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Sick Babies :(


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Thanks....sounds like a great idea! They can waddle across the box, but they would drown themselves in a bowl so hand feeding it will be to start with i think.

Well fingers crossed, i have just given them a very weak mix of milk....hopefully it will be all up from here :)

Oh and just when i thought mum was back to her old self.... this morning one of her mammaries was like a bloody football.....so it was off to the vet with her for some more AB's...She had Mastitis in that same one but it had cleared right up, back again though, if it's not one thing it's another!!!!!

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You must be so tired Hannah and emotionally wrecked. so much worry for your girl & the babies.

I'd get the pups onto the pink slushie asap, and keep up the clavulox drops.

With the mum's mammary, you can put some whole outer cabbage leaves in hot water until they are warm & soft, then place them all over the affected mammary. The are a great drawing poultice.



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Thanks, i have the cabbage on there at the moment, i really think that is what helped her so much last time.

Have got some premium mince, brought it the other day when i was going to give them a taste...then they got sick! Will see how their tummies react to the milk and then i will be getting them into it asap!!! They are feisty enough, nice and strong, ready for food i reckon, still cannot believe what the vet was telling me....breeders are the ones with the most experience with this sort of thing.

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Well the babies seem to be doing great! Gave them a slushie yesterday, another today and i actually just put todays one (a small portion each time) in a small dish, got one out at a time and let them eat out of the dish...gawd they go balistic over it, little savages...hahaha!

Mum is slightly better....got to keep a close eye on her....but now i can maybe finally relax a little....

Their characters are starting to come out, so cute they are....you see them wag their tails and actually pay attention to you when you make little kissy noises...it makes it all worth while.


Edited by HANNAH
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our guys start on solids at 3 weeks & are the size of chis LOL The stand in vet obviously is a :cry: kind.

We personally have never had any luck with either products mentioned so we give goats milk but always add cream to bond it.

Our pups at 3 weeks also start with farex & goats milk & never had a drama

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Thanks everyone :thumbsup: Who may that be BB? Must be a big dog trailer!!

LOL I could not think of her name before. Its Ros.

The trailer was purpose built. It is a horse float style and purpose built and what most impressed me was the storage above the back 2 bays.

We will be doinga bit of renovation to "shrink" it for cavs and a shepherd. :cry:

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Off the top of my head i can't think of anyone called Ros...but you know my brain only contains about 1 and a 1/2 brains cells at the moment so that's not suprising!

They'll be 3 weeks tomorrow, so new piccies then! I am going to attempt to get some of them standing now they are up and about :laugh:

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Off the top of my head i can't think of anyone called Ros...but you know my brain only contains about 1 and a 1/2 brains cells at the moment so that's not suprising!

They'll be 3 weeks tomorrow, so new piccies then! I am going to attempt to get some of them standing now they are up and about :rofl:

:laugh: Good luck Hannah. Make sure youo have your camera setting on 'motion' :laugh: as I bet they dont stand still.....

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That is fantastic news Hannah :laugh: I'm so happy for you! Well done, you've done a grand job to get them this far, it's not easy is it?! Thankfully I've found once they get teh knack of semi solids, there's no stopping them :laugh: Good for you!

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Well the babies seem to be doing great! Gave them a slushie yesterday, another today and i actually just put todays one (a small portion each time) in a small dish, got one out at a time and let them eat out of the dish...gawd they go balistic over it, little savages...hahaha!

Mum is slightly better....got to keep a close eye on her....but now i can maybe finally relax a little....

Their characters are starting to come out, so cute they are....you see them wag their tails and actually pay attention to you when you make little kissy noises...it makes it all worth while.


Great to hear you're doing so well with the pups! Congrads for getting them through a rough patch.

With respect to Mum: The dairy industry finds that mastitis has many varieties and can be very hard to treat. The choice of antibiotics, etc. varies with the infecting organism. I had a girl who had it really bad and did a lot of looking around to see if there were similarities between dogs and cows in this respect. The thread was 'really bad mastitis' . .. .you can probably find details by searching. You want to get rid of it entirely if you plan to have further litters from the bitch. Some varieties may come back for the next litter. You may want take a sample of the milk from the bad teat and either get it to a vet who works with dairy cows or freeze it for analysis by a specialist/pathologist at a later time.

Edited by sandgrubber
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