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Ongoing Skin Issues


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Yeh Charlie is not scratching either. He only seems irritated when the patches get really big

Cortisone did absolutely nothing for him and only seemed to mask the issues. He just drank a lot of water and gained about 4kgs

I'm thinking of trying Pyhoex shampoo but washing a double coated dog is hard when this weather keeps chopping and changing :crossfingers: Hopefully Sunday will be warm and I will give him a bath

I don't actually know the real difference between Pyohex or Malaseb? I was told once by the vet nurse that the Malaseb is slightly more broad spectrum as it's anti-bacetrial and anti-fungal where as Pyohex is just one?? I also just went online to purchase the Phyohex lotion which is sometimes sold in the Malaseb shampoo as a combo pack. I might use that as the conditioner while this issue is so bad and then switch to Aloveen again.

I've noticed Jet drinking more than usual? Can the steroid treatment affect him like this after the one course and gain weight too??

It's a nightmare!

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Yeh Charlie is not scratching either. He only seems irritated when the patches get really big

Cortisone did absolutely nothing for him and only seemed to mask the issues. He just drank a lot of water and gained about 4kgs

I'm thinking of trying Pyhoex shampoo but washing a double coated dog is hard when this weather keeps chopping and changing :crossfingers: Hopefully Sunday will be warm and I will give him a bath

I don't actually know the real difference between Pyohex or Malaseb? I was told once by the vet nurse that the Malaseb is slightly more broad spectrum as it's anti-bacetrial and anti-fungal where as Pyohex is just one?? I also just went online to purchase the Phyohex lotion which is sometimes sold in the Malaseb shampoo as a combo pack. I might use that as the conditioner while this issue is so bad and then switch to Aloveen again.

I've noticed Jet drinking more than usual? Can the steroid treatment affect him like this after the one course and gain weight too??

It's a nightmare!

I think they treat different conditions. I know an expert so will ask her and report back

Cortisone does make them drink a lot more water and I found Charlie was hungrier as well

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Pyohex treats staph where as Malaseb treats staph and fungus.

And yep, increased thirst, hunger and urination are all side effects of cortisone, particularly at the higher doses.

Thanks stormie.

Great cause I just bought a large bottle of Malaseb. I'm hoping it's not bad to treat for staph and fungus anyway..you can't over treat with a shampoo can you??

My dog's a lab...so he's always hungry..haha. I don't want him gaining weight so will have to just continue feeding as normal?

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It will just dry his skin out with too much use, but no, no other side effects. It might pay to use a leave in conditioner after if you can to re hydrate the skin after.

Yep I would just feed as normal. My boy is on pretty lose doses of Cortisone now that he's on Atopica (5mg every few days for a 55kg dog) but occasionally needs a higher dose and on those days I find he's a bit hungrier. Definitely drinks more too so I just try to plan his cortisone days in relation to the weather, ie if I know its going to be a really hot day I try to avoid it and give it on a day when I know it will be cooler.

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It will just dry his skin out with too much use, but no, no other side effects. It might pay to use a leave in conditioner after if you can to re hydrate the skin after.

Yep I would just feed as normal. My boy is on pretty lose doses of Cortisone now that he's on Atopica (5mg every few days for a 55kg dog) but occasionally needs a higher dose and on those days I find he's a bit hungrier. Definitely drinks more too so I just try to plan his cortisone days in relation to the weather, ie if I know its going to be a really hot day I try to avoid it and give it on a day when I know it will be cooler.

Well that's the issue his skin is so dry and scabby which I'm starting to think is a bac/fungal infection of some sort. I have been using Aloveen conditioner after the wash. I was advised to wash about twice a week until he gets better than once weekly? I also saw you can use Pyohex lotion as an after conditioner too and wondered if that would be better while his skin seems the worst.

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Go on - you know you want a trip to SV :laugh:


Espinay - he is a malamute, well that is what he was chipped as. So that might be worth doing more tests as well. I know the vet did the thyroid but I don't think he looked at anything else

Malamutes can be prone to ZRD too so may be worth ruling out.

