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Western Australian Thread


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Can anyone please assist White Shepherd Rescue for a home check in Eaton WA 6232. Close to Bunbury. 2 Hours from Perth.


Could you please reply in the thread in General so I dont miss it or PM myself Fanulios or Bilbo Baggins.


Anyone in Eaton or Bunbury that can help out??

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Great shots, ValleyCBR.

Strauss is a beautiful boy, with a fantastic temperment, the stay in quarantine has not seemed to have any negative effect on him at all and he is already showing what a clever lad he is. Plotomey, you are going to have so much fun with this little fellow, thanks for the lovely Toller cuddles.

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Back from the vets. We saw one of my faviroute vets this time and she was very thorough. She confirmed my suspicions that a lump in Lilly's mammary area is likely to be a malignant tumor due to the growth speed (less then two weeks) but we declined to have a needle aspiration since knowing won't make a difference as we can't operate on her without significant risk and we would rather have her go at home then on a table.

We have been given 14 days of antinflammatories and some pain relief to give her to help with her worsening arthritis and any other pains she may be in. We will be monitoing her closely but for the time being she is continent, eating and enjoying the small things.

Please keep your positive vibes coming this way. :laugh:

Awe, so sorry to hear about Lilly, Valley CBR, sending you and her hugs and hope the antinflammatories help with the pain.

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I will be at Royal on the sunday :laugh:

Hope you will visit us DOLer's from group 5, might not recognize Jenna all spruced up :D and you can get Lapphund cuddles. I think Rubystar, Bdazzelled and Plotomey might be doing obedience that day too.

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oh that is so cute wazzat!! when is the baby due? you must be excited?!

end of October we hope, I am excited for my daughter and her husband as they will make super parents.

VCBR sending hugs and good thoughts for Lilly


Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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Back from the vets.

Please keep your positive vibes coming this way. ;)

The oldies are so special. I have to say, I think you are doing the right thing not doing the biopsy and operating.

Big hugs to Lilli and you too valley CBR ;)

Gees Xolo - I can't imagine you being a grandmother :D I still think of you being 15! :laugh:

Fingers crossed for puppies next time around.

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I will be at Royal on the sunday :D

Hope you will visit us DOLer's from group 5, might not recognize Jenna all spruced up ;) and you can get Lapphund cuddles. I think Rubystar, Bdazzelled and Plotomey might be doing obedience that day too.

and OES cuddles too ;)

Valley sending huge cuddles and lots of positive vibes to your Lilly. Hugs to you too it's a hard time but you are doing the best you can for her. :laugh:

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Thanks everyone. Lilly wet herself last night and couldn't stand this morining so I think the time is fast approching. :(

Sorry to make the WA thread so depressing. ;)

Oh no :( :( Big hugs to ya, it's so hard to know what to do or say but you know you're doing the right thing for her and she knows it too :laugh:

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Thanks everyone. Lilly wet herself last night and couldn't stand this morining so I think the time is fast approching. ;)

Sorry to make the WA thread so depressing. :laugh:

No need to say sorry, you are going through a tough time and we all know how you feel.

I went to feed my old Stafford who is a vacuum cleaner last week and he wouldn't eat. He was at the vets the next morning and while he has improved at the moment I know we are living on borrowed time.

I really hope she improves for you, we are thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and Whippet kisses

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Thanks everyone. Lilly wet herself last night and couldn't stand this morining so I think the time is fast approching. ;)

Sorry to make the WA thread so depressing. :laugh:

(((hugs))) vCBR. Unfortunately it is something we all have to face at some time. I live by the creed with my animals "better a day to early than a day too late" and most let you know when they are ready to go. I am always grateful that we can give our 4 legged family a dignified and peaceful end rather than having to watch them suffer like our 2 legged family :(

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I spoke to mum at lunchtime and Lilly had managed to wander outside and go to the toilet and was enjoying a bone. We know we are on borrowed time and I totally agree with you Mirawee about giving them a dignified end. :provoke:

I am glad to hear your old boy is doing better RnL.

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Thanks guys, I am glad lilly is having a wander and a bone.

Brutus has been on heart medication for 3 years and medication for spinal arthirtis and nerve damage for 2 years so we take each day as it comes. I hope he and Lilly have lots more good days.

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