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Don Burke Just Accused Rspca Of Cruelty

Bow Wow

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Don Burke was just on 2HD and he accused the RSPCA of cruelty, because they are not doing anything about pedigree breeders, who are breeding dogs and changing their genetics for the sake of creating the right look for the dog, but in fact is causing the dogs stress and pain. He used the DDB as an example saying that the pedigree breeders have bred them to the stage that the dogs bottom teeth protrude out so much that the dog can not chew their puppys umbilical cords.

He stated that on his many road tests he seen alot of pedigree breeders keep their dogs in shocking conditions.

The RSPCA dude then asked him, well when you seen these dogs in these condition, did you make a report??? Don spluttered that his show helped a horse who was in bad condition????? :cry:

Don is furious with the RSPCA because to him they are stating that all puppy farmers are bad (well der) and he thinks there are just as many pedigree breeders as bad.

The RSPCA told him they are looking into the pedigree genetic breeding problem, and Don kept shutting him down telling him that they are liars.

He is a flippin tool. Would not let the RSPCA fella talk. As the RSPCA fella said, why did WE have to ring YOU about this situation. If you were going to have this topic on todays show, why did you not call us for answers? Don said because you have not done anything about it. (idiot) :laugh:

So out of it, the people who are not in the know and believe everything that they are told on the radio, will come out thinking that puppy farms are good and pedigree is bad.

So all the hard work done to educate people has been flushed down the drain by this twit. :eek:

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I have just consulted my dictionary. A 'berk', 'birk' or 'burke' is defined as a fool. Don Burke is therefore a prime example of nominative determinism (ie the name is appropriate for the person). Apologies to any DOLers who share this surname - I'm sure you are smart, decent and unrelated to this tosser!

BTW, I won't mention how berk/birk/burke originated as this is a family forum! :cry:

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Burke is a total idiot! I posted in another thread about the episode of his program where he was saying how great puppy farms are (that was the last "Burkes Backyard" I ever watched). A few weeks later I was watching one of those animal rescue shows & they showed some puppy farm dogs being rescued - they were in appalling condition. I was in tears & said to my husband "I hope Don Burke's proud of himself". He's just a complete oxygen thief, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't be surprise if he's involved in a puppy farm himself - considering the support he gives them.

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Was just thinking that he probably has a puppy farm himself Poodlemum

I think we need a DOLer slueth on the case because if he did own a puppy farm and pull the stunt he just did that could gain him serious bad publicity.

I think someone needs to make a propganda anti-puppy farms and anti-DB you tube clip that we can send viral. :cry:

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I am probably going to get absolutely annihilated for saying this, but whilst his delivery could have been better, does no-one think that perhaps he has even a slight point? I am not against pedigree breeders, and I agree that the majority of breeds need to be preserved as they are and the health tests they carry out do better the breed. I don't like puppy farmers because they do not always display adequate concern for matching their puppies to the right people and more importantly, when it comes to deciding which dogs should be bred in the first place. But, I can't believe that no-one here would be just a little bit worried about the direction some breeds are heading. Pugs with ever shorter faces (see pictures of pugs from a few decades ago), curlier tails and shorter legs. We deliberately breed for features that will prevent these dogs from having a proper sense of smell, being able to breathe properly - people think the snoring is cute, but that is a symptom of an animal that can't breathe. German shepherds with their terrible sloping backs and the resulting weaker looking hind legs - none of the GSD from the war photos have these silly backs. Such an amazing breed with a working history - but people who want to use them for their original purpose can't buy from the breeders who breed to show for eg consider the police. Breeds that can't give birth naturally. Overbites, mental problems, skeletal problems, sensory problems - all deliberately bred for. I think pugs are cute, I do, but, I would be lying if I said I didn't think that people who were deliberately breeding to retain or worse, exaggerate these characteristics were being cruel - and the same goes for any breed that has characteristics that are to its detriment.

Or what about within my own chosen breed, the doberman, where one of the breeders I visited when I was looking to acquire one had a male who had achieved grand champion status, had several litters with other breeders all over the country but was almost immobile by 6 years of age due to wobblers - and the breeder then told me I would be lucky to have a doberman for 6-7 years! He admitted that he had first seen the signs of wobblers when the dog was merely 3 years old, but had continued to breed from him with bitches he claimed had no family history of the condition and so it would be fine... It was true that as a registered breeder, he knew about the conditions afflicting his breed and had carried out all the tests, but that hadn't affected his plans or his ability to win prizes in the show ring.

Not trying to say that everyone is doing the wrong thing, and again I want to restate that I do believe in the importance and value of preserving most of the breeds we have as they are. But is everyone here honestly going to say that the system as it stands is really not cruel in anyway? I am interested to know what the pure breed community of Australia has to say.

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Jacqui, I completely agree with you about the changes in breeds by breeders. I find it abhorrent that some breeders are breeding these poor dogs for looks and not caring the pain and health issues that they are creating. :D

When that program on ABC about this was aired, it sickened me.

