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Arrogant Fool

Guest Willow

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You are more polite then I am :rofl:

I had my whinge about this in OT the other day. What I really meant to say to the nice lady who's lovely little dog was rushing at mine was "can you please call your dog?" Instead it came out like FOR F*CKS SAKE!! #%$@ *&$% )((&*&!!!!!. Ooops :laugh:

Yes and thats exactly what I say, then qoute rules and regs from the dog Act pretend to take photos on my camera phone and leave. Its downright rude and wrong to assume they can have free run of all areas whist the good dog owner does the righty!

Sorry vent Over

I hope you are all ok


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Offlead dogs where they shouldn't be really angers me! When I drive past people walking the street with their dogs offlead, and it's an every day occurrence, I feel like winding my window down and shouting "put your ***ing dog on lead!!!!!!!!!" I do say it (to myself!) but haven't got the guts to shout it out my window yet :laugh:

Don't care if I get flamed, but I very rarely walk my dogs. After being bitten by a loose dog walking on my own, and seeing sooooo many idiots walking their dogs offlead, I am just too scared to walk my dogs anymore. It makes me feel terribly anxious to do so now. Instead, my girls get to run at the park when it's empty or I'm with dogs/people I know, and they get training most days of the week which they go crazy for! Just a shame these idiots who insist they are above the law and walk their dogs offlead ruin the simple pleasure of me getting to walk my dogs :rofl:

Ruby Star I encorage you to go to the local Rangers and tell them exactly where this is happeneing, not just for you but for all the other poor sods who cant get to walk their friends etc!

I am happy to call or write on your behalf if you want, I have a lot of friends on the right side lol!!

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Him: (walking away, shouting) "GET A LIFE!!!!!"

'Get a life!' is such a silly phrase.

People who use it, haven't the brains to see they're telling a living person to get something they already have....a life!

O/T, I've been in similar situations where an off-lead dog, accompanied by an owner, has caused chaos while I've had 2 shelties on leads. Much tangling of leads.

Yesterday, I was walking the 2 tibs on leads (along walking park where signs clearly say dogs must be on leads). A couple approached us with a medium size, off-lead dog that they were exercising by throwing a ball for it to fetch.

The man threw the ball away from us. But as the dog picked up the ball, he spotted my 2 girls & came racing over (ignoring the man's call to come back). The dog circled behind us. My 2 tibbie girls turned to face him. Annie....whom we call Miss Viking because she comes from Sweden...has loads of confidence & shows no fear. She stood tall & faced down that dog, without making a sound. It spooked the dog who did a big scared rush to get away.

I couldn't help but laugh. I think that really offended the bloke. Small golden dog sees off his dog, by only giving it a look.

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What an idiot! Seriously you were a lot nicer then I would have been...

Yesterday at the park I took Boss man to an off leash park he was there by him self. Then a man and his 2 dogs showed up. A SWF and an older staffy. Boss loves to play so he prances over to them and the SWF starts barking growling and chasing him..... Boss runs off tail between legs. I must admit it was a little funny but if that were my dog doing it to his SWF I am sure I would have been given a mouth full. Let alone the older staffy started humping boss while we were trying to leave :laugh:

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I had a friend's SWF living with me for the weekend while she was in Sydney, and I knew this dog had what I call "small dog syndrome" and was quite DA from lack of socializing. I was walking her on-lead when she starts barking at a Schnauzer wandering off-lead with its owner and the Schnauzer comes up and starts growling and raising its hackles, and they start to go at it! :)

I was dragging the poor SWF almost in the air with her harness, at the same time trying to get the Schnauzer off with my foot - it was chaos!

I walked her around the edge of the park away from any other animals for the rest of the weekend.

I can't imagine if it was a larger dog breed!

Its awful, my last dog was a DA staffy cross. I never let her offlead and only walked her on the street because she was DA. I felt it was the only responsible thing to do, sadly my experience was that there are many other knobs who dont feel they need to be responsible and have their dogs OFFlead on an urban street. Many was the time I had to take a long detour to avoid them.

One time was particularly memorable, I was at an inner city cafe with my family and our dog and an offlead lab came around the corner. It didnt even have a collar on :) and it decided to rush my dog.

The rest is a bit of a blur- I ended up on the ground, with my dog held by the collar going nuts, kicking at this lab that was trying to have a go at her and the owner couldn't even grab his dog by the collar. ;)

In the end he managed to get it away amid me screaming at him to put a lead on his dog (which he didnt :laugh::rofl: ) .

