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What's The Most Frustrating Statement Someone Has Made To You Late


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Little duck, I've actually found the kids are better than the parents. Even the worst little horrors the parents are still the ones behind them egging them on. icon_smile_mad.gif

That's very true, it's often the parents who have encouraged the kids to approach in the first place, it's as if they feel its there right to insist on their kids patting my dog. Some parents are very good though, they'll ask me first before involving their kids.

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Little duck, I've actually found the kids are better than the parents. Even the worst little horrors the parents are still the ones behind them egging them on. icon_smile_mad.gif

That's very true, it's often the parents who have encouraged the kids to approach in the first place, it's as if they feel its there right to insist on their kids patting my dog. Some parents are very good though, they'll ask me first before involving their kids.

This really gets my goat as I had similar issues with my horse when I was living in town still. I actually caught somebody popping their kid over the fence into the pasture so the kid could pat the pretty horsey. If the pretty horsey kicked that pretty head off the kid's shoulders there would be hell to pay.. for me!

But even with the dog, I get people walking past and just kind of holding out their hand and wiping at Foxy's head on the way past.. She dodges them as she does not like the whole pat on top of the head thing but really, it is very annoying and she shouldn't have to. And this is adults, not children!

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Little duck, I've actually found the kids are better than the parents. Even the worst little horrors the parents are still the ones behind them egging them on. icon_smile_mad.gif

That's very true, it's often the parents who have encouraged the kids to approach in the first place, it's as if they feel its there right to insist on their kids patting my dog. Some parents are very good though, they'll ask me first before involving their kids.

This really gets my goat as I had similar issues with my horse when I was living in town still. I actually caught somebody popping their kid over the fence into the pasture so the kid could pat the pretty horsey. If the pretty horsey kicked that pretty head off the kid's shoulders there would be hell to pay.. for me!

But even with the dog, I get people walking past and just kind of holding out their hand and wiping at Foxy's head on the way past.. She dodges them as she does not like the whole pat on top of the head thing but really, it is very annoying and she shouldn't have to. And this is adults, not children!

Putting your child in a paddock with a horse is very silly, especially someone else's horse. What gets me going is that feeling of entitlement these people have, my dog backs away from all strangers, adults and kids, every now and then I come across an adult who knows how to approach her but not often. The parents who try to make me feel mean because I won't make my dog be nice for their kids really irritate me.

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I don't think we have ever been refused a pat of a dog which we have asked if the kids can pat. I think in general, most owners and dogs are pretty easy to get on with if you use your manners and approach carefully and ask politely if the child can pat the dog.

In turn, it teaches the child not only basic manners, but also to allow the dog time to have a sniff of an outstretched hand before a gentle stroke on their heads. I am sure I will come across alot of charging children soon when my new Dalmatian comes :laugh:

I will put on my "Don't f*** with me face" that works to keep most people away! LOL LOL

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Im 6ft 4 and about 3ft wide. Ex rughy player. If I want to walk my boy in peace I just have to wear my old black combats and jacket with the hood up and everyone just seems to dodge me lol....

But everyone knows rugby players are big softies :laugh:

Got to love it when out walking someone will come up and stick there hand in Toby's face, I guess they want him to sniff there hand. Toby just ignores them and keeps on walking. Nothing is going to stop him from continuing on with his walk :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently while getting a massage from a student at the TAFE clinic:

Her: " what breed of dogs do you own?"

Me : " Rotty's"

Her: " Oh, you're one of those type of people"

Me: " what does that mean?"

Her: " You like nasty mean guard dogs. Well at least they don't kill as much as Pit Bulls"

Her: " I've never had a dog but I'd like a reddish coloured Belgian Sheperd coz they're pretty"

I'm stuck on the massage table with this fool :)

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Guest Maeby Fünke

"I'm going to breed because I want my (badly bred) Pug and Shih Tzu to know what it's like to be parents."

"Just tie a plastic bag to the lead to make it look like you're going to pick up your dog's poo."

"I'm getting a Pug but I don't want to have to exercise it much - my husband and I are low energy people."

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Guest Maeby Fünke

"Gee, he's a snob isn't he?"

Said about my Pug by a waitress at a café... My Pug was happily sitting on my knee and ignoring her as she was trying to pat him.

