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Saying Goodbye Forever


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Today my baby boy is getting his wings, i have sort of been handling it up until now. Made the phone call and thought i was doing okay, but broke down at the end. Now he is playing outside and i cant even bring myself to go out there with him. I dont want to upset him or make him think he has done something wrong.

I keep playing it in my head of what is going to happen in a couple of hours, i know its the right thing to do and the best thing i can do for him, but its not fair and i dont want to. :thumbsup: its not fair on him for me being selfish and wanting to keep him here, but its still not fair. i love him soooo much and want him here with me forever :rofl::(

How the hell are we supposed to cope with stuff like this?

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I'm so sorry MissyPriss, it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to too, and I know if/when my current girl's time comes, it will be even harder.

I can't offer much advice, except to give yourself time to cry, you are allowed to be as upset as you feel, for as long as you need...and the only thing that heals the pain is time itself.

I gave my family dog Jelly her wings about 6 years ago, it was a terrible day, but I had to pick myself back up, go to work, see people, etc. Eventually, you get too busy to think about it all the time, and that helps...

Try and focus on your good times together, even if they make you sad.

All the best

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I'm sorry for what you are going through. You have made a decision that is not easy but you will be giving him the gift of peace. It's hard and it takes a long time to come to terms with the loss, let alone accept it. I feel for you.

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Guest belgian.blue


I had to do the same five years ago :thumbsup: Cry as much as you want as I swear it made me feel better on the surface. Deep down I still miss her everyday and wished it never happened the way it did but there was nothing I could do but just be there for her ..

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I am so sorry that you are having to face this decision, but you are being unselfish and putting your boys welfare before yourself.

Allow yourself all the time you need to grieve, and hopefully soon you will just remember the good times.

I fear that I will be facing this soon too, and I am just dreading the day, I can't even bear to think about it.

I will be thinking of you.

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I am sorry to hear this, :thumbsup:

I cant say anything that will help, I have been there also, twice in 2 years for me, not a nice day but

you must remember it is the right thing to do, you are being kind by being unselfish.

My thoughts are with you today


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Today my baby boy is getting his wings, i have sort of been handling it up until now. Made the phone call and thought i was doing okay, but broke down at the end. Now he is playing outside and i cant even bring myself to go out there with him. I dont want to upset him or make him think he has done something wrong.

I keep playing it in my head of what is going to happen in a couple of hours, i know its the right thing to do and the best thing i can do for him, but its not fair and i dont want to. :rofl: its not fair on him for me being selfish and wanting to keep him here, but its still not fair. i love him soooo much and want him here with me forever :o:(

How the hell are we supposed to cope with stuff like this?

It is the worst thing I have ever had to face and whilst I had lost two beloved labs before my boy, Fitzy, who I had to PTS in September last year. He is the first of my own dogs that I have had to PTS and it is absolutely gut wrenching and so awful to have to do, but we do so for them as they must come first. I had a very emotional last night with my boy and I tried to remain strong on the day to avoid upsetting him as he was so in tune with my feelings. I took him for an extra long car ride, the morning of that fateful day as he loved his car rides and because of the cancer spreading to his lungs he was unable to go for a walk. I found the car ride pretty therapeutic as I had to concentrate on driving, but was able to take my boy out to his favourite swimming spot, his favourite park and then for a nice long ride along the motor way to give him as much precious time as I could doing for one of his favourite past-times, riding in the car. I got home about an hour befor the vet was due and I could hear the minutes ticking away, it was so awful.

Nothing any of us say will make it any easier for you, but I do strongly recommend you do something with your boy that he really loves, so that you can see them enjoy one of their favourite activities, one last time :rofl: . If he is feeling poorly and not up to any activities, then just be with him and cuddle him or pat him for his remaining time and tell him how much you love him and how much he means to you.

My heart goes out to you and your boy and so sorry you have to go thru it and you will both be in my thoughts :thumbsup::rofl::laugh:

Edited by labsrule
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No advice sorry, but just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you. Its the hardest decision you'll ever have to make for your pet, but thank goodness you are strong enough and caring enough to let him go when he needs to.

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I am very sorry you have had to make this hard decision. I had to do it just over a year ago and it has been hard for me. Do you have family support?

I will be thinking of you and your boy today. :laugh:

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So sorry you are going through this, no advice here except to say you are very much in my thoughts today

You are doing the right thing for him.

When I went through this with my Holly I tried to comfort myself with the thought that it was only me that suffered as she wouldn't be in pain anymore and that I would feel sad only because I would miss her in my life

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When we went through this last year I said "Look what we do to ourselves. We bring these animals into our lives and love them with all our might and inevitably they die all too soon and we are heartbroken and then we go out and get another one and do it all again." Why do we do it? Because it's worth it! It's worth every tear.

Will be thinking of you.

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For many years your dog has been loyal,loving with no questions asked,you can never repay all the joy a dog brings BUT you can give it the one thing it deserves when the time comes & you have made that decision based on your dogs needs not yours.

Yes your heart will be broken but you never ever forget & i have always found comfort in knowing i am doing the right thing when the time comes.

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When we went through this last year I said "Look what we do to ourselves. We bring these animals into our lives and love them with all our might and inevitably they die all too soon and we are heartbroken and then we go out and get another one and do it all again." Why do we do it? Because it's worth it! It's worth every tear.

Will be thinking of you.

It's true. Why do we put ourselves through it again and again. It's because we think of the wonderful good times our beloved pets bring into our lives, not only the not so good times. The decision you have made is one that shows the greatest love you can give to your beloved boy. Rest assured he will go to sleep off to a better place with memories of you, as you will have of him.

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MissyPriss, Go outside and spend sometime doing what he loves to do.. As for how we are to cope with things like this, I have no idea, I have not had to go through this and my heart is breaking just by reading what you are going through..

Thinking of you..

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MissyPriss, you are not alone, you are in our thoughts. Unfortunately what you are having to do goes hand in hand with pet ownership, it is sad that we really only have them on borrowed time. Console yourself with the fact that you gave your boy all the love needed and now you are giving him the ultimate gift of love by not letting him suffer any longer. It is never an easy decision to make but a necessary one. Allow yourself the time to mourn him, it is only natural. Time will heal the pain.

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My thoughts are with you this is never an easy decision all great advice in the posts before me. Do what you have to do to cope with it there is no right or wrong. There never is there never will be. Your doing the right thing for the dog the most unselfish thing. My hugs go out to you today. But remember the good times not the bad and cry as much as you want and never let any one say to you it is just a dog... they are much much more to those that have loved them.

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When my lovely old girl went to the bridge last year I wrote a piece with all our memories of her, happy and sad and added photos from puppyhood to old age. As she had grown up with my family we had quite a few beautiful times to share. When she went I sent it to the family members and friends who knew and loved her too and we cried together. It is now my lasting tribute to her and in a way, has been very theraputic for me. Your dog will be in your heart always and someday you will look back and smile.

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