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October Challenge


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This should be an easy month for people.

This month is all about sunrise and sunset. You can take photos of anything or anyone you want, but the rules are, it must be taken within 20 minutes of the advertised sunrise or sunset times AND there is to be no flash used (unless you are backlighting and using it as fill flash). Keep in mind, that the beautiful rich colours of sunset are usually happening about 5 minutes after the advertised sunset time.

You can go back over your knowledge of previous months to explore landscape, backlighting, movement, aperture etc.

This month I would also like to encourage people to talk about the settings they have on their camera and why they chose to shoot the way they did (you don't have to, but it can sometime help the process to understand what you are thinking as you shoot.)

Good luck and have lots of fun.

Edited by Ashanali
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edit: fudgesticks! Got to try and figure out how to use flickr!

click on the image you want, above it click on "all sizes"

select the size you want to post and click on it

grab the photo's URL (scroll down the page)

come back here, paste it and put img (without the spaces)


ETA: You figured it out... oh well, other people might find this handy. :)

Edited by Ashanali
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I use a Canon 400D - much of the time it's left on full auto, but for sunrise and sunset shots I usually run it at between ISO200 and 800 - the Canon handles faster speeds with no trouble at all - only camera I'm confident in using and shooting at ISO1600 without a huge amount of noise!!

Hazelnut sunset - July


June sunrise


April sunset




Zoomed in....


March was a great month for sunsets in Trentham!!



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Wow there's some wonderful photos up already! I've only had my 50D for a week and a half so I'm completely new to the whole world of dslr but I hope it's okay if I join in. :cheer: My photos are nothing real special but I had fun taking them!

JS - Hey! You were at 'my' beach! :thumbsup: I am about 5 mins drive from Henley Beach and that's where I took this lot of photos....love it down there. :D

I took these photos tonight between 6:05pm - 6:27pm. They are all straight off my camera cos I don't have a photo editing program yet....I'm hoping to get something soon though since I'm sure my photos could use a bit of help!





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Been down to the beach last two nights, in hope of decent sunset. These are from tonight - 7:20pm or there abouts (daylight saving time)

Seacliff Beach

Settings - canon 450D slr - auto - should have changes the ISO...



this next one though - is with my little point and shoot ixus from earlier in the year. Brighton beach, adelaide


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taken at 6.38am, not sure what time sunrise was.


Probably not exactly what you had in mind Ash, sorry, but you can see the morning sun shining on him.

another one with a fly taking a slow ride


Edited by Kirislin
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