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When you live or have lived close to the city, you would consider Canning Vale a long commute!!

It used to take me 7 minutes in my car to get to work when I worked in the city.

If I lived at Canning Vale and wanted to drive, I think the commute would be 45 minutes in peak hour. No thanks! :champagne:

Thanks Ness, I will give Ptolomy a little grace then :champagne:

Spoilt :champagne:

I think I just love living near the K9 too much :champagne:

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Okay so who will still be at the grounds at 1.30ish??/ how will i know who you are?? i will have the rotti pup feel free to come say hi i would love to meet you all. i will be trying some clicker training and setting up with some other rotti ladies :champagne:

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Okay so who will still be at the grounds at 1.30ish??/ how will i know who you are?? i will have the rotti pup feel free to come say hi i would love to meet you all. i will be trying some clicker training and setting up with some other rotti ladies :champagne:

I'll be on the bottom oval from around just after 9am until the obedience finishes which is probably around 12-1pm at a guess. But I will probably be back on Sunday with Ruby to watch the agility!

Edited by RubyStar
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Okay so who will still be at the grounds at 1.30ish??/ how will i know who you are?? i will have the rotti pup feel free to come say hi i would love to meet you all. i will be trying some clicker training and setting up with some other rotti ladies :champagne:

I'll be on the bottom oval from around just after 9am until the obedience finishes which is probably around 12-1pm at a guess. But I will probably be back on Sunday with Ruby to watch the agility!

i may be there earlier but it depends if i can get a baby sitter too many dogs to bring the dogs dont bite so i will run and hug them child :champagne:

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Today when I went to vote I decided to take Toby as its at the local primary school and I thought I could do some training on the oval after. I left Toby in the car, went and voted then I got him out. As I was walking to the oval a little kid on a bike wizzed passed (Toby is terrified of bikes) and then the kids dad started screaming at this kid from across the road, because he has crossed the road and the kid was screaming at the dad and poor Toby's tail shot between his legs like a whippet, he started to shiver and went statute still. :cheer: I am trying to move him away from the kid and dad having a shouting match since he is terrified and the dad looked at me and my scared dog and started to shout at his kid louder! :eek:

I picked Toby up and carried him to the oval where it took me about 10 minutes of gentle walking and massage to get the shaking to stop. I had food with me but he wouldn't take it. My poor dog, sometimes I think it must be so horrible to be him. :laugh:

Then I came home and did some free shaping to relax him and he offered me this really cute sulky look, so I may have a new trick to show everyone in a few weeks. :cry:

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Not always. I think on Thursday night he was freaking out but I was misreading the signs cause he was being a bit more subtle.

I have to make a commitment to start taking him to places like football matches where people shout a lot and c+t him when people shout so he gets used to it. :laugh:

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Not always. I think on Thursday night he was freaking out but I was misreading the signs cause he was being a bit more subtle.

I have to make a commitment to start taking him to places like football matches where people shout a lot and c+t him when people shout so he gets used to it. :laugh:

Yes Poor tobes, I have been doing this for a year with my two, undercover markets, Primary Schools at drop off times, fronts of shopping centres, anywhere where people are!!

Fairs and footy are good places as well, mine are still people cautious but thats just the breed and the lack of puppy socialisation as youngsters, hangin there its a big road but it does get better!

I also have a great CD of 101 unusual noises I play to them on odd instances!

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Not always. I think on Thursday night he was freaking out but I was misreading the signs cause he was being a bit more subtle.

I have to make a commitment to start taking him to places like football matches where people shout a lot and c+t him when people shout so he gets used to it. :(

Yes Poor tobes, I have been doing this for a year with my two, undercover markets, Primary Schools at drop off times, fronts of shopping centres, anywhere where people are!!

Fairs and footy are good places as well, mine are still people cautious but thats just the breed and the lack of puppy socialisation as youngsters, hangin there its a big road but it does get better!

I also have a great CD of 101 unusual noises I play to them on odd instances!

Thanks Wazzat! Toby wasn't socialised as a puppy either because he was in a cast from 9 weeks to 5 months and under house arrest. :laugh: Lincoln is fairly well socialised so having him around seems to put Toby at ease.

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I know it's hard but when dogs get a scare like that it's best to act normal and move forward with confidence because otherwise you are actually rewarding the behavior you don't want(nervous/scared energy).

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I know it's hard but when dogs get a scare like that it's best to act normal and move forward with confidence because otherwise you are actually rewarding the behavior you don't want(nervous/scared energy).

That is so true Tiggy!! We managed to change our Kelpies behaviour towards Thunder & Lightning!! She went from a shaking, hiding scaredy cat to what she is now!! A legendary beast who barks at the scary thunder and scares it away :laugh: Even the precious ridgeback is taking a leaf out of her book and not really reacting to it anymore!!