Glad you plan to do a scraping as it really is the best way to see what is going on - it should at least tell you if and what bacteria is present.

I will ask for that test as well

In the meantime he has attacked his tail and it is red raw and he is in obvious discomfort :eek:Not sure what I could put on it tonight to soothe it?

Get some calandula tea & sponge it on...you might be surprised :rofl:

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Winterpaws our last shepherd had a simmilar problem with dry flaky weepy skin on her tail and a patch on her back and the hair had fallen out where it was, for a start I thought she may have been bitten by a spider as we have a lot of white tails in SA anyway I just kept putting Betadine liquid on it and eventally it cleared up.

I hope Charlie soon gets better

Oh and by the way the other day our new pup picked up a white tail spider in her mouth before we could get to it, but luckily she spat it out before it bit her we rang the vet straight away and she said if she didn't show any symptoms after 2 hours she should be ok, and thank goodness she didn't, but it was a very tense two hours I can tell you.

Symptom's would have been swelling in mouth and comming out in lumps, and being sick, if she had been bitten.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Wnterpaws,

I would recomend to firstly shave back any area that is infected as this will help for it breath....and not spread!

If you can get him hydrobathed in a flea n tick wash and also with the pyohex in the hydrobath as well as concentrating

on shampooing the areas with pyohex and leave on as long as posable. You must try to scrap of as much of the scale as you can as this is where the bacteria breeds!

Second bath to sooth in EPO vetinary grade Isle of dogs or alloveen or even together. DRY the infected areas OFF.

Your Brown listeren mouth wash applyed on these areas after every wash will also help improve it. as it is for bacterial problems and is great for hot spots!

You need to do this every week!

Also the canlandula Tea sounsd like a good idea as tea has antibiotic properties in them.

It is really a routine and a process of alimination to find what is going to help your dog the most.

And from what i have come across he will most certainly suffer from this from time to time...you just need to be on top of it before it becomes a mager problem.

Look at his diet also!

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when he's super itchy how about a Phenergen tablet. When Diesel had his attacks and was shredding himself/welts we gave him one 25mg tablet. OK he was dozey but it helped him sleep through and not tear his skin apart

Unless massive patches of skin look terrible I think shampoos are abit overrated. I used to wash him only once in rudducks Flea Di or puppy shampoo to help strip off the garbage that oozed out of his skin but apart from that left him.

When Skoota had his disgusting patches a shampoo in Malaseb always cleared up the infection after a course of ABs. Pyohex (made for staph infections) can also be really good as a once off wash.

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With my dog with skin issues Aloveen made him remarkably worse.

Yah this happens to Orbit too. Turns out he's allergic to oats. Poor thing, I think of the times I made up an oat mash for him and plastered it on him, thinking I'm unleashing the awesome power of oatmeal. Nope, I'm unleashing the power of allergies :cheer:

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I know diet is not the single factor in a skin condition as severe as this, but it can help.

I've just been thro' months of worry over my Annie's bad reactions to certain foods like kibble. In the end, the vets & I worked out a natural diet that's sorted what they think is a food intolerance or allergy. The vet remarked that it resembles what he advises for skin conditions. Especially using a lot of sweet potato.

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I agree with the Aloveen, yes this can happen but winterpaws wont know until she tries it ...process of elimination!

What works for one.... wont neccessarily work for another.

Aslo a rinse off in cold water after the bath will also help sooth the ithces.

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Aslo a rinse off in cold water after the bath will also help sooth the ithces.

That depends on the cause of the itchies, some itchies can be soothed by luke warm water.

I was told by my derm to never ever use cold water - makes the skin contract which makes them itch more...

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Aslo a rinse off in cold water after the bath will also help sooth the ithces.

That depends on the cause of the itchies, some itchies can be soothed by luke warm water.

I was told by my derm to never ever use cold water - makes the skin contract which makes them itch more...

Ok so have you tried this?

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