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Yorkshire Terrier Scammers


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My sister is wanting to get a Yorkie and as much as I love my sister she just cannot care for animals and she feels as though they are disposable! Breaks my heart and I almost went for her throat when I heard what she did with her last dog except our older sister got in between us to stop me. Unfortunately if I tell her she doesn't have the ability or heart to care for animals I will lose my sister!

She is falling for all of these stupid scams we hear about and I have given her the Dogzonline website to look for a dog and told her to be patient and spend the money, at least you know you wont be scammed.

Apparently the pup is in Perth and apparently waiting at the 'shipping companies depot' ready to rock and roll over her pending her payment.

here's the thing the dog PLUS all it's vet work and door to door shipping is $350. pfft yeah right, they called her this morning on an international number and could barely speak english YET she told me she does believe him. She hasn't spoken to this guy over the phone because he is at work and has his mobile switched off. Anyways have a look at the shipping companies website http://animaldeliveryservices.webs.com/ pretty good one hey! I'd definitely trust them with my dog. Nice attempt at a free website. It gets better. She has to deposit the money into a Greater Western bank in order for it to go, she will be given a pin and thank you ma'm your dog will be there tomorrow!

I've tried to help her and told her she is taking a stupid risk but she still feels the need to investigate it. It honestly doesn't matter what you say to her, she will not listen.

Best part about this one, the dog transport company is based in Camroon. Bet a lot of you have heard that on before!!!

It is a shame that your sister is no longer proceeding with this given that she does not care

for her dogs! I am apalled that some of the posters here still manage to exercise consideration for such a person! Who is the bad person here? Herself, the scammers or both? I would have to say BOTH!

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I'm glad she didn't fall for it.

Can you speak to her partner about what happens to her animals?

She has only been with her current partner for a year and a half and the last dog she disposed of was prior to him. Thankfully her partner now is an absolute doll and I know he wont let anything happen to the animals and if it was turning badly he would contact me.

She got a horse 12 months ago and I have been keeping an eye on this thing like a hawk. Made sure she understood completely that I will report her if care isn't take. Thankfully she has done a great job with the horse and hasn't lost her touch.

I'm glad she has you keeping an eye out for the welfare of her animals (just in case).

Huntington's must be hard to live with. :rofl:

It's definitely just in case. My sister in law and brother watch her pretty fiercly too.

Huntington's is very hard but I've grown up with it in my life. My Nan had it, my Mum's in a nursing home with it and now Katie has it.

Me and my older sister have tested clear but we don't know about our two brothers. Hard to watch her deteriate at only 29 though.

Oh I absolutely know it is a scam. There is no two ways about this and it is the naive people like my sister that fall for it!!

Thankfully she listened to my stress and went for her own clarification to confirm that she infact couldn't re-coup her money if it didn't exist! She just called to tell me she wont be doing it. PHEW!!!

In the process I have convinced her to go through a registered breeder if her and her partner choose to end up getting a dog.

that's awesome!! :)

sorry to hear your sister has Huntington.. but she is very lucky to have a sister like you :rofl:

Thanks CW EW :rofl: She is a Gemini and that split personality thing kills me. We clash like you wouldn't believe. :worship:

You do have a point about geminis. There's always the exception to the rule but to date, all of the geminis that I have dealt with are downright intolerable. My brother happens to be one and we butt heads most of the time, lol.

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It is a shame that your sister is no longer proceeding with this given that she does not care

for her dogs! I am apalled that some of the posters here still manage to exercise consideration for such a person! Who is the bad person here? Herself, the scammers or both? I would have to say BOTH!

Do you know what Huntington's is? Do you know what it does to your brain?

Your post is very callous. But you seem to have a habit of judging people without thinking about the facts first. Shame on YOU.

Edited by megan_
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My sister is wanting to get a Yorkie and as much as I love my sister she just cannot care for animals and she feels as though they are disposable! Breaks my heart and I almost went for her throat when I heard what she did with her last dog except our older sister got in between us to stop me. Unfortunately if I tell her she doesn't have the ability or heart to care for animals I will lose my sister!

