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Muscle Strain/sprain


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Okay knowledgable DOL people I need some thoughts and advice.

Rommi has a muscle injury, it is not a tear more a reasonable strain. I have been advised to rest her for four weeks, but to keep lead walking her so she doesn't end up seized up and losing muscle bulk, but enabling it to heal. She is to have no off lead zoomies, bumper Whippets or ball chasing.

Is there any supplements which I could give her to promote muscle healing/strengthening.

I am tracking down a doggy Bowen therapist.

Has anyone used lasers to help promote healing if so where did you source them from?

I am sure others will have had this problema nd will have lots of great ideas to help me out.

Oh the other thing I was thinking of was using Arnica - but I am not quite sure how! Ie topical (but it is quite deep) or oral and if so what dose?

Hoping I come back and there are lots of greats suggestions

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The vet said that doggy massage would be great, however we don't have anyone like that here and apart from the basics I do not know much about it.

Any direction on books etc on how to do doggy massage would be gret though.

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My boy is having another massage in the mornign - I'll ask for you...

The vet said that doggy massage would be great, however we don't have anyone like that here and apart from the basics I do not know much about it.

Any direction on books etc on how to do doggy massage would be gret though.

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Thanks Ptolomy :thumbsup:

She is on evening Primrose and Fish oil but has only started a few days ago, so I am hoping it is helping.

She is going to hate me for stopping her zoomies though!

It isn't severe which is also a good thing.

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Hi R & L,

My doggy massage person doesn't have the name of the doggy massage book on her but will send it to me later today - I'll then post it for you. Her website is here. In the meantime, she says Amazon has lots of fantastic doggy massasge books - so she suggests you have a look there too. There is also a doggy massage course here in Adelaide in two weeks - its on the National College of Tradtional Medicine website here. There is also a canine myofunctional course being run at Southern River, (somewhere south of Perth?) in August - its on the NCTM website too if you're interested.

Hope that helps.

Edited by westiemum
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I have used Tuffrock Poultice to good effect on my boy Bruce, who knackered his shoulder. It took two days of poulticing overnight to stop him limping altogether (second time round - first time with no poultice it took 4 weeks but it was obviously also a worse injury).

You would get it at ag supplies or equine product suppliers - heaps of horsey people use it :eek:

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THank you so much for your replies.

I have been looking on amazon so will keep searching. The course sounds great but I am 750kms away and have only just been away. With the odd cow still to calve I am sticking close to home.

I would love the name of the book Westie mum. I am also looking into getting a cold laser as it will help - hopefully with my sore backs and the old Staffords "issues"

I will look up the poultice and see if my local horse supply shop has it in.

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We used penetrene on the greys for general muscle aches. We've also used laser and U/sound at times.

If there is a tear I'd get it needled by a vet. They are easy to feel if you know your muscle structures. I can look at an ex-racer grey from behind and tell you if it had dropped a back muscle.

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Thank you all again - so much good information :(

It isn't torn at all thank goodness. I have seen some pictures of that and it is horrifiying to see.

I don't have Penetrine but can easily get some. What I do have though is some Dercusal - will that be of any benefit??

The Bowen lady I am chasing up does do horses. The person could remember her daughters name but not hers, so they are going to find out and get me the contact info.

We don't have a water treadmill, only the ocean and that is beyond freezing at this time of year and I am not even game to get my feet wet. We did have a doggy heated pool, but no longer unfortunately.

Rommi is on Glucosamine even though it isn't her joint I decided it wouldn't hurt.

Edited by Rommi n Lewis
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Hi Rommi I could be wrong but I think murdoch Uni vet clinic now have an underwater treadmill. This would be great for your dog giving a chance to exercise but with reduced bodyweight

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Maybe check, if you have anybody around who does water treatment? I will hold a Dog massage Workshop later this year to teach owners how to do it, but I might be a bit too far away from you ;-) I am near Brisbane.



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Little known fact, I'm actually a qualified Bowen Therapist (not practicing) and I would just do exactly what the vet has told you to do. As a powerlifter and rugby player I get muscle strains all the time, you just go light on them for a while and keep moving. Massage is nice, no need to do anything special, just work the area at a tolerable level to get the blood flowing and loosen it up a bit. Dogs heal pretty quickly.

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Thank you both for your tips, much appreciated.

Murdoch is about 800kms from me, so a bit far unfortunately.

I have tried to locate a Bowen therapist down here (willing to work on dogs), not much luck at this stage but I am still trying. I have not run out of leads yet.

She does seem to be going quite well - a tad frustrated but who wouldnt be!

Last night she was a bit stiff, but we had done a little bit longer walk so I will cut back again for another little while.

I would LOVE to do a Dog Massage course, but yes Brisbane is a little far away!

I have been giving her massages and it can't have been too bad because she ended up on her back legs straight up and her eyes closed!

It has only been a week and a half or so, so I am happy with how she is going at this point. :laugh:

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