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Dining With Dogs In Newcastle


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This is a blog article that appeared in our local paper yesterday regarding a recent law passed by Newcastle Council that allows dogs to sit with their owners in outside areas of cafes. The whole manner of the article irritates me with the seeming desire to equate dogs defecating at cafes etc.


Dining with dogs - Jeff Corbett

Newcastle City Council has changed its mind and now allows dogs to share outdoor dining areas with people, and illustrating that news item in the Herald early this month was a photo of one of Newcastle's doggiest people, Roy Duffy, with his dog Woody. Mr Duffy, a former Newcastle citizen of the year and the found of Doggy Fun Day, was pictured with Woody on his knee at a cafe table in Newcastle's Darby Street, a sight to warm a doggy person's heart. It won't, though, warm yours if you don't fancy eating with dogs.

Sure, Newcastle council stipulates that the dogs be on a leash, on the ground and not fed in the area, and sure, Mr Duffy had Woody on his knee for the purposes of the photo. But it won't be the first time you'll see a dog on a knee in a cafe in Newcastle. And you'll see big dogs slobbering over food even though they are on the ground. Newcastle council bars smoking in outdoor dining areas on the basis that the smell is offensive and the smoke a health hazard, but it allows doggy people to inflict their dogs on us in public dining areas even though the smell can be offensive and the dog excreta a health hazard. This came about because the council received one submission calling for change to its dogs and outdoor dining policy. Yes, just one, and it refuses to tell me who lodged that submission.

Yes, we may assume that a doggy person at a cafe would clean up his or her dog's poo, although we assumed the same for Newcastle's dog-legal beach, Horseshoe, which is now so littered with dog faeces it is out of bounds for most of us. And even if it is to be picked up, should we have to put up with dogs defecating under the table?

Why should anyone be permitted to inflict their dog on me, to contaminate my immediate surrounds, in public dining areas?

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I wonder if Mr Jeff Corbett is aware that dogs are allowed in outside dining throughout NSW, not just in Newcastle.


Dogs not prohibited in outdoor dining areas in certain circumstances

(1) The relevant legal restrictions do not prohibit a dog (other than a dangerous or restricted dog) from being in an outdoor dining area if:

(a) the dog is under the effective control of some competent person and is restrained by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog, and

(b) the person does not feed the dog or permit the dog to be fed, and

© the dog is kept on the ground.

(2) However, if the outdoor dining area is within a public place declared by a local authority to be an off-leash area:

(a) it is not necessary for the dog to be restrained by means of a chain, cord or leash, and

(b) the dog can be fed while the dog is on the ground, but not using any apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans, and

© the dog can sit on a person’s lap, but must not be allowed to sit on any table or chairs or make contact with other apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans.

(5) An "outdoor dining area" is an area that:

(a) is used for the consumption of food by humans, and

(b) is not enclosed, and

© can be entered by the public without passing through an enclosed area in which dogs are prohibited by this Act or the other relevant legal restrictions,

but does not include any part of an area that is used for the preparation of food.

(6) An area is enclosed if, except for doorways and passageways, the area is substantially or completely enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily, by:

(a) a ceiling or roof, and

(b) walls or windows (or both).

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I wonder if Mr Jeff Corbett is aware that dogs are allowed in outside dining throughout NSW, not just in Newcastle.


Dogs not prohibited in outdoor dining areas in certain circumstances

(1) The relevant legal restrictions do not prohibit a dog (other than a dangerous or restricted dog) from being in an outdoor dining area if:

(a) the dog is under the effective control of some competent person and is restrained by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog, and

(b) the person does not feed the dog or permit the dog to be fed, and

© the dog is kept on the ground.

(2) However, if the outdoor dining area is within a public place declared by a local authority to be an off-leash area:

(a) it is not necessary for the dog to be restrained by means of a chain, cord or leash, and

(b) the dog can be fed while the dog is on the ground, but not using any apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans, and

© the dog can sit on a person’s lap, but must not be allowed to sit on any table or chairs or make contact with other apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans.

(5) An "outdoor dining area" is an area that:

(a) is used for the consumption of food by humans, and

(b) is not enclosed, and

© can be entered by the public without passing through an enclosed area in which dogs are prohibited by this Act or the other relevant legal restrictions,

but does not include any part of an area that is used for the preparation of food.

(6) An area is enclosed if, except for doorways and passageways, the area is substantially or completely enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily, by:

(a) a ceiling or roof, and

(b) walls or windows (or both).

I don't think he'd let the facts get in the road of a good rant!