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Here's a good question, on telling a man I owned a Shihtzu

"Aren't Shihtzu's those vicious Japanese Hunting dogs"

I said "No Shihtzu's are a small Chinese breed"

He says "Ok a Chinese hunting dog, thought they were Japs, they are vicious though".


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Angry Man With Undersocialised Out of Control Bulldog (shouting from across the road): You should walk those dogs around the park!

Me: Pardon?

AMWUOCB: There are too many cats here! Those dogs are vicious.

Me (looking at 3 greyhounds who are walking on slack leashes enjoying an afternoon stroll): They aren't vicious. They're muzzled, leashed and under control. (Good dogs. Have some chicken. Ignore the shouty man.)

AMWUOCB (being pulled towards me by his dog who is lunging at the end of the leash): They shouldn't be here! I'm warning you, I'll shoot them if I see them near my cat!

Me: :confused: (Controlling Brandi who is protective and taking exception to a strange man with dog shouting at me as he approaches)

AMWUOCB: Bloody dopey woman! I'll shoot them!

Me: Heading for home wondering whether the man was completely insane and berating myself for engaging the crazy.

I've reported the incident to the council and am being vigilant about yard security - I wouldn't put it past him to track us down and try to bait the dogs. Fortunately they're inside most of the time.

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Walking through a dodgy part of town and I had a guy follow me for awhile asking some questions about Elsie... Fair enough... Then he asks me if I would like to sell her as a pig hunting dog as she looks really game. I've had 4 different people offer to buy her as a pigger from me! The guy that followed us was very nice though and when I said no he said ok, can I give her a cuddle? And he sat on the pavement and had a snuggle with her. I did make sure no one followed me home though :laugh:

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Angry Man With Undersocialised Out of Control Bulldog (shouting from across the road): You should walk those dogs around the park!

Me: Pardon?

AMWUOCB: There are too many cats here! Those dogs are vicious.

Me (looking at 3 greyhounds who are walking on slack leashes enjoying an afternoon stroll): They aren't vicious. They're muzzled, leashed and under control. (Good dogs. Have some chicken. Ignore the shouty man.)

AMWUOCB (being pulled towards me by his dog who is lunging at the end of the leash): They shouldn't be here! I'm warning you, I'll shoot them if I see them near my cat!

Me: :confused: (Controlling Brandi who is protective and taking exception to a strange man with dog shouting at me as he approaches)

AMWUOCB: Bloody dopey woman! I'll shoot them!

Me: Heading for home wondering whether the man was completely insane and berating myself for engaging the crazy.

I've reported the incident to the council and am being vigilant about yard security - I wouldn't put it past him to track us down and try to bait the dogs. Fortunately they're inside most of the time.

Ignorance helped along by social skills as poor as his own dog's. But under all that, is a stereotype that members of the public can have. Specially if they've no first-hand experience of well-cared for greyhounds.

We've lived next door to racing greyhounds for years. The owner of those greys owned a cat....which lived to an amazing age, nearly 20 years. On the other side of the chain-link fence, we've owned small dogs & cats. Never a problem from the greys. In fact, they're our small dogs' best friends.... who get used to socialise the greyhound puppies.

Well-cared for greys make great doggie neighbours.

Edited by mita
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Walking through a dodgy part of town and I had a guy follow me for awhile asking some questions about Elsie... Fair enough... Then he asks me if I would like to sell her as a pig hunting dog as she looks really game. I've had 4 different people offer to buy her as a pigger from me! The guy that followed us was very nice though and when I said no he said ok, can I give her a cuddle? And he sat on the pavement and had a snuggle with her. I did make sure no one followed me home though :laugh:

Funnily enough, this happened to me few times with my Weimaraner, too. Guy goes: "You wana sell your dog?" I goes "You got fifteen hundred bucks?" (This is what I paid at 8 weeks) Guy goes "WTF" the look on his face was priceless lol :p

Not that I would actually sell her, but if I would, he certainly did not look like he could afford her, I have spent a lot of time, money and effort training this dog, she isn't going cheap!

Edited by BlackJaq
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Guest Maeby Fünke

Today I got told by a drunk man that I look like my Pug. He called me "darlin'" and squeezed my cheek. I decided to take it as a compliment :laugh:

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