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Natural Car Sickness Medication


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Hi guys, my little man gets car sick and we are going camping for Easter a 2 hr drive :-( so I need to get something to try before we go.. Does anyone have any recommendations, I would rather a homeopathic one.. The only one that comes up in a search is located in the US..

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I tried ginger tablets for my pup...didn't work lol

I did get one of these homeopathy kits, the extension kit has a car sickness remedy, whether or not the remedy works, he hasn't been sick in the car since, although it has only been a couple of trips

ETA, these guys are located in Jimboomba

Edited by GoldenGirl85
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I have found that pieces of ginger work well too... (I think they were non-crystallised ginger pieces).

Also, a little off topic, this is going to sound strange but our puppy school talks about a common problem whereby dogs who are car sick are commony found to have their spine out of alignment (in paricular I think its called an 'atlas' which is the big bone around their head). This didn't mean much to me until I decided to take the advice of the breeder of our second dog and go to the dog chiropractor with both of them - turns out Asti has had a massive headache and spine out of alignment for pretty much her whole life and when she was little she used to get car sick - i just didn't know it was because of her spine I thought it was the playing at the dog park :(

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We have crystallised ginger on standby here. A couple of pieces about 15 mins before we go then a piece every 10 mins or so on sections of road that cause issues. Works a treat for us. If it's anxiety based, would a DAP diffuser work?

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We don't go in the car that much mainly because I work and weekends we do things around the house in the yard.. He first vomited on the way back from his breeders after his puppy clip then yesterday when i picked the Kids up.. I searched dog sickness and the signs are drooling, yawning and uneasyness well that's what he has always displayed in the car pretty much from once we drive out the driveway, der I should have thought more of this behaviour from the start..

Anyway I'll try the tablets and get some ginger crystals to keep in the car. The one I found from the US looks good, it is expensive and not sure if it can be brought in anyway it is called easy travel solutionfrom petalive ( sorry can't put a link up from my tablet)

Persephone I doubt if I gave him to much it would matter hey since it is ginger but I will ring anyway thank you :-)

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Also, a little off topic, this is going to sound strange but our puppy school talks about a common problem whereby dogs who are car sick are commony found to have their spine out of alignment (in paricular I think its called an 'atlas' which is the big bone around their head). This didn't mean much to me until I decided to take the advice of the breeder of our second dog and go to the dog chiropractor with both of them - turns out Asti has had a massive headache and spine out of alignment for pretty much her whole life and when she was little she used to get car sick - i just didn't know it was because of her spine I thought it was the playing at the dog park :(

I would say that's completely on topic and I was going to mention the same thing. Other threads in this community on the subject of motion sickness in dogs have mentioned that an adjustment to the atlas bone can be a cure!

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Mum of 4 girls.. that homeopathic remedy is mostly a preparation made from ............ ginger and peppermint ;) also aconite, potassium phosphate , and a couple of other things.

I find homeopathic pilules not much good for dogs/cats, as they do not stay in contact with mucous membranes long enough to be correctly absorbed..prefer liquids .....

Ginger tablets poked down a throat are a sure way to get the ginger where it is required ,in a hurry . My dogs won't eat the crystallized stuff.. and it is mostly sugar anyway, which they don't need.

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I know this wont help you short term (Easter) but long term your puppy may grow out of it. My In-laws had a dog that used to get car sick as a puppy but is fine now...I myself used to spew my guts up on long car trips...I grew out of it.

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That's good to know ..

Ginger tablets it is and I'll make a chiropractic apt..

I also used to spew my guts up on trips to the coast every year for Xmas blah yuck. I also grew out of it so fingers crossed he does, we plan to do lots of camping in the near future :-)

Mum of 4 girls.. that homeopathic remedy is mostly a preparation made from ............ ginger and peppermint ;) also aconite, potassium phosphate , and a couple of other things.

I find homeopathic pilules not much good for dogs/cats, as they do not stay in contact with mucous membranes long enough to be correctly absorbed..prefer liquids .....

Ginger tablets poked down a throat are a sure way to get the ginger where it is required ,in a hurry . My dogs won't eat the crystallized stuff.. and it is mostly sugar anyway, which they don't need.

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I have also heard of using junket tablets as well. I don't know how successful as I haven't had to used either on my dogs.

I know junket tablets have been mentioned along with ginger in older DOL threads on the subject.

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We don't go in the car that much mainly because I work and weekends we do things around the house in the yard..

Well there's your first thing to work on. Going in the car needs to be old hat to the pup. With my drooly vomity babies, it was mileage as much as anything that got them over it.

I think there's also an anxiety component in a lot of dog's car sickness.

What sort of car have you got and where does your pup travel in the car?

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My mothers new dogs gets car sick, but we now seem to be getting on top of it (touch wood). Jackie is 2yrs old. Mum brought her home in October and she threw up most of the hour long trip, poor darling. She's fine in short trips from mum's home i.e. to dog park etc..