Its no wonder my poor daughter ended up being scared of dogs. ;)

Edited by ✽deelee
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This shit happens all the time folks. There's a thin line between being suitably angry about it and being a crazy dog person. I never yell at anyone doing the wrong thing because I don't know when my dogs might somehow god forbid end up on the streets and I'll be depending on these same people I've yelled at to stop if they see them and get them off the road (and hopefully call us!). I foster good relations with other dog owners wherever I can because it's like having a support network. When you're casual acquaintances you can suggest things to them and they might actually listen to you. You can ask them to help you out with setting up a training scenario, you can explain to them why you're setting it up, you can share information on what's happening in the area with dogs and where there are dogs you need to watch out for. You can set a good example and they might actually think about following it if your dogs behave impressively and they've seen it work for you. There's always going to be people that you can't change, and yelling at them is certainly not going to work where all else has failed. I'd rather manage it and not gain an enemy in the community in the process. At least that way I won't have to worry that they know where my dogs live and have motive to get back at me or something. And I keep thinking about what happens if my dogs get out or get away from us somehow. The more people I have onside the more folks out there that might stop and pick them up. So I keep doing the right thing and being tolerant and making friends with dog owners, or at least not making any enemies.

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Offlead dogs where they shouldn't be really angers me! When I drive past people walking the street with their dogs offlead, and it's an every day occurrence, I feel like winding my window down and shouting "put your ***ing dog on lead!!!!!!!!!" I do say it (to myself!) but haven't got the guts to shout it out my window yet :rofl:

Don't care if I get flamed, but I very rarely walk my dogs. After being bitten by a loose dog walking on my own, and seeing sooooo many idiots walking their dogs offlead, I am just too scared to walk my dogs anymore. It makes me feel terribly anxious to do so now. Instead, my girls get to run at the park when it's empty or I'm with dogs/people I know, and they get training most days of the week which they go crazy for! Just a shame these idiots who insist they are above the law and walk their dogs offlead ruin the simple pleasure of me getting to walk my dogs :)

Ruby Star I encorage you to go to the local Rangers and tell them exactly where this is happeneing, not just for you but for all the other poor sods who cant get to walk their friends etc!

I am happy to call or write on your behalf if you want, I have a lot of friends on the right side lol!!

Thanks :) But it would be extremely hard to pinpoint for the rangers, they are just random. I live 3km's from my folks house where I drop my furkids off each morning (hopefully for not much longer!) and in that short trip there and back, I am surprised if I don't see one person walking their dog offlead. But they are on different streets and different times of the day! I know where the dogs live that bit me, and the ranger gave them a warning, but I can't even walk past their house without going into a panic! (and I need to walk past there twice daily!) They are to blame for me not walking my dogs anymore. I just thank Dog that I wasn't walking them when I was bitten as it would have ended very badly for my girls. Short of holding the offenders on the spot with force and calling the ranger on them then and there, I'm really not sure how we can stop these idiots doing the wrong thing :laugh:

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Last thing I would be saying is 'please call your dog'.

It would be booted before I actually let it touch my dog let alone stop to speak to a useless owner. 'Git outta it' is first then the foot stamp and 'git outta it' then the charge at it and if it still comes at me (since my dog would be behind me) then aim with the foot. Owner is welcome to come fetch their dog anytime (this is if its obvious dog is not a puppy and is obviously a threat and owner is not dashing over with lead to grab dog). If you break their attention on your dog most dogs will back off to your command unless they truly nasty and human aggressive.

Since moving to the city I have developed a short temper with idiots (hi Perth drivers!) and since my suburb has no off-lead areas I would not hesitate (as a last resort) to raise my foot either.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind to get through to some people.

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Just got home from having an "out of lead" experience myself.

Walking along the narrow track up the road, suddenly an old lab waddles towards us, followed buy an "older" lady. Oh about 10 metres away.

"We'll just walk past quietly" she says.

"No" I say "you will put your dog on lead and let us get out of the way, then you can pass" - track is only about a metre wide and I have two big dogs who do not enjoy being rushed at.

At this point old lab charges towards us, my old dog is whining behind me, female is pogo-ing to get away. I yell at lab but it keeps coming so I put my leg out as it tries to get behind me and bowl it over :laugh: then it ran on to the road.

"Oh dear" the lady said. "Oh dear inded" I say "if people obeyed the law this sort of shit wouldn't happen" I continue.

"But she's old" .....

"Ok " I say "When I ring the ranger to report your offlead dog charging at mine, I will ask if there is an exemption in the law for old dogs".

