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Fully Fenced Dog Park


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Are you lucky enough to have a fully fenced dog park near you?

I am trying to get the first fully fenced off-lead dog park on the NSW Central Coast. I have approached council and am currently writing a proposal to hand in with a petition. There is also a facebook page and I will soon share the link to this page with council who are interested in how much support this proposal has. The more support, the more weight it is likely to have with council.

I am interested in your comments or advice on this project.

If you would like to show your support or post comments on the benefits of a fenced dog park (where council will see it), the link is:


You would also be able to follow the progress, which may be useful if you are trying to get one in your area. Thanks!

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No no such thing around here. Not ever likely to be one either.

Editing--- to say best of luck, I hope you are successful in getting NSW central coast first ever designated fenced dog park :thumbsup:

Edited by -GT-
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I am in inner Sydney and we have several. Also two very big and therefore not fenced ones. Love them and use them regularly. Unfortunately also lots of unfenced ones on main highways - tks council! :thumbsup:

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i approached my ranger/council about one a few years ago, and while the ranger was on board (was trying to get one approved) the council shot it down in flames. I am not so fussed now as it's unlikely i would take my dogs there anyway. Fences sometimes mean that owners think they don't need to have control over their dogs.

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No, none in my area either. The closest is about a 30 min drive.

I'm not too fussed though, we have a lot of large off leash areas (unfenced) including beaches so I can't complain.

In my experience fenced parks are too small and attract "naughty" dogs (and owners :laugh:)

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It's NSW council law (? - maybe just guidelines) to provide leash free parks, however I don't think they have to be fenced. Our council has several advertised leash-free parks. Council will fence some parts (e.g. running along a canal, or separating a section of a park) but otherwise rely on existing neighbours' fences. One park had a big area that we thought was part of the park, until the neighbouring landowner built a big fence across it and blocked it off!

We love our leash-free parks, Canterbury and Hurstville council areas have some great parks. Some of the owners and dogs, however...

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I have a dog park five house away from me but its not fenced. The council refuse to fence it because all dogs off leash should be under the owners control.

I take my dogs down about 5.30 in the morning after we have been for a walk. I have four dogs so it is easier to go when no one else is there.

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Are you lucky enough to have a fully fenced dog park near you?

I much prefer dog off lead areas to be unfenced or partially fenced. Fully fenced parks just invite owners who have not done a good job of recall training and/or don't pay a lot of attention to what their dog is doing.

Some NSW council off lead spaces are great - eg Blainey is good - could do with more shade and dog bags and bins so people pick up. The one I went to in Bathurst, was unfenced - good but pretty much a small green patch inside four very busy roads. And my dog freaks out when it comes to busy roads. Not happy about that one. Prefered the area near the hockey fields which was probably not off lead but was relatively speeding traffic free. The nice cricket ovals next to the tourist info centre - there was a snake there. Not happy about that either tho dog was pretty excited. Fortunately she was on lead at the time. No, evil hound, we do not get to play with the wriggling hissing stick.

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We have quite a few here.

I have only been to 3 of them.

One is just a big open paddock with a little creek running through the center.

Another is a big open field with a few trees and some agility equipment.

The third is basically bush land with walking tracks through it, but it's entirely dog-proof.

The dogs favourite is the agility one, they like the bushland one but tend to stick to the path and don't explore as much.

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Our council has quite a good one with three sections, one for large dogs, one for small, and one for puppies. We don't use it much as it's a bit on the boring side for the boys and they aren't big on fetch. If they were big on fetch I'd probably use it more. Some sillyness goes on there with some dogs and owners, but it's not too bad if you can find an area to yourself.

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The majority of dog parks in our city are fully fenced and in my experience bigger, more open areas are far more safe than the fully fenced ones that cram a huge number of highly aroused dogs into the one small area.

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We have one a few blocks away and go there nearly every day!

I think we have lucked out with owners and dogs as everyone is very watchful of dogs but also very social. There have been a few escalation's but people have stepped in before anything happened and I have learnt a lot from those people.

I have received many mixed reviews from people but think as long as people keep an eye on and can control their dogs I think they're a great idea!!

Good luck with it all :)

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We have one a few blocks away and go there nearly every day!

I think we have lucked out with owners and dogs as everyone is very watchful of dogs but also very social. There have been a few escalation's but people have stepped in before anything happened and I have learnt a lot from those people.

I have received many mixed reviews from people but think as long as people keep an eye on and can control their dogs I think they're a great idea!!

Good luck with it all :)

I agree, we have one nearby and the owners are 99% great. They watch their dogs, they clean up after there dogs and if someone misses their dog doing one, it will be politely pointed out. There is the odd one missed, but it's rare. However, with all the rain it's currently a mud pit, so it is off limits for a little while.

But once again, great dog owners who look out for their dogs, keep control of them and ensure there are minimal arguments. Oskar just loves it. He has a core group of his favourite playmates, which range from a Staffy to a Greyhound, a Border Collie and a GSP. :D I guess we got lucky too!

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I hope you get support for the fenced area. It would be great to see one on the central coast. I am lucky enough to own greyhounds and Gosford Greyhound Track allows us to use their facilities to exercise our pet greyhounds.

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There are a few fully fenced dog parks around my city, and some off-lead dog areas which are not fully fenced. No big fenced areas right in the city though, which I would love to see! One of parks here, which is about 15 minutes from my house, has a number of different fenced areas which is pretty cool... a large one with a doggy playground, two or three smaller areas with trees and another large area with a section of river running through it. It's a really nice dog park and because of the number of paddocks you can get away to another area if there are some bossy dogs in the one you are in! I'm not as much of a fan as the parks which are just a great big paddock with loads of dogs running loose, it's asking for trouble in my opinion, especially on weekends when inexperienced dog owners are there drinking coffee and chatting while their dog that hasn't been exercised all week is running around humping everything like mad! A lot of people I know avoid dog parks at peak traffic hours to avoid these sorts of dog owners.

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