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Completely OT but I just saw my first Bob-Tail :) He was a ferocious looking bugger, and hissed at me as I cycled along the coastal track - just missed him luckily as I'd hate to have run him over :D I'm going on a snake catching course being run at the local surf club in a few weeks. I just want to know what to do if one comes in the garden - apart from run :confused:

Lol we have our resident bobtail who comes to visit in our yard, he is quite tame though as he has not hissed at us or the dog/cats. He comes inside if the slide door is open and I have to walk behind him with my broom to get him to go out again :(

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Hey entering just for cake and drinks sounds good, maybe I should aim to take a little dog into the obedience ring since I broke the big dog. Mind you I'll probabaly break any dog with my poor handling skills and fear in the ring. Here is the little dog I'm thinking of, lots still to learn.

There's my little man, what a clever cookie he is, but he's getting so big :confused: Are you at the sgility trial this weekend?

Not this one, Mirrawee is busy, good luck if you are in. Your little man has to keep growing he's still smaller than my Gizmo, but is all legs at the moment. :)

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I have set Banjo and I the challenge of being ready for CCD by the Western Classic :) So we have 4 months to get it all together and I am sure we will need every minute of that time :D

I might have to set that same challenge with my Banjo :) , I did enter him in the WC this year but scratched him because we weren't ready and we still haven't trialled :) .

Varda was entered in her first obedience trial in about 2007 then came into season so was scratched... and she still hasn't trialled :eek:

Hey entering just for cake and drinks sounds good, maybe I should aim to take a little dog into the obedience ring since I broke the big dog. Mind you I'll probabaly break any dog with my poor handling skills and fear in the ring. Here is the little dog I'm thinking of, lots still to learn.

There's my little man, what a clever cookie he is, but he's getting so big :( Are you at the sgility trial this weekend?

I will have to watch the video at home tonight ;) No agility trials for the Aussies until the 13th November ;)

LR, Varda had passed the rock prior to going to the vet yesterday apparently ;) Maybe that is why she woke me up at 2.30am! Slept all night last night though and only grumbles this morning not screams :confused:

Video is abit dark but wanted to keep track of his progress as I didn't do it enough with Jenna.

Glad she's passed it, poor little girl is probabaly abit raw inside, bet she gave you a few grey hairs though with the screaming and not knowing what was wrong to begin with. Hopefully she has learnt her lesson given the number of rocks on your property. :)

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Hey entering just for cake and drinks sounds good, maybe I should aim to take a little dog into the obedience ring since I broke the big dog. Mind you I'll probabaly break any dog with my poor handling skills and fear in the ring. Here is the little dog I'm thinking of, lots still to learn.

There's my little man, what a clever cookie he is, but he's getting so big :confused: Are you at the sgility trial this weekend?

Not this one, Mirrawee is busy, good luck if you are in. Your little man has to keep growing he's still smaller than my Gizmo, but is all legs at the moment. :D

All legs and ears! heheheh

Hey that Pap in my ACWA class has his first agility trial this weekend :)

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Hey entering just for cake and drinks sounds good, maybe I should aim to take a little dog into the obedience ring since I broke the big dog. Mind you I'll probabaly break any dog with my poor handling skills and fear in the ring. Here is the little dog I'm thinking of, lots still to learn.

There's my little man, what a clever cookie he is, but he's getting so big :confused: Are you at the sgility trial this weekend?

Not this one, Mirrawee is busy, good luck if you are in. Your little man has to keep growing he's still smaller than my Gizmo, but is all legs at the moment. :D

All legs and ears! heheheh

Hey that Pap in my ACWA class has his first agility trial this weekend :)

I know the one, its a lovely little dog, might try to get down for a looksee if I get the chance. I know the other Pap in Agility is doing quiet well and got at least one of its titles recently.

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Yep Jasper met him at training one night! I think he's going to do really well, clever little thing.

Yep the other one has his AD and JD titles now according to the latest catalogue. At least someone is obtaining AD titles hey ozjen :rofl:

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Completely OT but I just saw my first Bob-Tail :( He was a ferocious looking bugger, and hissed at me as I cycled along the coastal track - just missed him luckily as I'd hate to have run him over :o I'm going on a snake catching course being run at the local surf club in a few weeks. I just want to know what to do if one comes in the garden - apart from run :rofl:

Lol we have our resident bobtail who comes to visit in our yard, he is quite tame though as he has not hissed at us or the dog/cats. He comes inside if the slide door is open and I have to walk behind him with my broom to get him to go out again :)


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;) Robyn finds homes for the extra feral ones - I think she just keeps the sane ones :o . Pretty sensible of her really :( .