So with that I agree with the tool don Burke.

But what has me so upset is the push for puppy farms!!!! and I dont give a rat patootie if the puppy farm is clean and the animals are fed. I HATE that they live their lives in cages!!!!!!!!! I HATE that they are used as a commodity, a ways to make money. These are living animals!!!! :cry::laugh::eek:

Show people this link and i beg anyone to tell me that it is okay for these darlings to be starved of affection and scared of human contact. God this made me cry, those poor little darlings and still the tails wag. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


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You have a point Jacqui but when you have a high profile public figure mouthing off about pure breeds being unhealthy, unsocialised mutants and DD being a picture of health and happiness (when more often than not it's the opposite way around) then what message is that sending to the public?

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Jacqui, I think you have a point, Some breeds are taken to the extreme, by a some breeders. Ultimately it is up to the judges of a particular breed as to the direction that the breed willl tend to go in.

Snoring doesn't necessarily mean a dog can't breathe- my labrador is a terrible snorer but appears to have no problems breathing even when she runs around like a mad thing.

But I understand what you are saying about the extent of some brachy breeds "squashed face".

It saddens me to see GSDs with wobbly bakc legs because of extremely sloping backs, but recently I have seen more and more "straight-backed" GSDs.

I think pedigree dog breeding is affecting the welfare of some breeds but I wouldn't say it is same level of cruelty as dogs are subjected to on puppy farms.

Many of these dogs are very loved and well cared for by their owners, despite the health issues they may have. The owners are more likly to get the health problems addressed by a vet, than a breeding dog on a puppy farm.

I think welfare issues in pedigree dogs would be better addressed by breeder education and breed standard reforms rather than prosecution by the RSPCA.

The only way to deal with puppy farmers is through public eduction in conjunction with prosecution by the RSPCA with penalties

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You have a point Jacqui but when you have a high profile public figure mouthing off about pure breeds being unhealthy, unsocialised mutants and DD being a picture of health and happiness (when more often than not it's the opposite way around) then what message is that sending to the public?


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I sooo know what you mean, Bindi-boo. I really HATE puppy farms and the BYBs that sell their puppies to all the pet farms in Singapore. People here don't know any better and think it's the only place they can get a dog. These dogs are made to reproduce over and over, artifically induced heat, and it sickens me to death. It is one reason why I avoid visiting China because I don't know what I'd do if I see dogs/cats in cages for eating!!

It would be nice to see a "debate" or a "rebuttal" on TV regarding pedigree breeders, the work they do, the effort that goes into breeding, and the reality of puppy farms (breeding of DDs for the sake of looks, and the poor conditions~). I can only hope it does not deter the public audience from buying from a breeder because of Burke's advocation of puppy farms. How can they allow such an idiot to be on tv?!

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I had a listen to the interview and it was pretty much as I expected it to be. No surprises really, just the same old same old from the gardener.

Full credit to Steve Coleman from the RSPCA who took up the challenge to go on air and try to get a word in edgeways in what appeared to be a pre-determined tirade with one who held the "Off" switch in his hand (who, to his credit, didnt use it).

I didnt stay to listen to the end of the interview so I dont know who had the last word.

It wasn't any good as Saturday morning entertainment - must remember to move away from that spot, its not a good way to start one's Saturday.


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Don Burke was just on 2HD and he accused the RSPCA of cruelty, because they are not doing anything about pedigree breeders, who are breeding dogs and changing their genetics for the sake of creating the right look for the dog, but in fact is causing the dogs stress and pain. He used the DDB as an example saying that the pedigree breeders have bred them to the stage that the dogs bottom teeth protrude out so much that the dog can not chew their puppys umbilical cords.

He stated that on his many road tests he seen alot of pedigree breeders keep their dogs in shocking conditions.

The RSPCA dude then asked him, well when you seen these dogs in these condition, did you make a report??? Don spluttered that his show helped a horse who was in bad condition????? :cry:

Don is furious with the RSPCA because to him they are stating that all puppy farmers are bad (well der) and he thinks there are just as many pedigree breeders as bad.

The RSPCA told him they are looking into the pedigree genetic breeding problem, and Don kept shutting him down telling him that they are liars.

Many so called "pedigree" breeders may well be just as bad (esp BYBers) and these people are indeed prosecuted by the RSPCA.

However, he should not confuse the issue of genetic health problems and the conditions the dogs are kept in. We recently had a "labradoodle" diagnosed with PRA, whihc is hereditary in both poodles and labs. So xbreds aren't exempt from genetic conditions either.

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So lemme get this straight...

Responsible breeders that breed say, pugs, are cruel because they're continuing those unhealthy characteristics.

And Responsible breeders who breed, maybe cavaliers, are also cruel, because of the problems that breed has.

But if you breed a cavalier and a pug together, you're magically healing all these issues and deserve a gold medal?

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