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Brilliant Photos Of An Even More Brilliant Day!


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Our next day is planned for Sunday June 20th. I always confirm it closer to the day though just to be sure. I'd love you to come Bec, I am sure you'd get some amazing photos.

Great! I'll take note of it now and wait closer to the day for you to confirm.

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Great photos. :laugh:

I was also wondering about injuries since I now have a sore Rommi after they were running togther and bumped each other - and that was with supervision and they get growled at when they get to rough!

Maybe I just need cotton wool in plentiful supply and rimadyl on tap!!!

Would love to do it with my guys.

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yes thats probably the difference, running on a straight track is maybe less likely to cause injury than racing around the park where they twist and turn and run into things.

I would love to do it here in WA.

:laugh: Be great to do it in WA - the WA Whips would love it :laugh:

I wish they did it here my Manchester who thinks she's a Whippet would love it ;)

I want a Whippet after all these photos Kirislin has been posting :D :)

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they're great dogs amypie, you should get one.

There's a few whippet people in WA who seem keen to do this. Why dont you think about getting together, you could start a fun club as we have an not be too strict if other breeds come along, which we've also done. We promote ourselves as a whippet club but sometimes another breed or cross breed comes along and we let them have a run too. If there's not enough whippets in WA maybe you could just be a sighthound club or even broader than that and allow all breeds.

You could try looking for greyhound training tracks or if you are really lucky an actual race track which is what we use.

In the US and UK they often just use a park or farmers field to hold meets if they have their own drag lure.

Our club started up when 4 of us were walking our whippets and started talking about it and it's gone on from there.

Why dont you all get together and give it a go.

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Kirislin the slide show is awesome. I love that photo of the whippy gazing at the gentleman with the glasses, it really defines devotion.

Bummer, I'll be overseas for your next race day, but if you don't mind an observer and a ring in Smooth Collie (not as a participant) then I'd love to come and watch.

Whippys are on my 'one day' list!

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As usual Kirislin is doing a very good job

of inflating my ego when the fact is without her we wouldn't have such terrific fun days! I even suspect she is behind the great weather we keep having.

Just with regards to injuries, we only run them in a straight line, no turns. At least in my experiance, I can say that it's less hazardous then free play or chasing a rabbit/ball. I know with Mr Gus he's been closer to injury in the park running with other dogs around in circles then in a stright line chasing the lure.

Some of us drive a couple of hours to get there and I can tell you it's totally worth it. Your dog will love you for it and between me and Kirislin goofing around with oversized lenses you're sure to go home with a photo of your dog in full flight... Or at least posing on a bench hehe


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Well, I went to the fun day [this was my third time] with my little iggy, and she is absolutely NOT a sighthound at heart. She was more interested in looking around at the other people and dogs than anything else. Even my little min pin x chi was more interested in running after the lure, hilarious!!! :laugh: I for one had a great day, the sausage sizzle and whippet goodies for sale we excellent, and we will definitely be going again. PS: I won three raffles too, woohoo!!! :provoke:

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