Mum's been to my place a couple of times since then (about 25m min trip) and she's been sick each time.

I'm caring for Jackie at the moment as mum's away, so we've done the trip to and fro from mum's house three times now in two days - no sick. I'm putting it down to anxiety whilst in the car.

On trip one, I had her on my lap and in her bed. We stopped three times when she started getting yawny/chop smacky and let her out of the car (on lead) for a couple of minutes to snif/walk/smell/be on solid ground. I also noticed she became more anxious going round corners. We managed to avoid a spew. She gets fed twice a day, we didn't feed her her morning meal before the trip which was at 6pm.

On trip two, I had her attached to a dog harness that attaches to the back seat belt - in her bed again. I stopped once when i noticed she was getting a bit yawny/chop smacky did so the snif/walk/smell/be on solid ground thing. She fell asleep in her bed after that. She only had a couple of kibble biscuits after trip one before trip two (next morning). I think the harness helps her feel more secure, relieving her anxiety a bit.

On trip three, She was in harness attached to the back seatbelt again and we made the whole trip without stopping. She has a full breaky and i picked her up at 5pm. That was this afternoon :thumbsup:

I think each trip without being sick is building up her confidence about being in the car. Once you have ruled out a medical issue with your boy, (and if its still a problem) perhaps try something like we've done..giving frequent breaks at the start (and with-holding one meal) to see if you can build up the amount of time he can manage in the car... before your get to Easter.

Good luck its awful to see them suffering so much.

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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I drive a Honda Odyssey. He normally is in the front seat in a car harness only because the seats are leather, even though they are covered they have side rests so I can keep an eye on him in the front. The day we went to the breeders (and when we go camping) he was in the boot part, I fold down the back seat so he has more room and he is harnessed in also.

I'm on a weeks holiday now so we will be going for daily drives to school and I'm going to take him to the beach also.. I agree I need to give him more access to car rides..

We don't go in the car that much mainly because I work and weekends we do things around the house in the yard..

Well there's your first thing to work on. Going in the car needs to be old hat to the pup. With my drooly vomity babies, it was mileage as much as anything that got them over it.

I think there's also an anxiety component in a lot of dog's car sickness.

What sort of car have you got and where does your pup travel in the car?

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Thank you Polgara I will try that, I know when we first got him I did a fair bit of work with treats and the car as I had 3 wks off so I had him in the car every day doing the school runs.. Once I got back to work the opportunity wasn't there and I guess we got swept up in the doing stuff at home on weekends thing.. I'll make sure that changes..

My mothers new dogs gets car sick, but we now seem to be getting on top of it (touch wood). Jackie is 2yrs old. Mum brought her home in October and she threw up most of the hour long trip, poor darling. She's fine in short trips from mum's home i.e. to dog park etc..

Mum's been to my place a couple of times since then (about 25m min trip) and she's been sick each time.

I'm caring for Jackie at the moment as mum's away, so we've done the trip to and fro from mum's house three times now in two days - no sick. I'm putting it down to anxiety whilst in the car.

On trip one, I had her on my lap and in her bed. We stopped three times when she started getting yawny/chop smacky and let her out of the car (on lead) for a couple of minutes to snif/walk/smell/be on solid ground. I also noticed she became more anxious going round corners. We managed to avoid a spew. She gets fed twice a day, we didn't feed her her morning meal before the trip which was at 6pm.

On trip two, I had her attached to a dog harness that attaches to the back seat belt - in her bed again. I stopped once when i noticed she was getting a bit yawny/chop smacky did so the snif/walk/smell/be on solid ground thing. She fell asleep in her bed after that. She only had a couple of kibble biscuits after trip one before trip two (next morning). I think the harness helps her feel more secure, relieving her anxiety a bit.

On trip three, She was in harness attached to the back seatbelt again and we made the whole trip without stopping. She has a full breaky and i picked her up at 5pm. That was this afternoon :thumbsup:

I think each trip without being sick is building up her confidence about being in the car. Once you have ruled out a medical issue with your boy, (and if its still a problem) perhaps try something like we've done..giving frequent breaks at the start (and with-holding one meal) to see if you can build up the amount of time he can manage in the car... before your get to Easter.

Good luck its awful to see them suffering so much.

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Guest donatella

my friends dog gets sick when she is in the car sitting solo but not when sitting on someone's lap, so maybe do a trial of him sitting on one of the kids laps before you go to see how he goes? sometimes they work themselves up which makes them sick, but sitting on a lap calms them consideriabl. worth a shot i guess :swing:

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my friends dog gets sick when she is in the car sitting solo but not when sitting on someone's lap, so maybe do a trial of him sitting on one of the kids laps before you go to see how he goes? sometimes they work themselves up which makes them sick, but sitting on a lap calms them consideriabl. worth a shot i guess :swing:

Good point worth a try..

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