After years of having thunder phobic dogs who destroy doors and whatever is in their way to hide, its nice to not have to worry so much!

Poor Toby VCBR, but what a d!ckhead of a father to have a screaming match with his son anyway!!! Good example to the youngster....

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I know it's hard but when dogs get a scare like that it's best to act normal and move forward with confidence because otherwise you are actually rewarding the behavior you don't want(nervous/scared energy).

I have to disagree with you here Tiggy :laugh: For Lincoln that would be fine but Toby is a totally different dog. Me ignoring him in that situation would only heighten his anxiety and make him frantic. I think walking around slowly and massaging his ears as he begins to show calming signals is the right thing for him. :(

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I know it's hard but when dogs get a scare like that it's best to act normal and move forward with confidence because otherwise you are actually rewarding the behavior you don't want(nervous/scared energy).

I have to disagree with you here Tiggy :laugh: For Lincoln that would be fine but Toby is a totally different dog. Me ignoring him in that situation would only heighten his anxiety and make him frantic. I think walking around slowly and massaging his ears as he begins to show calming signals is the right thing for him. :(

That's fine you know him best :rofl:

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Hope Toby is ok!!

I got Strauss cuddles today! So did my mum, who is totally smitten with Tollers! Dad wants a black Lab but mum wants a Toller :hug: The red kids are slowly winning me over too :rofl: So I'll be rooting for Mum to get a Toller :(

Dad came to watch Millie today (not Ruby :() in obedience and Mum said when they announced Millie got 1st place and the lovely comments she got about her work, Dad got tears in his eyes ;) He really loves Millie. While I was having Strauss cuddles, Dad got both girls out of the car and walked them around (I never let him walk them so he thought he'd take full advantage while he could ;)) Mum said that Dad was saying when he gets his own Lab when he retires in a few years, he wants to do obedience trialling with his Lab, how cute :o He's becoming such a softie in his old age. I think Mum needs her own dog to train/trial so it is something mum and dad can do together when they retire :laugh:

Oh yeah, Millie got her CCD title today :rofl:

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Yay for Millie! I can't wait to meet Strauss tomorrow. :laugh:

Toby will be coming down and I may put him in the ring but unless the course is REALLY flowing I am going to do one or two obstacles and leave the ring on a real high note. :rofl:

Your parents sound really cute RS. I can just imagine how you would feel if your dad and his lab beat you with your Aussie :(

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i got there at 1.30 and it had just started raining, most exhibitors were packing up and the bottom oval was epty except for i think bedazzed and her two aussies training on agility equipment. kelari as very interested but i didn't say hi incase it wasn't rofl and they were training.

i did some clicker training and i think she is learning that it means treats rofl :)

set up my gazebo *we are the rung near the office* for the specialty i am the gazebo se up with the 6 by 3 then two 3 by threes beside and behind alltied together you will know where i am. :) i will be wearing a light brown suit and white top :) please feel free to come say hi tomorrow and gate crash the food rofl i will be there from 8ish or just before :D

i will be sitting with about 10 rottis mostly adults so if you are nervous of rotties best maybe to call out from a distance rofl though they are all friendly just noisy :)

Hope Toby is ok!!

I got Strauss cuddles today! So did my mum, who is totally smitten with Tollers! Dad wants a black Lab but mum wants a Toller :eek: The red kids are slowly winning me over too :o So I'll be rooting for Mum to get a Toller :eek:

Dad came to watch Millie today (not Ruby :)) in obedience and Mum said when they announced Millie got 1st place and the lovely comments she got about her work, Dad got tears in his eyes :) He really loves Millie. While I was having Strauss cuddles, Dad got both girls out of the car and walked them around (I never let him walk them so he thought he'd take full advantage while he could :p) Mum said that Dad was saying when he gets his own Lab when he retires in a few years, he wants to do obedience trialling with his Lab, how cute :eek: He's becoming such a softie in his old age. I think Mum needs her own dog to train/trial so it is something mum and dad can do together when they retire :(

Oh yeah, Millie got her CCD title today :p

Congratulations on your first place sorry i missed it. Jealous you got strauss cuddles though please ptomoly bring him to meet me tomorrow if he is there :)

Yay for Millie! I can't wait to meet Strauss tomorrow. :(

Toby will be coming down and I may put him in the ring but unless the course is REALLY flowing I am going to do one or two obstacles and leave the ring on a real high note. :)

Your parents sound really cute RS. I can just imagine how you would feel if your dad and his lab beat you with your Aussie :rofl:

poor toby hope he is ok and he does well for you tomorrow :)

Valley has met me and i got lincoln cuddles so may be able to point me out :)

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Your parents sound really cute RS. I can just imagine how you would feel if your dad and his lab beat you with your Aussie :eek:


Well done Millie!!! :( :( :) She's a clever little sausage that one :eek:

That is she :p:

Yay for GR puppy cuddles!!

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