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[A warning ? thats disgusting a bite is a Dog attack and at the very least a fine although all my dog bites went to court!

Very sad Rangers indeed! Some Rangers are not Rangers this is why I left as it was so frustrating that some could never finds their ba**s!

I am so sorry for what has happend to you RS

Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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This shit happens all the time folks. There's a thin line between being suitably angry about it and being a crazy dog person. I never yell at anyone doing the wrong thing because I don't know when my dogs might somehow god forbid end up on the streets and I'll be depending on these same people I've yelled at to stop if they see them and get them off the road (and hopefully call us!). I foster good relations with other dog owners wherever I can because it's like having a support network. When you're casual acquaintances you can suggest things to them and they might actually listen to you. You can ask them to help you out with setting up a training scenario, you can explain to them why you're setting it up, you can share information on what's happening in the area with dogs and where there are dogs you need to watch out for. You can set a good example and they might actually think about following it if your dogs behave impressively and they've seen it work for you. There's always going to be people that you can't change, and yelling at them is certainly not going to work where all else has failed. I'd rather manage it and not gain an enemy in the community in the process. At least that way I won't have to worry that they know where my dogs live and have motive to get back at me or something. And I keep thinking about what happens if my dogs get out or get away from us somehow. The more people I have onside the more folks out there that might stop and pick them up. So I keep doing the right thing and being tolerant and making friends with dog owners, or at least not making any enemies.

Corvus I try to be polite too. I live in a small town where people LOVE to gossip. But there comes a point where you just get fed up!

I wouldn't go out of my way to yell at someone who had their dog off leash. BUT, when their dog is rushing at mine or harrassing my dog in any way and the owner sees no problem with it you have to draw the line somewhere! And sometimes I have just had enough and blow my top.

Last week a lady was walking her small dog off leash across our local oval. I came around the corner with my on leash dog and hers ran towards mine, the woman immediately called her dog and appologised then asked me if she could say hello. I wasn't going to yell at her, it was a mistake.

Two days later (same area) I get rushed at be a SWF who's owner could clearly see us and could clearly HEAR me telling my dog to 'leave it' and that I CLEARLY did not look comfortable about it, then TOLD me to just "Let them say hello". Did not call her dog off, even when fuffy was running around stirring up my dog! I lost it! Why should I have to put up with that kind of behaviour from idiots?

My only regret was that I actually waited for a few minutes hoping she would call the bloody thing back and didn't boot it off like a fluffy white soccer ball. I hope she now tells all her friends to watch out for the crazy lady with the big brown dog when they are walking their dogs off leash. Would make my life a whole lot easier! :laugh:

eta, I also know a lady that walks her two elderly JRT's off leash and always has. The dogs are well controlled, never approach or rush at others and very obedient. Beyond me not agreeing with the off leash part it's not a problem for me. Unfortunately these dog are the exception though.

Edited by SecretKei
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Guest Willow
Corvus I try to be polite too. I live in a small town where people LOVE to gossip.

That's why I was polite too. Despite the fact I was angry, if you are polite, you still look like the good guy, and news travels fast about people who do the wrong thing & make trouble.

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Reading all these posts reminded me why we went bush. I've had 2 wolfhounds attacked in public places, both in lead free parks. First was an aggro Golden with an owner whose house backed onto the park. Her idea of exercising the dog was to open the back gate and go inside for a coffee. The second was by a young gentleman (yes, I use the term loosely) who wanted to see if his mastiff/rotti x could "take down" an Irish Wolfhound. It's frightening the knuckle-dragging troglodytes tyhat are out there with their dogs.

I now live 45 klms out of town and my nearest neighbour is 1 1/2 klms away. Not paranoid but they are still too close.

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my girl is insanely reactive so i usually move her onto a driveway and ask her to sit because its the only way to let other people past on the path while they have their dog on 2m of lead and im holding my girl by the collar

i cannot stand people with offlead dogs on paths because it makes my life horrible! my girl needs a lot of on lead walking to even make her pant

im lucky we have moved into an area where more people have dogs, but they are also more responsible! our old area was horrible for dogs wandering.

but people dont seem to understand my insanely adorable girl can turn into an absolute monster (hackles raised teeth bared walking funny) at the sight of another dog

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Reading all these posts reminded me why we went bush. I've had 2 wolfhounds attacked in public places, both in lead free parks. First was an aggro Golden with an owner whose house backed onto the park. Her idea of exercising the dog was to open the back gate and go inside for a coffee. The second was by a young gentleman (yes, I use the term loosely) who wanted to see if his mastiff/rotti x could "take down" an Irish Wolfhound. It's frightening the knuckle-dragging troglodytes tyhat are out there with their dogs.