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I think there is a lot of hatred in some groups of people about dogs. They really do see them as an animal that should not exist. They see them as man made so therefore intrinsically bad, dirty, meat eating food wasting carbon methane emitters, owned by people who just as bad as their dogs and very selfish to even consider owning one. They hate seeing dogs in public because they know it promtes others to want a dog. As the leader of the dog hater movement said, 'If you want a pet get a stuffed animal'. It is all the same rubbish.

Fortunately they are still in the minority. However the press and media is the favorite home for many who strongly hold these sorts of beliefs. They do their best to use their position of power by being able to reach so many people with their words. They make it seem like they are reflecting the thoughts of the majority. I believe they think it is their duty in life to convert as many people as possible to their way of thinking 'to save the world'. Much the same as the religious zealots who went around the world forcing their beliefs on others in gods name. Just no god this time around, but the story is the same with armageddon (climate) just around the corner.

Anyway good on Newcastle and I hope everone writes to the council and says how much they think this was the right thinkg to do and how important dogs are to peoples llives.

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doG some of those comments made me mad! People are so short sighted and ridiculous sometimes. Glad a few people mentioned people's horrible children as a comparison because it's the truth.

As for Jeff well he just wanted to go with the viewpoint which would win him the most supporters. Idiot.

Edited by Keira&Phoenix
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I wonder if Mr Jeff Corbett is aware that dogs are allowed in outside dining throughout NSW, not just in Newcastle.


Dogs not prohibited in outdoor dining areas in certain circumstances

(1) The relevant legal restrictions do not prohibit a dog (other than a dangerous or restricted dog) from being in an outdoor dining area if:

(a) the dog is under the effective control of some competent person and is restrained by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog, and

(b) the person does not feed the dog or permit the dog to be fed, and

© the dog is kept on the ground.

(2) However, if the outdoor dining area is within a public place declared by a local authority to be an off-leash area:

(a) it is not necessary for the dog to be restrained by means of a chain, cord or leash, and

(b) the dog can be fed while the dog is on the ground, but not using any apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans, and

© the dog can sit on a person’s lap, but must not be allowed to sit on any table or chairs or make contact with other apparatus provided for the consumption of food by humans.

(5) An "outdoor dining area" is an area that:

(a) is used for the consumption of food by humans, and

(b) is not enclosed, and

© can be entered by the public without passing through an enclosed area in which dogs are prohibited by this Act or the other relevant legal restrictions,

but does not include any part of an area that is used for the preparation of food.

(6) An area is enclosed if, except for doorways and passageways, the area is substantially or completely enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily, by:

(a) a ceiling or roof, and

(b) walls or windows (or both).

However the majority of councils have a local government law that removes this right.

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I take my dogs to cafes and outside dining areas of restaurants. They sit quietly near the table. They don't beg for food and would never ever do their pees and poos in these areas.

I'm so glad this is allowed in my council. It's a great experience to take them out.

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doG some of those comments made me mad! People are so short sighted and ridiculous sometimes. Glad a few people mentioned people's horrible children as a comparison because it's the truth.

As for Jeff well he just wanted to go with the viewpoint which would win him the most supporters. Idiot.

a lot of those comments were horrible. But some of them regarding kids were filled with just as much hatred as those regarding dogs.

I think we can do without the hatred.

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doG some of those comments made me mad! People are so short sighted and ridiculous sometimes. Glad a few people mentioned people's horrible children as a comparison because it's the truth.

As for Jeff well he just wanted to go with the viewpoint which would win him the most supporters. Idiot.

a lot of those comments were horrible. But some of them regarding kids were filled with just as much hatred as those regarding dogs.

I think we can do without the hatred.

I agree about the hatred but in saying that feel that it was so harsh because they were clearly offended by what the non doggy people had been saying, some of it was so very, very rude and unnecessary and I can understand how the doggy people responded because I felt the same.

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It amazes me the vehemence in some of the comments! No room for rational argument although I guess that's the idea of the opinion piece to divide and cause dissension. I find the fact that people are quite happy to denigrate and ridicule each other on this type of blog a rather sad indictment of the area I live in. :D

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My dog is cleaner and more pleasant than the majority of people. I have never seen a dog defecate in an eating area and I think it's disgusting that this Jeff Corbett insinuates that dog owners would allow that to happen and then not clean up after their animal. Glad Newcastle has taken this step and wish the ACT government would do the same and stop fining owners of establishments that allow pet owners to enjoy a meal with their dog in an outdoor eating area.