ETA. The feral in action http://www.youtube.com/user/ness#p/u/6/07bfmnNPYI8

Kenz is very cute :rofl: You can see Spryte in her :)

OzJen, love Jasper's video. My only suggestion is to make sure that you seperate "back" and "turn" :mad Don't always do them one after each other :)

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Yvonne posted this to WA Click.....

With the Aussie dollar at an all time high many people are making purchases from Clean run. We have had quite a few come through Perth International Mail over the last few weeks. Their packing is very distinctive. Clean run tape on them or large dog wet nose kiss. This is just a reminder not order any dog treats or medications as these have restricted or prohibited entry into Australia and will be seized. Some of you may already have had your parcels opened. If any one has any queries about what is permitted I am happy to answer them or go to www.aqis.gov.au. I hope mine arrives in the next few days.

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Anyone know about/going to this meeting?

Hi All,

I apologise if you have recieved this message through other sources, but I have had a few people tell me that they don't know anything about the meeting on Saturday, so I am using all possible means of communication to get the message out.

This Saturday, at 12pm, at Dogs West, we are having a meeting to discuss the rule proposals put forward by the other states that will be implemented mid next year.

You can find a copy of the proposals attached to this email.

Please bring your own copy as it is too big for me to print out numerous copies.

The National meeting will be held in January and this meeting on Saturday will be the only chance for you to have your say. We will discuss the proposals and decide what we will vote for and against at the National meeting.

Can you please pass this message onto other agility competitors and clubs.


Sarah Wickham

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trying to organise transport for Bolt getting excited waiting for a call back from dogtainers.

ok got call back while typing this

Just not sure on how to fly him yet spoke to a couple of people and they said either way is fine that doesnt help me lol he can fly into from SA to Perth and carry on to Hedland $400 or he can fly from SA into Perth $350 and gate crash my sister inlaws house for nearly 2 weeks and fly up as extra baggage with his own create as I brought one from my sister inlaw she is awsome cost me 2 bottles of wine for her's thats been used 3 times large metal one. Looking into insurance etc getting closer :(

Ive tried the pro'c and con's of trip straight here or break it up but Im at a loss not sure which way to go. Break the flying up or straight here to get it over and done with.

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Personally I'd get it over and done with straight away and get the earlier flight, puppies grow so quickly I wouldn't want to miss any time, and the sooner he gets to your house the sooner he can get settled in and start toilet training etc, otherwise he will get settled at your SIL's house then have to be uprooted?

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Well chandra hasn't eaten any food since tuesday night so we are getting closer oooooooo excited


Ive tried the pro'c and con's of trip straight here or break it up but Im at a loss not sure which way to go. Break the flying up or straight here to get it over and done with.

Yup I second Amy - get him to you as soon as poss and get him settled :)

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trying to organise transport for Bolt getting excited waiting for a call back from dogtainers.

ok got call back while typing this

Just not sure on how to fly him yet spoke to a couple of people and they said either way is fine that doesnt help me lol he can fly into from SA to Perth and carry on to Hedland $400 or he can fly from SA into Perth $350 and gate crash my sister inlaws house for nearly 2 weeks and fly up as extra baggage with his own create as I brought one from my sister inlaw she is awsome cost me 2 bottles of wine for her's thats been used 3 times large metal one. Looking into insurance etc getting closer :(

Ive tried the pro'c and con's of trip straight here or break it up but Im at a loss not sure which way to go. Break the flying up or straight here to get it over and done with.

straight to you. it will be a longer trip but can settle in easier as soon as they arrive. my girl came from townsville got dropped off at 5 in the morning arrived about 5pm too long day but was easier to bring her home and settle her in rather than breaking it up and worrying she wouldn't get on flights etc.

eta if he is coming into perth and has a gap between flights maybe one of us doelrs could go to the airport and give him some water etc if you are comfortable with that. a toilet break if needed so that breaks up the journey being in the cage the whole time. Or your sister as you'd most likely trust her lol

Edited by emery
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ok straight through seems to be it. Off to call local kennel club I seen them have a session last night full of pups have a feeling Ive missed this season's class now I wouldnt want to go to soon with him. Have spoken with local vet too have his food in stock so will go get some next week to have fresh. Will get him checkout for insurance at his 3rd vaccination. Excited much thats me lol

just seen you edit emery lol i'll edit mine.

I asked if I could switch creates from the hired one from SA to Perth. To the one I just brought to come up but they said no as they dont want to be moving the pup so much in and out ofa create incase something where to happen. Would they let someone take him for a little walk out the office? if they do thats sounds like a great idea

Edited by Simple
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