I now live 45 klms out of town and my nearest neighbour is 1 1/2 klms away. Not paranoid but they are still too close.

Seriously what is with these people... what part of on lead do they not understand :sleep:

I have two young Labs and we are trying very hard to train them on walks and to heel nicely and it all comes undone when some boofhead comes along with their dog off lead. Ours still think anyone canine or human is their new best friend and it gets so frustrating when these boofheads thinks it is so "cute" that their dog wants to play with ours...and even though we have asked them to call their dog off etc they ignore us... It is downright dangerous for their dog ( bolting across busy roads etc) and I can't understand how people can be so selfish as to put their own dog at risk like that....

As others have already said it makes the daily walk a potential disaster zone and our dogs love their daily walk ( as do we ) so we still want to keep doing it but it means walking the kids " on the offensive" and keeping an eagle eye out for morons. Really it just shouldn't have to be like that.....

Why are there always poeple that spoil it for the rest of us ... :o

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Well I now have to put in front gates to stop my cats being chased because of idiots who let their dogs off leash and wander up and down the street.

I grabbed one womans german pointer in my front yard that had wandered in and was getting ready to chase my old, slightly tubby and very lazy cat which she had spotted lying in her favourite part of the front garden.

The dipsy owner meanwhile was about 5 mts up the road with a couple of kids in tow. I explained the situations rather politely and her response: Yes he probably would chase the cat but he wouldn't know what to do with it even if he caught it!

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Ha, I have the opposite problem where I live it seems. Very few offleash dogs wandering the streets round here.

But I was just out walking my dog, and I had one woman pull a very nasty face, give a little shiver, and say "ugh" as I walked my (excited and prancing but not lunging or barking) malinois past her on a very short leash. I guess some people are never happy. I mean, how dare I walk my leashed, under control, dog down a public footpath? :sleep:

Not nearly as problematic as encountering strange dogs, I admit! But just wanted to vent... I hope she runs into an offleash dog, tee hee.

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i had a similar issue the other night, but the guy could alopogise more (but maybe that has something to do with Juggernaut [60kg St Bernard] growling at him with her hackles up.

i rarely walk my dogs, it has been put in the 'Too Hard' basket, what with no pram, onlya flimsy stroller, Juggernaut inclined to just lunge and rip my shoulder out when she wants to sniff something, and Herbie (pug) insisting on getting tangled and run over by the stroller. Not to mention the fact that no one here walks their dogs on lead and Juggernaut is quite reactive (mostly due to no being walked often). BUT i revcently decided that i need to take this dog walking this out of the too hard basket and dust it off and give it a red hot go.

So i set off at about 7pm, both dogs and child in the pram, and other then the regular stops to untangle, things were going well, they weren't pulling too bad and were both sticking to my left, so i was feeling confidant. as i got to the end of my street i crossed the main-ish road and was in the median strip, and while i was getting the dogs to sit before crossing the other side of the road, is see i guy in his bike, on his phone and him saying "oh mate, i gotta go" and haning up.

Next thing, his dog (a really pretty and smallish Staffy X) darts across the road to us, and Naut leaps across in from of the stroller (either to get the dog or to get between the dog and the baby), Herbie is all tangles in Nauts legs, the leads and Naut at tipping the stroller (Naut is practically on top of the child now). But before the dog could get close enough the guy rides in and dumps his bike, yelling at his dog. The dog back off to the middle of the road and rolls belly up.

So now this guy (as far as Juggernaut can tell) has just run into out space yelling at us and acting all agressive. So she is placing herself between us and him, growling and hackles up, and barking. So he's sh!tting and unable to move.

after all the ruskus I get Juggernaut and Herbie back under control and he goes and gets his dog (the poor thing is terrified now) and he apologises, and explains that she never does that, and thats why he's didn't have a lead. i felt sorry for the dog and suggested that is was probably Juggernauts size that set his dog off. And once the dogs were sitting again (he held his dog and waited until) we crossed the road and left. but in the few minutes it all was a bit mad and scary.

The rest of the walk was pretty uneventful, Juggernaut just wanted to get pats be anyone that passed, again almost tipping the stoller every time, and i did kind of be a massive b!tch to a lady who had a pug cross that came from a "breeder in Victoria" but not a puppy farm, i rolled my eyes and said "yeah right", but her pug X has a massive go at Herbie, so i was pissed at her to start with... now i feel abit bad that i can't go for one walk without getting into dog politics LOL

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