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It's all about practice skyefool... and you are a long way there already because you have a pretty good eye for a nice photo - that first Gecko one is awesome! (in the "I wish I'd taken that" category even)

I found that going out with my camera (when I was actually in the full throes of suicidal depression) last year really helped me start to take more notice of all the beauty that actually surrounds us if we just take a little time to see it...

Funnily enough, I reckon I take my best photos when I'm not feeling the best mentally... somehow the "damaged" part of me seems to be the most creative and gives me a different "eye" or perspective on what I'm looking at, and turns it into something I can smile about.


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I found that going out with my camera (when I was actually in the full throes of suicidal depression) last year really helped me start to take more notice of all the beauty that actually surrounds us if we just take a little time to see it...

Funnily enough, I reckon I take my best photos when I'm not feeling the best mentally... somehow the "damaged" part of me seems to be the most creative and gives me a different "eye" or perspective on what I'm looking at, and turns it into something I can smile about.

yes,and yes...

I have long been interested in this ...

here is some reading.

the long....


and the short...


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Good Morning, Skyefool :) As it is practice weekend .. some of these hints /explanations may be useful for you & your new camera !


excerpt :

Shutter speed in this metaphor is like the length of time you spend out in the sun. The longer you spend in the sun the increased chances of you getting a tan (of course spending too long in the sun can mean being over exposed).

Aperture is like sunscreen which you apply to your skin. Sunscreen blocks the sun at different rates depending upon it’s strength. Apply a high strength sunscreen and you decrease the amount of sunlight that gets through – and as a result even a person with highly sensitive skin can spend more time in the sun (ie decrease the Aperture and you can slow down shutter speed and/or decrease ISO).

As I’ve said – neither metaphor is perfect but both illustrate the interconnectedness of shutter speed, aperture and ISO on your digital camera.

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Right now I wish I hadn't got the bloody thing. I have spiraled into a depression of being a complete idiot and the fog is taking it's toll. I will try to think clearly and practice on the weekend. It might be FTAGH by next week! I certainly won't be posting any pictures. The ones posted here are soooo bad I'm ashamed. :mad

Hey NO! dont feel like this. Why did you buy the camera? to have fun with wasn't it? Dont be hard on yourself. Just take lots of photos and start experimenting, give yourself time.

Before I started school I was terrified about going. I remember telling my mother I didn't know how to write. She kept telling me they'll teach me, but I kept thinking I was supposed to know how before I started school. I'm still a bit like that now even though I know we have to give ourselves time to learn.

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Right now I wish I hadn't got the bloody thing. I have spiraled into a depression of being a complete idiot and the fog is taking it's toll. I will try to think clearly and practice on the weekend. It might be FTAGH by next week! I certainly won't be posting any pictures. The ones posted here are soooo bad I'm ashamed. :mad

Please do not think like this.

The dog photos are spontaneous and natural. They capture, and so define, exactly what the subject is: two larrkin dogs.

Your little mate, the Gecko, is awesome. These critters are hard to get close enough to capture. Yet you did that AND have him in focus.

Practise away. None of us here are saying be Anne Geddes. Rather, we are looking forward to sharing your journey in the world of photography.

And if you are close to the Murray River, then I am going to drool over photos of my favourite waterway.

Happy snaps!!


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Thank you everyone.

I really want to go forth and shoot lots of things, but here I am still in bed at 10 am on a glorious morning, literally forty steps away from the river, but battling with my demons about leaving the house today. Compounding the problem is my incomprehsible fear of looking stupid while I try to master something new. As I say, I literally live across the road from the river, and I have been wanting for years to get a kayak and go exploring, but holding me back is the fear of looking pretty ridiculous while I try to get it and me into the river for a start. Just leaving the house this morning is feeling like an insurmountable task because of my fear of being looked at at all.

I HAVE to go take the salon towels to the laundry so hopefully i will feel a bit braver once I get out of the house

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skyefool ..

one step, literally , at a time, OK ?

