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Quirky Dog Habits.

Ruin Maniac

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Maybe Suleiman likes his water with a spot of 'cordial' in it for more flavour?

I really need to video Tempeh doing her mail inspections every day. She takes it so seriously and practically gives me an all clear nod when she is satisfied I can open the mail. Window envelopes and small packages from China get the biggest sniff down.

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Stan has too many too list but one I do find odd is his phobia of poo. When out walking any dog I know likes to take a whiff of a stray poo but not Stan, he'll do anything to avoid it even if he has to jump over it. When he does a poo in the backyard he comes thundering up the back stairs as fast as he can, I'm sure he thinks it's chasing him :laugh:

Maddie does a thousand circles in bed with the occasional dig in between before she finally lies down. Wouldn't be a problem but she sleeps with me and it's bloody annoying in the middle of the night. I have to be careful not to say anything like "Maddie...just lay down" because she stops and looks at me for a moment and then starts the whole process again! It's like I've made her lose count :laugh:

Edited by stans mum
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I have a quirky couple very similar to Pretty miss em only it's my Stella who is a toy sucker/carrier with "pete" the pelican. She is off with the fairies when she is sucking away on Pete & when she isn't she carries him everywhere she goes. If she gets tired of carrying him when we are out & about she looks at me & stops, her cue that It.s my turn to carry him for a while. Stella also digs up a beautiful bed whether she is about to lay down on the wooden floor (scratch) tiles, outside or in her own bed. Circles round & round & digs like mad for a frantic minute then lays down. Every time.

My boy's only weird habit is before I put his lead on or get ready to groom him , he walks round in a circle about 2 metres in diameter every single time. Why? Dont know but it's every time without fail.. :)

Lili is a toy sucker too. She alternates between shaking the toy to death to suckling and kneading it with her paws. She goes to sleep doing this and has done it since she was a baby. She's lying on the floor sucking on her "Sharky" right now :)

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Another strange ting Cougar does, she drags the blankie off the couch, that I use to stop doggy stains & drags it under my computer table to lay on, when I'm on the computer.

The blanket was Kenny"s favourite too, it has been washed many times since Kenny crossed the :rainbowbridge: but she still prefers laying on it than anything else.

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Tarja likes to do commando rolls when she's playing. It used to be only when she's playing with other dogs, where she'll either be in the middle of a group or be running and getting the other dog/s to chase and then suddenly drop her shoulder and hit the ground from a dead run, but just this week she's started doing it when she's playing tug-o-war as well. She gives me a very annoyed look when she does a roll and it doesn't make me let go of the tug.

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I forgot. Bundy steals and hides tissues. He took an unopened pack outside and removed the tissues and ate them the other week (and my physio tape). Last night i popped some in my bag before going out and stupidly put my bag on the floor. Nothing was amiss until i couldnt find my tissues while out. I got home to find bits of them in the previously clean hallway. I wish i knew where he stashes them.

Edited by Bundyburger
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Tarja likes to do commando rolls when she's playing. It used to be only when she's playing with other dogs, where she'll either be in the middle of a group or be running and getting the other dog/s to chase and then suddenly drop her shoulder and hit the ground from a dead run, but just this week she's started doing it when she's playing tug-o-war as well. She gives me a very annoyed look when she does a roll and it doesn't make me let go of the tug.

Max does this too! It cracks me up, but she always makes people in the park concerned, especially when playing with bigger dogs (she's a pug). She'll be chasing and just commando roll, then get up and keep chasing. Someone will go "oh she tripped over, is she ok?" and I have to assure them it's part of the game and she did it intentionally :laugh:

She also does it playing tug, but more just rolls onto her back with the toy in her mouth - and I'm still not sure if I'm meant to let go or not, so we just keep playing tug while she's laying on her back :rofl:


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Yes, I've had a few people ask if she's ok when she's suddenly hit the deck, including one lady who was terribly worried that her lovely big but rather clumsy young dog tripped her over. It's possibly funniest when she does it in a group, though.

Upside-down tug is apparently now the thing :laugh:

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Well I found this entire thread hugely entertaining, so many adorable quirks!!

Marlo's strangest quirk is that he tries to bite my finger nails :s not my fingers though, he just tries to nibble on the few millimetres of nail that is longer than my finger tips. Maybe he does not like long nails?

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