well I finally have a brag for this year too, not as big as some here but Chazer started agility trialling and has 2 tunnellers qualies and 1 agility quali

Yee har well done :wave:

We don't have tunnellers in WA - whats invloved and do you find the dog becomes tunnell obsessed on a normal agility course? :rofl:

Thanks everyone and congrats to Natsu Chan on your first quali too, must have been the weekend for it.

Tunnellers is with NADAC. The course has nothing but tunnels and the time is very tight so unless your dog loves tunnels and zooms through you won't make the time.

Like Tassie said it can be hard remembering the course if you are not used to it and you don't have time to read numbers, and calling off straight from one tunnel to another can be tricky at times - but it is great for dogs who love tunnels

I think they have to be tunnel obsessed before they start (Chazer is) :rofl:

Chazer was the only dog to qualify in the agility course we won, it had a tunnel leading on to an A-frame/tunnel discrimination, dogs were supposed to go tunnel to tunnel but many went tunnel and over the A-frame so I suppose it can't make them too tunnel obsessed.

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we did it at westernport got our 2nd pass 2nd place with 184

then almost at Moorabbin but found a smell on the recall runnning 100 miles an hr but still picked up the scent slowed sniffed though oH! drop came on recall command BUT when I said finish she said

"what was that smell" instead of return to heel she went back and had a sniff ---blew 194 score BUGGER :wave::rofl: SO WE ARE AWAITING NEXT TRIAL maybe :rofl:


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We just got back from our country trial the riverland where we had the four season happening over the 2 days. My little baby coolie Gabby who just turned 2 last sunday got two legs of her ud. The first one with not so great of score of 177 and third and was beaten by her sister. The weather on the first day had been pouring with rain a little bit like today and Gabby doesnt work in the rain at all so for her to work and pass I am so proud of her (might add got a couple of subs for not sitting though LOL) the next day we had lovely sunshine which is what young Gabby prefers and cracked another pass with 193 and first place. The Saturday my border collie Inka got first in ud with 183 and Xena got first in ud with 180 and a fourth in open with 189 (pity I couldnt throw a dumbell properly with frozen hands wouldnt have lost my four points :laugh: )

Sunday Xena got 195 and first in ud.

So overall a good weekend with 6 qualies out of 8 and qualified 3 out of 4 in ud :)

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A question on your approach to trials.

My girl is two, has been to obedience training for about 7 months. Suddenly decided I liked the obedience side a little better than showing and so we entered 4 trials in the last two months. From 4 trials we had 4 qualies, or CCD and that inlcuded 1 x 2nd place and 2 x 3rd place. The 4th quali was with 91 points.

So that means she is able to go to novice - but I am not sure she is quite ready although our instructor said we should enter her anyway. He believes the experience is better than not going - for both of us.

What are your thoughts - would you trial if you thought your mate wasnt quite ready?

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Mercedes - I usually won't enter until I am sure my dog is ready :laugh:. Doesn't mean they will pass, but it means that they won't get stressed by little mistakes or your changes in body language due to your stress ;)

I say go to the trial, but don't enter. train around the rings - gives you great experience that way :)

OMG Xena!!!! What a great result!! :D

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I was one of these people who wouldn't enter until the dog was well and truely ready although even then I have usually taken a bit of prodding to enter :D . Having said that I entered her first UD trial when I knew she wasn't anywhere near close and we came very very close to a pass :laugh: . Only been pearshaped since then.

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