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Dogs And Grief


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This is more of a whinge than anything, but OMG Kaos is driving me crazy at times :(

I have had to go back to her training as a puppy over the last few days.

Since we lost Atlas she has become so annoying, Begging for food, not listening to me. It is driving me crazy.

She has always been the dog i knew would do everything i would say, now she has to be told a few times before she does it.

Atlas would never allow her near food, so now she does not have him here, the second food is out she is begging like she has never been fed before

She is also very worried about me, comes in a few times during the night to check on me - this doesnt worry me so much as she walks in, gives me a sniff and goes back to her bed, like she needs to know I am here and I am ok.

I have been very careful not to spoil her because I need it, I would love to have her in the bed with me and snuggle all the time at the moment, but it will just make things worse. I have also made sure i follow through with commands, if i tell her to go to bed and she wont, i get up and put her in there etc.

So while i believe i am doing most things right... has anyone had any experience with dealing with a dog who has never been on her own in 7 years who is now an only dog?

Oh, she has also become very protective of the house, would always give a hello bark when someone came to the door, now it is more serious bark, once she sees who it is she backs off.

Just got so much going on, i really dont want to do this wrong and stuff her up :(

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I'm sorry for your loss. :(

I would be inclined to go easy on her a bit. Obviously not to the extent of starting behaviour routines you have to fix later, but there's lots of things changing. Her buddy has gone and you would smell different - hormonal changes etc.

I haven't been in the same situation but notice the re-adjustment period is generally 2-4 weeks with my pack. I lost my boss-lady dog last year and the other two spent an extended period of time not doing very much.

You might want to think about a thunder shirt or DAP collar or DAP diffusers...or a combo.

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I also wanted to say I am so sad to hear of Atlas passing and am sorry and sad for your loss.I guess it's an adjustment for Kaos too, try to be patient, maybe give her some new jobs or train some new tricks, she's probably missing her friend and noticing the changes:(....big hugs.

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Hugs Teebs. There is always a period of adjustment when the pack changes. It sounds like you are doing well. I admit to unashamedly spoiling mine when I lose a pet. Still spoiling them actually but they are nice little dogs and aren't taking advantage.

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So sorry for your loss Teebs. :(

I haven't been in the situation for a long time. But I remember when we were kids one of our dogs was killed in front of all of us and for that night only us kids were allowed the dogs in the bed. We were afraid something would happen to them too and were treasuring the moments with them thinking how short their lives are.

These days my dogs sleep in their own beds but occasionally when I am feeling down or when I am thinking about loss, they are allowed to sleep with us for a treat. I don't think it does them any harm. As others said, she would probably be unsure with all the changes so go a little easier on her. Hugs to you all.

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Kenzie had a distinct grieving period when we lost Emma. She was down all the time, became extra clingy, would mope, and spent a lot of time lying on my bed staring out the front window.

I dealt with it by trying to keep as much as possible normal, although it's hard when you're in tears every few minutes. But I tried to make sure she still got her same walks, we'd spent a lot of time at the vet so we still popped in just to say hello, things like that. I did go to some extra effort in terms of organising play dates for her though. she hadn't experienced life on her own, and although Em didn't really play with her she was there for company, so I was lucky enough that a friend was able to pick her up during the day once a week and take her to her place to play with her dogs. And I have to say she did get lots of extra cuddles and treats, she just really needed someone to be with her. But after a month or so she started to get back to normal, so Kaos will bounce back eventually.

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In my experience they miss the company probably more than they miss the dog itself

So it is not surprising that your company is being sought

I would give lots of company, lots of exercise, and a bit of time

The exercise in particular should help

Sorry for your loss. It can be quite an adjustment all round

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So sorry for your loss.

Patience and a set routine for her will help, she will get there.

We recently lost 2 of our dogs - one tragically and one old so we knew the time was coming - they went two weeks apart - big sigh. But our dogs have all reacted differently to this, one - Bella is quite stressed - almost frantic at times but she is a very perceptive dog as well, I am giving her Bush Flower Drops - "Transition Essence" - it is made for those going through a transition and I use it on our older dogs when they are getting close to their time - I find it works for those left behind as well and "Emergency Essence" for acute stress, its been only a week since the second one left us and its starting to calm her somewhat.

She has other dogs around, can't imagine how hard it is for a dog to lose the one thats been there all her life - thats pretty huge :(.

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Yeah, she is the one who always freaked out when she was left alone, i tried to take him out more to get her to learn that being alone is ok, but she never really got over it.

my biggest issue is that with a baby on the way, i really dont want to let her think she can have run of the house just because the Top Dog is gone.

She only checked on me 4 times last night (that i know of, but im not sleeping well and sure i would have heard if she came in more than that) so its getting a bit better! :laugh:

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teebs, you may want to check in with a professional .... her personality will probably change now she is the one & only ... so you're doing the right things in setting new rules now , while she's still a bit unsure . :)


(after all she is a female :p )

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And now she has started barking. Came home early today and she started howling

Need to talk to neighbours and see if she is doing it when I'm not home :(

If she is grieving strongly it is not unreasonable to talk to your vet about medication to help her through.

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I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Atlas, Teebs. Lots of good suggestions here, and I'd definitely start with some DAP, and maybe try some rescue remedy, or similar, to see if that helps. I know your situation is compounded by your health, but keeping her distracted with training and mental exercise should help as well. Does she interact with your cats at all?

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The cats have an outside run so they can see each other, her and Bella also have cuddles every night and her and zero will wrestle until she gets too rough and he won't play, do she still gets attention

She plays with the cats more than she ever played with Atlas!

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We lost our old kelpie two weeks ago and our young one went through exactly the same thing we went soft on her at the start then had to crack down a bit as she was really pushing her luck now its all back to normal thank good ness

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