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What To Get For Old Dogs


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We use fish oil and joint guard. Have been using the fish oil for quite some time but only started the joint guard on the first of june.

The fish oil is just the cheap stuff from a pharmacy, so humans can also take it.

The joint guard I ordered online and was over $100 (cant remember exactly) but seems it would last a long time.

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Years ago my old girl (11 at the time) started limping and it progressed into three legs plus she couldn't bend down for her bowl of food. The vet (in Canberra) wanted to give her cortesone but basically just said it's hopeless really "She's old and on her last legs so just get ready to say goodbye".

I took her home, did some research and switched her to a raw diet with VANs complete mix. At the time there weren't any doggy joint supplements around like Sasha's Blend etc so - again after talking with alternative health types and doing research I walked into a health products shop and bought a big 1 kg tub of Nutralife Glucosamine chondoitrin with MSM - unflavoured - and a big tub of fish oil tablets.

Three months later, problem solved. She's jumping over benches in the park and running around like she's 2 years old again! She lived to 18 and a half.

It's still around and cheaper by far than the dog ones - in fact I just saw it advertised for $49.50 for 1 k or $79.50 for 2 kgs plus 200 caps of fish oil. :hug:

Vitamin King

If you shop around you'll probably find similar or even better deals :hug:

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I have used fish oil tablets (health food or chemist) for about 18 months for my 16+ year old girl who is stiff in the legs. Seemed to make a big difference when I ran out one time, so I make sure that I don't any more!

She gets 2 tablets per day with food (= 2000mg) and weighs around 5 kilos.


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I have been using glucosamine tablets for my girl with stiff hips and I have to say I have not noticed a huge difference. My family also used Sasha's blend for their old dog (RIP) and again, did not notice much difference. The best thing they found in their very old dog, was aspirin. Paddi was prescribed aspirin for her incontinence, but it also helped greatly with her arthritis.

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My old boy just started a series of cartrophan (sp) injections, he will have one a week for four weeks then just a top-up every 6 months. It was very cheap too, $100 for the four shots.

He is also on Paw Osteosupport, but next time I will try that linky, thanks spottychick :hug:

And he gets sardines, pink salmon & tuna in his diet.

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I have previously tried sasha's blend but it didnt work for my dog. she kept injuring her back legs when we were playing or sometimes even when just walking. I was put onto the Vets All Natural Joint Formula by a staff member at PetStock - and I must say it's amazing. :hug: My 10 year od GSD is now like a puppy. No more limping and when we play I get tired before she does. TRY IT!!!! They also have a website. It has some different ingredients so well worth looking into!

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My old boy just started a series of cartrophan (sp) injections, he will have one a week for four weeks then just a top-up every 6 months. It was very cheap too, $100 for the four shots.

He is also on Paw Osteosupport, but next time I will try that linky, thanks spottychick :hug:

And he gets sardines, pink salmon & tuna in his diet.

No problems bertie! I have no idea if the special dog formulations work any better or worse - or what difference there is between them (or why they are so expensive!!) - but since it's cheaper it might be worth trying the human one first anyway :hug: And if you don't think it's working you could always use the stuff yourself or for people in your family ;)

It worked for my girl that's all I know :)

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