She is falling for all of these stupid scams we hear about and I have given her the Dogzonline website to look for a dog and told her to be patient and spend the money, at least you know you wont be scammed.

Apparently the pup is in Perth and apparently waiting at the 'shipping companies depot' ready to rock and roll over her pending her payment.

here's the thing the dog PLUS all it's vet work and door to door shipping is $350. pfft yeah right, they called her this morning on an international number and could barely speak english YET she told me she does believe him. She hasn't spoken to this guy over the phone because he is at work and has his mobile switched off. Anyways have a look at the shipping companies website http://animaldeliveryservices.webs.com/ pretty good one hey! I'd definitely trust them with my dog. Nice attempt at a free website. It gets better. She has to deposit the money into a Greater Western bank in order for it to go, she will be given a pin and thank you ma'm your dog will be there tomorrow!

I've tried to help her and told her she is taking a stupid risk but she still feels the need to investigate it. It honestly doesn't matter what you say to her, she will not listen.

Best part about this one, the dog transport company is based in Camroon. Bet a lot of you have heard that on before!!!

It is a shame that your sister is no longer proceeding with this given that she does not care

for her dogs! I am apalled that some of the posters here still manage to exercise consideration for such a person! Who is the bad person here? Herself, the scammers or both? I would have to say BOTH!

Moselle I do politely ask that you don't speak so badly of my sister! I completely understand what she has done in the past but thankfully after many discussions and the help she goes to me about in regards to animals is a sure sign she realises her actions.

I am hurt of what has been done in the past as was my Pop who bred and showed Cardigan Corgi's for 25 years but she has many eyes that are firmly put on her that wouldn't allow this to happen again! She is also with a wonderful man that thankfully has a brain between two ears.

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It is a shame that your sister is no longer proceeding with this given that she does not care

for her dogs! I am apalled that some of the posters here still manage to exercise consideration for such a person! Who is the bad person here? Herself, the scammers or both? I would have to say BOTH!

Do you know what Huntington's is? Do you know what it does to your brain?

Your post is very callous. But you seem to have a habit of judging people without thinking about the facts first. Shame on YOU.

Megan thank you!! My eyes went blurry there for a moment with actually seeing what she wrote! I'm glad you understand. Probably within the next 10 years she will be in a nursing home and thankfully she does understand her wrong doing in the past it WAS the disease that made her blissfully unaware. With the help of her partner and us the next dog wont share the same fate as that past dogs.

Edited to make note - my sister has just turned 29 years old and this disease has progressed fasted then it is normally noted. The only thing I have seen her so excited about in a long time is the prospect of getting a Yorkie or Silky. We had a Silky growing up called Holly who she just adored, I feel as though she is trying to recapture those happy memories.

Edited by Sunnyflower
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Tell your sister to go and join the army or do something useful with her life

:) Ermmm , I think having Huntingtons disease excludes her from a lot of things .... :worship::rofl:

Thank you persephone.. :rofl:

To everyone who chats on this great forum that is completely sound of mind and are living a fantastic life with at least the opportunity to live to the ripe old age of even 60 let alone 80 get off my sisters case!! Me and my family will take care of putting her in line with some of the mistakes she has made whilst the disease is showing it's devilish face..

For the record Souff, I bet my sister would probably love going to the army as our Dad has been in the army for over 40 years.

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BB I know I've spoken with you about it before but yes she only just turned 29 in June. We have noticed the disease showing it's face for about 4 years and she is progressing really fast!

Mum only turned 52 in Feb and she has been in a nursing home for 10 years, she is completely bed ridden, a peg in her tummy so she can eat, hair chopped off and we are looking to removed her teeth. My name went into a nursing home when she was 53 and was at my Mum's stage when she was around 62 so it appears as the gene in my family flows it's rearing it's head earlier within the generations..

But yes unfortunately Katie's kids are too understand so hopefully she can hang on for a while yet and if it's a puppy that makes her smile then we as a family will make sure the dog is ok. :)

This is just the curve ball we've been thrown at in this life, better then losing them suddenly to a car accident.

