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After Visiting The Beach...


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We don't get to the beach much but I'd only worry about getting sand off.

After the river or lake, all dogs get a thorough rinse. If the water's not particularly fresh, they get a full bath. I remember bringing all the poodles back from the lake here some years back and not washing them (this was during the drought). All three got a mild rash - probably from the high level of bacteria in the water. :laugh:

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We wash our dogs after swimming at the beach which is hard work but to see them run freely and so happily makes it worthwhile.

After swimming at the beach we all want to get the sand out of our creases :heart: and rinse off any icky residue so I do the same for my dogs.

If I lived by the beach I would at least hose them off.

Same here. I don't take my dogs to the beach very frequently, but they always get a bath when we get home. My dogs are allowed on my bed and I wouldn't want anything yucky to cling to their coats.

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I do wash my pooch, but that's because he doesn't smell so great after the beach, and since he likes a bit of snuggle time in the bed, it's immensely more pleasant to have a clean dog. I wash him about once a week with oatmeal and aloe vera non-soapy stuff so that I don't remove too many oils, but he's not permanently covered in dirt (as this is his favourite state).

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Hey Tokkie, great news re Ringo! :eek: :D (another anxious owner here..)

Mine go to the beach a lot, get thoroughly revolting esp the spin... her coat carries a few buckets of sand.. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

They go in the pool when we get home, if we did not have a pool, I'd rinse them under the hose. :)

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Erik tried drinking the water once. Then he went 10m down the beach and tried again. Then he went 20m down the beach and tried again. Then he tried a puddle of sea water on the sand a couple of metres from the ocean. He's a wee bit optimistic. I thought he must have been hugely thirsty, but he didn't drink much tap water when I offered it. :thumbsup: That's my Erik. Always gathering information. Yes, the water is salty everywhere on the beach.

:thumbsup: Erik the investigator!

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After the river or lake, all dogs get a thorough rinse. If the water's not particularly fresh, they get a full bath. I remember bringing all the poodles back from the lake here some years back and not washing them (this was during the drought). All three got a mild rash - probably from the high level of bacteria in the water. :thumbsup:

My dog ended up with serious itchies after swimming in a certain Canberra lake last year. Lots of cortisone, a few hotspots and sleepless weeks later, he is no longer allowed to swim in lakes...

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A man who was working in a produce store once told me how he did flea-control for his 2 blue heeler dogs. He said he'd take them for a swim in salt water every afternoon on his way home from work. And just let them dry off naturally, after a few shakes & runs. He reckoned there was nothing like salt water for keeping fleas at bay. Yet he worked in a store that stocked all kinds of flea treatments!

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I wash with shampoo after beach visits. I would only worry about retaining natural oils in winter (to keep him warm) or if he had some skin problems (although I only base this decision on my experience with showing a different animal and the fact that it had to get washed all the time and survived). Washing weekly in summer has caused no probs with my dog (so far anyway). And he loves showers - he would get in the shower every morning with me if I let him :thumbsup:

Edited by Rottigirl
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We go to the beach most days and Marlin loves her daily swim and walk plus of course the mandatory roll about in the sand and seaweed! She gets a thorough rinse off and towel dry when we get home but it is impossible to get the sand out of her very long coat :( so it just falls out as she dries :love: yeah usually on the carpet/bed/floor. No shampoo seems to be necessary other than about once every 3/4 months but I do use leave in conditioner to help with the tangles and minimise the matting and sun damage.

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Thanks for all the replies..... :love:

I think I'll rinse them off when we go more than once a week.... Ringo 'dries' himself with the sand, he looks like a sand monster after a swim. :(

Hey Tokkie, great news re Ringo! (another anxious owner here..)

Thanks Monah, I can't believe how much better he is when I am relaxed. ;)

A man who was working in a produce store once told me how he did flea-control for his 2 blue heeler dogs. He said he'd take them for a swim in salt water every afternoon on his way home from work. And just let them dry off naturally, after a few shakes & runs. He reckoned there was nothing like salt water for keeping fleas at bay. Yet he worked in a store that stocked all kinds of flea treatments!

Wow... that's interesting.

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No, don't wash either unless they are due for one and that would be once every couple of months. My boxer gets drenched at the beach as I swear she is in love with the waves so at the most I would hose her down, which she loves. The dane would not get any wash down or bath unless she was due for one.

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