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Does anyone have a large soft crate they are looking to sell by any chance?

There was a thread in general the other day about cheap soft crates - see if you can find it - they were dirt cheap!

Thanks, I found some cheapies on Topbuy. Now just to decide which size to get! My current one is too big so ideally I'd like to sell that one and get two of the size just under that one. But I like my current one, it's covered over which Millie needs and from what I can see, the top buy ones have mesh sides with no cover :laugh: Mas, yours is from there isn't it? Is it covered with flaps or not? I might borrow yours if you don't mind, I want it for the Royal so I don't have to lug my wire one in. Thanks for the offer! I'll chat to you later about it :laugh:

Edit: looks like the green top buy ones do have flaps that cover the mesh over, great! Might order one :laugh:

Yes they do, mine is from there, I like the fact that the mesh can be open or closed by the flaps, its why we ended up with the one we did.

BTW I will be coming to watch you at Royal miss Katie!! :)

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Does anyone have a large soft crate they are looking to sell by any chance?

There was a thread in general the other day about cheap soft crates - see if you can find it - they were dirt cheap!

Thanks, I found some cheapies on Topbuy. Now just to decide which size to get! My current one is too big so ideally I'd like to sell that one and get two of the size just under that one. But I like my current one, it's covered over which Millie needs and from what I can see, the top buy ones have mesh sides with no cover :laugh: Mas, yours is from there isn't it? Is it covered with flaps or not? I might borrow yours if you don't mind, I want it for the Royal so I don't have to lug my wire one in. Thanks for the offer! I'll chat to you later about it :laugh:

Edit: looks like the green top buy ones do have flaps that cover the mesh over, great! Might order one :)

Yes they do, mine is from there, I like the fact that the mesh can be open or closed by the flaps, its why we ended up with the one we did.

BTW I will be coming to watch you at Royal miss Katie!! :(


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vCBR, I hope Lily is better soon :laugh: This freezing weather probably isn't helping - did you have ice at your place this morning?

WX, bugger about no puppies :laugh: Maybe it is a rare breed thing in WA :laugh: All three Lappy breeders didn't have success the first mating but two of us did the second so hopefully you will be the same (the other one only tried last season for the first time)

ST, if I am around I am happy to be a pretend judge for you :)

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Can anyone please assist White Shepherd Rescue for a home check in Eaton WA 6232. Close to Bunbury. 2 Hours from Perth.


Could you please reply in the thread in General so I dont miss it or PM myself Fanulios or Bilbo Baggins.


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So what days is everyone on at the royal and what for?

I'll be there on Sunday I think with Char (is that right Mirawee is group 5 Sunday?) for conformation and Wednesday for Gundogs Conformation.

I will be there Sunday to watch obidience and visit group 5, I will be there Monday for agility and Wednesday for Lincoln too. :laugh:

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So what days is everyone on at the royal and what for?

I'll be there on Sunday I think with Char (is that right Mirawee is group 5 Sunday?) for conformation and Wednesday for Gundogs Conformation.

I will be there Sunday to watch obidience and visit group 5, I will be there Monday for agility and Wednesday for Lincoln too. :laugh:

I'll be there monday the 27th for conformation with the rotti pup who is in her first show with the big kids :laugh:

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Thanks guys Xolos cycle twice per year, and are prone to a silent heat they tell me!! Xolos are on Thursday the 30th Emery

I guess it wasnt to be this time, so thats ok, at least we can get her a title, just had a few wants for the pups that hopefully will wait a bit longer!!

I have attcahed a pic of my cooking grandson if thats any consolation!!


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We may have had ice Mirawee but nobody here ventures outside until after the sun is up! :laugh:

Sun was up when I was feeding the ponies (6.30-7am) and there was still ice... in fact Miss Raven decided that it is the "in thing" to have ice adorning her forelock :laugh:

ST, yes Group 5 is definitely on the Sunday.

I will be there Sunday for Group 5 judging, Monday for agility, Wednesday to show my own horse and Friday to show a friends horse .

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We may have had ice Mirawee but nobody here ventures outside until after the sun is up! :laugh:

Sun was up when I was feeding the ponies (6.30-7am) and there was still ice... in fact Miss Raven decided that it is the "in thing" to have ice adorning her forelock :laugh:

ST, yes Group 5 is definitely on the Sunday.

I will be there Sunday for Group 5 judging, Monday for agility, Wednesday to show my own horse and Friday to show a friends horse .

Ok we didn't have ice then because when I took Toby out to strach his legs and chase some roos at 6:50am no ice! :laugh:

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Back from the vets. We saw one of my faviroute vets this time and she was very thorough. She confirmed my suspicions that a lump in Lilly's mammary area is likely to be a malignant tumor due to the growth speed (less then two weeks) but we declined to have a needle aspiration since knowing won't make a difference as we can't operate on her without significant risk and we would rather have her go at home then on a table.

We have been given 14 days of antinflammatories and some pain relief to give her to help with her worsening arthritis and any other pains she may be in. We will be monitoing her closely but for the time being she is continent, eating and enjoying the small things.

Please keep your positive vibes coming this way. :)

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Poor Lilly VCBR, I hope the anti-inflamms do the job for her arthritis. Sorry about the tumour. I understand though that you would rather have her at home with you while she is crook! How old is the dear girl??

I will be heading to the Royal - to watch only - on Tuesday, for the hounds. Ridgies specifically :laugh: Would love to get there on the Sunday for the Kelpies, but I am heading to a family reunion. This should be an interesting day as there will be lots of people there I dont even know!

Sorry about the non-puppy situation WX, perhaps shes getting jealous of Mr Naca going to all the shows :D .

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