This is a blog article that appeared in our local paper yesterday regarding a recent law passed by Newcastle Council that allows dogs to sit with their owners in outside areas of cafes. The whole manner of the article irritates me with the seeming desire to equate dogs defecating at cafes etc.


Dining with dogs - Jeff Corbett

Newcastle City Council has changed its mind and now allows dogs to share outdoor dining areas with people, and illustrating that news item in the Herald early this month was a photo of one of Newcastle's doggiest people, Roy Duffy, with his dog Woody. Mr Duffy, a former Newcastle citizen of the year and the found of Doggy Fun Day, was pictured with Woody on his knee at a cafe table in Newcastle's Darby Street, a sight to warm a doggy person's heart. It won't, though, warm yours if you don't fancy eating with dogs.

Sure, Newcastle council stipulates that the dogs be on a leash, on the ground and not fed in the area, and sure, Mr Duffy had Woody on his knee for the purposes of the photo. But it won't be the first time you'll see a dog on a knee in a cafe in Newcastle. And you'll see big dogs slobbering over food even though they are on the ground. Newcastle council bars smoking in outdoor dining areas on the basis that the smell is offensive and the smoke a health hazard, but it allows doggy people to inflict their dogs on us in public dining areas even though the smell can be offensive and the dog excreta a health hazard. This came about because the council received one submission calling for change to its dogs and outdoor dining policy. Yes, just one, and it refuses to tell me who lodged that submission.

Yes, we may assume that a doggy person at a cafe would clean up his or her dog's poo, although we assumed the same for Newcastle's dog-legal beach, Horseshoe, which is now so littered with dog faeces it is out of bounds for most of us. And even if it is to be picked up, should we have to put up with dogs defecating under the table?

Why should anyone be permitted to inflict their dog on me, to contaminate my immediate surrounds, in public dining areas?

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would love this idiot to provide some evidence that having dogs in an outdoor eating area actually poses ANY risk to public health and safety.. the fact is the evidence supports the opposite argument.

This is a blog article that appeared in our local paper yesterday regarding a recent law passed by Newcastle Council that allows dogs to sit with their owners in outside areas of cafes. The whole manner of the article irritates me with the seeming desire to equate dogs defecating at cafes etc.


Dining with dogs - Jeff Corbett

Newcastle City Council has changed its mind and now allows dogs to share outdoor dining areas with people, and illustrating that news item in the Herald early this month was a photo of one of Newcastle's doggiest people, Roy Duffy, with his dog Woody. Mr Duffy, a former Newcastle citizen of the year and the found of Doggy Fun Day, was pictured with Woody on his knee at a cafe table in Newcastle's Darby Street, a sight to warm a doggy person's heart. It won't, though, warm yours if you don't fancy eating with dogs.

Sure, Newcastle council stipulates that the dogs be on a leash, on the ground and not fed in the area, and sure, Mr Duffy had Woody on his knee for the purposes of the photo. But it won't be the first time you'll see a dog on a knee in a cafe in Newcastle. And you'll see big dogs slobbering over food even though they are on the ground. Newcastle council bars smoking in outdoor dining areas on the basis that the smell is offensive and the smoke a health hazard, but it allows doggy people to inflict their dogs on us in public dining areas even though the smell can be offensive and the dog excreta a health hazard. This came about because the council received one submission calling for change to its dogs and outdoor dining policy. Yes, just one, and it refuses to tell me who lodged that submission.

Yes, we may assume that a doggy person at a cafe would clean up his or her dog's poo, although we assumed the same for Newcastle's dog-legal beach, Horseshoe, which is now so littered with dog faeces it is out of bounds for most of us. And even if it is to be picked up, should we have to put up with dogs defecating under the table?

Why should anyone be permitted to inflict their dog on me, to contaminate my immediate surrounds, in public dining areas?

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Amazing isn't it, as soon as you say you don't want dog at outside tables or in cafe's, then you instantly become a dog hater.

If you want your dog to dine with you, there's always your own kitchen table.

Whilst you might think it makes for a nice day out, taking your dog with you, not everyone else agrees. There's no point comparing kids to dogs, as they are not children and are not afforded the same rights as a child, not matter how disgusting some people think children are. The fact is kids are allowed to eat with their parents at any cafe be it indoors or out and chucking around comments about how badly behaved some are, does nothing to help the doggie cause.

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I actually think some of those comments are hilarious. This one had me choking on my coffee :laugh:

dog lovers are without exception fruit loops.......leave your idiot animals at home...the rest of us who enjoy human interaction don't want your dribbling hairy turd machines near our food.

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