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Could You Possibly Swap Your Dog For...


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I have actually in the past swapped a kitten for a puppy! :)

I had bred a litter of purebred, registered Burmese kittens and a breeder in my breed had a litter of American Cocker puppies which I admired. We were joking around one day at a show...."swap you a kitten for a puppy" type of thing and I nearly fell over when she actually asked what kind of kittens they were. Deal was quickly done and both of us were very happy with our transaction.

But....that said.....I wouldn't just do this ALL the time. It was just a mutually beneficial agreement at that particular time.

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I would assume anyone asking to swap like that is just kidding.

Not always, once had the breeder of my dog ask if id swap her back for a shetland pony, I thought she was joking, that is until she arrived back with the pony in the back seat of her car, kid was horse mad so there were two happy humans as a result. her breeder was thrilled to get her back, daughter had a ball with her pony for the next 16 years, even after well and truely outgrown. Sulky work solved that problem, won reserve Champion harness pony at camden show, first outing in harness, so that one turned out well for all parties.

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I'd never swap Scout for anything - he's the best dog I've had, but I just find it funny what people offer to swap him for.

Yes mixeduppup a fully trained working dog would be well worth the equivalent of a ute :D

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