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Sunnyflower- Well done for managing to convince your sister of the scam. Will be great for her and the kids to have a ball of fluff in their lives to share the hard times ahead with. With your loving support and her partners support Im sure another dog would be good for them,especially the kids. I know my dogs back home helped me get through the hard times of my dads MS when I was young.Well done SF.

As for Mossells comments you either have absolutly zero idea of huntingtons or if you do have the slightest inkling then you are absolutly dispicable for making those comments towards any family that has this disease in their lives. Down right disgusted that you could be so callous in your coments!

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Thank you julzjc :D it's so lovely when people can see the brighter side to bit of an unattractive situation. The kids are SO excited as you can imagine. I've been offered some really great help so hopefully we can have a little munchkin with them shortly..

Souff - Thank you for your apology.

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Sunnyflower - I am SOOOO sorry about Huntington's in your family, and the amount of work and heartache you have to go through because of it. I'm glad you're understanding of your sister's need to "recapture good memories", and am glad you're supportive of her getting a new pet. Her partner is also noteworthy as he is sticking with her through it all and keeping an eye on things. I know Huntington's can progress very quickly, let's just hope it won't get too disabling for your sister soon. She still has so much to live for. It is a consolation of sorts that you're cleared of it.

Good on you to intervene with that Cameroon scam. I doubt your sister really knew what was happening, except that she was getting a cute puppy for $350.

Please know that our thoughts are with you, and with your family.

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Can you maybe suggest a different breed if your sister still decides she wants a dog? The care for thier coat is phenomenal. Spoke to a yorkie person at the most recent dog show here. They have to have their coat oiled EVERY day and rolled up so it wont get matted or stuff caught in it. It has to be meticuolously combed out each and every night.

I am able bodied and I could never manage the care of a yorkie coat!

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Narcissa - Awwww thank you so much for your well wishes, it means so much to our family when people actually 'get it'.. We have so many people in our life but it's not something we talk about very often. Not many people understand and I guess for who of us who have been cleared we feel guilty so easier to sweep under the rug. :D

indigirl - I have tried swaying her into a different direction of breed but she wasn't interested, the only other option is Silky which is much of a muchness really. As I said before, we had a Silky growing up and she is trying to recapture those memories.

Just so people understand for the moment my sister is able bodied, she is progressing way too fast, 7 years faster then where our Mum was at this stage in the disease. She still has a licence, she can still walk and talk for the moment but she is quite often off in la la land, she has body spasms, and it's primarily the mental part at the moment which these things are always the first. Things like cooking dinner are just too hard now.

If she doesn't manage the coat which I think she will between her partner and the kids but if not I have dog clippers so as horrible as it is to some I will groom and clip the dog myself. ;)

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Can you maybe suggest a different breed if your sister still decides she wants a dog? The care for thier coat is phenomenal. Spoke to a yorkie person at the most recent dog show here. They have to have their coat oiled EVERY day and rolled up so it wont get matted or stuff caught in it. It has to be meticuolously combed out each and every night.

I am able bodied and I could never manage the care of a yorkie coat!

Hey .... Yorkies can be the easiest to maintain. All you have to do is keep them cut. There is no undercoat and their coat is like human hair - easy to manage and generally no knots. Even with a short coat, brushing every day can be done and after all, it really is a relaxing exercise for both the dog and the owner. If the owner isn't confident enough to cut the coat, then a 6 monthly groomer visit is more than enough. There is no need to oil the coat (just use a good shampoo) nor to roll it up unless it is a show dog and then you want to maintain the long coat.

We've had yorkies for 20 years

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Thank you "Furkidsforever". It's good to know that someone with actual experience of the breed as a pet has let us know. All long breed dogs are more work then a short coat we all know that but like stated above she isn't on her own, she has kids and a partner not to mention our family. If she can brush her daughters hair I'm pretty sure she is capable she can brush her dogs.

Like FKF said she can have it groomed and clipper and I have all the gear to do it myself. :D

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