I think I've said before - the very first pact I made with my counsellor was to PUT MY BOOTS SHOES ON in teh mornings. Sometimes, like today ..it is the hardest thing to do ...like any training ,tho, it needs practice ;)

Why not just sit on your cute front verandah and play with the camera ? :) you are safe and in control there . :hug: yes, we will enjoy whatever pics you take .. sexy front fence ..distant trees..cloud shapes ..your shoes...the house windows/walls.... ANY thing can make an interesting photo , and stuff like brick/glass/has good texture to start with.

Take care :) Oh..and remember .. Joe & Jill Public will more than likely see a woman with a really nice camera , and think " I wish I could do that...." Wandering with a camera is a bit like wearing an invisibility cloak ;)

(and, if anyone disputes this I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, OK ????? :p) that's how it works for me ...

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Depression does strange things to your confidence, to be honest, most people are too busy with their own things to notice other people, and I like to hide behind the camera, often it's just a change of mindset that can work for you (in thinking "I'm behind the camera, invisible" kind of thing).

I can take 50 plus photos to get one I'm half happy with, I'm still learning and quite often it's a fluke :laugh: But Picasa (free editing software) is easy and can make any photo look loads better....not many people take a photo and then that's it, they are mostly heavily edited/enhanced.

Just to show an example (photo was a bit blurry, but you get the idea)




just cropped and edited/enhanced with Picasa

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I have never used editing software? I just have iPhoto on my vintage MacBook ('07!) I know i need to upgrade my computer too! It's so slow now that its quite annoying. I crop most of my photos but thats about it. I dont confess to know anything about editing.

I have gone outside and played with it a bit this morning. I know the taking a gazillion shots to get something half decent. I took over 50 photos of Crestie on Thursday and dont think I got anything, and on Tues I took over 100 shots of the 8 dogs I groomed, and again, nothing really! I just took about 100 pictures of a couple of passionfruit flowers in my yard. I will see what i have.....

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I have never used editing software? I just have iPhoto on my vintage MacBook ('07!) I know i need to upgrade my computer too! It's so slow now that its quite annoying. I crop most of my photos but thats about it. I dont confess to know anything about editing.

I have gone outside and played with it a bit this morning. I know the taking a gazillion shots to get something half decent. I took over 50 photos of Crestie on Thursday and dont think I got anything, and on Tues I took over 100 shots of the 8 dogs I groomed, and again, nothing really! I just took about 100 pictures of a couple of passionfruit flowers in my yard. I will see what i have.....

This is fine. Why? Because this is where you are with your photography.

Keep in mind, this is meant to be fun for you. You are allowing yourself an adventure with a lenses.

It's a learn as you go process.

Sure, a photo might need 'adjustment'. BUT, if your heart likes the photo, then you created the piece of art.

I did Medical Photography for centuries. It was truly wham, bam, shoot. But our boss always would say relax as you shoot that shot. You will be better co-ordinated. He was right.


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These are my favourites but they're probably all wrong for all sorts of reasons! Oh well. Now i am sitting here trying to work out why i just took a bunch of pictures of nothing. Duh! I think I should go and eat something today instead of coffee......

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These are my favourites but they're probably all wrong for all sorts of reasons! Oh well. Now i am sitting here trying to work out why i just took a bunch of pictures of nothing. Duh! I think I should go and eat something today instead of coffee......

Could you answer this question?

Did you take those fine photos for yourself or for someone else?

Have a small piece of chocolate with that coffee.

Your photos are working.

Trust yourself.


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Oh, I do like number two, well done! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, if you like them, that is all that matters. Bit the same as art, what one person likes, another won't. Perception, diversity, it's all good.

I've been told a few pics I've taken have been great, where as I can't see it and think they are okay, but a few other pics I think are bloody fantastic, well I'm probably the only one :laugh:

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